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Thread: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

  1. Default Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I didn't even know this existed until I was notified of the deal of the day.

    London style double decker bus tours in OKC.

    Anyone ever done this? Doesn't really appeal to me, but might be fun with out of town guests.

  2. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    News to me. I thought their ads (after the 1st page) were pretty cool.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    would one of those things have clearance under an okc traffic light? -M

  4. #4

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I love it!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Yeah they've been around for a few years, just never promote themselves very well. Glad you brought this back up, totally forgot almost but i was actually thinking the other day it'd be cool if we could get a double decker tour bus company downtown to tour downtown and the inner city districts.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I saw that driving around OKC the other day, and remember how shocked I was when I first saw it. Had never seen it before. I agree, it needs to promote itself more. Could be a fun ride.

  7. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    definitely about time OKC has these types of downtown/inner city cultural tour buses
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    would one of those things have clearance under an okc traffic light? -M
    A double decker isn't as tall as most semis and will easily fit under traffic lights.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I am not making fun of it - kudos - but it still reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer was giving tours and driving the bus.

  10. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Wow, interesting, pretty neat Oklahoma City has double-deck bus tours now.

  11. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I will only reserve when PennyQuilts is the host! She gotta sing, dance, and all that!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Now surely we don't want to run off the out of town tourists.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I wish I'd known about this a couple of weeks ago (but with all the rain we had July 4th weekend, it would have been a moot point, anyway).

    They need to fix that HUGE typo on the front page of their website...it's "Dining", not "Dinning"...dinning music does not a comfortable evening make, and tends to keep people away in droves.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Having never used their service, maybe they have it right and are just giving fair notice?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    This sounds fun, I am going to have to do this in the near future.

  16. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Hmmmm. Saw a promo on Ch4 this morning for an 'in your corner piece' that looks to be targeting the owner of these double decker buses. I think it airs at 6pm tonight.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Sounds great!

    Just as long as this isn't one of those road kill double-decker bus roachcoaches that you see all over town in stragetc places.

    I realize that people have to make a living, but does anyone know where the meals of these double-decker buses are being prepared or do they hit a popular restaurant scene?

  18. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    They are 'catered' by local Bricktown Restaurants.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Hmmmm. Saw a promo on Ch4 this morning for an 'in your corner piece' that looks to be targeting the owner of these double decker buses. I think it airs at 6pm tonight.

    Got busy with fam and missed it. Did anyone happen to catch it?

  20. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Just saw a promo ~ it's on at 10pm.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    I watched it. I was an "IN YOUR CORNER" segment with some people who were unhappy with the business. It basically sounded like the business did have some issues but the spokesperson was very forthcoming and sounded sincere in wanting to take care of any problems.

  22. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    The guy actually seemed like the nicest business owner they've ever had on that segment.

  23. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    There's also a company doing Segway tours. In true Okie fashion, it's called Sure Beats Walkin'. Eyeroll.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  24. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Another In Your Corner tonight. The guy is accused of writing hot checks to upset customers, employees, vendors.... state questions whether he's licensed.... buyer beware with London Limo and the double decker buses. This is why I waited on covering this... wanted to see if this guy is legit.

  25. Default Re: Double Decker bus tour of OKC with catered meal

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Another In Your Corner tonight. The guy is accused of writing hot checks to upset customers, employees, vendors.... state questions whether he's licensed.... buyer beware with London Limo and the double decker buses. This is why I waited on covering this... wanted to see if this guy is legit.
    Surprised nobody asked the owner "what about the 67 people who bought bus tour dinner deals via Wimgo? Do they get their money back?"

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