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Thread: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Any of you LGBT defenders care to defend what the Lyric Theatre did to a supposedly G rated production? Point being, I don't mind your sexual orientation but it's not a topic I would want kids exposed to. Why do you have such a need to advocate this agenda? I truly believe you are your own worst enemy.


  2. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Sounds like someone should avoid the arts at all costs LOL..

    But obviously they probably should have warned families that the play may be less suitable for children, but the point should be that the double entendres be subtle enough that children clearly not understand their meaning. Or are you assuming that your 4 year old kids understand the concept of male shrinkage??

    I honestly saw Chitty and wasn't nearly as appalled to say the least, and I'm a straight male. In case you weren't aware, two guys kissing is suppose to be a "funny ha-ha!" because it pokes fun at the entire gay debate. If someone from the Lyric saw your comment, "If any of you LGBT defenders want to stand up for the Lyric..." would probably rolling on their ass laughing right now. At you.

    It's going to be a difficult 21st century for you, man. That's all I gotta say. You might just shoot yourself now, but go do it in Texas, where they're making a last-ditch effort to bring sodomy laws back.

  3. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    I had some friends that went yesterday afternoon to see Chitty Chitty. They didn't mention any of that stuff, but they did leave at intermission because they thought it was pretty bad overall and they are season ticket holders.

  4. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Well come on, it's the Lyric Theatre. They're not going to do anything that just blows your mind that it is so good..

  5. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Well come on, it's the Lyric Theatre. They're not going to do anything that just blows your mind that it is so good..
    Like I said, they are season ticket holders - so naturally they are a supporters of the arts and know what to expect of the Lyric Theatre. If they were just a 'walk-in' then I wouldn't have given it much weight.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    But obviously they probably should have warned families that the play may be less suitable for children,
    You were right on that but the rest of your post only shows that you're intolerant of others views. If I were as intolerant of the LBGT community as you appear to be of me I wonder what you'd say?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    You were right on that but the rest of your post only shows that you're intolerant of others views. If I were as intolerant of the LBGT community as you appear to be of me I wonder what you'd say?
    It certainly didn't appear to me that Spartan was intolerent of your views. He was just pointing out that your views may become increasingly in the minority as the century progresses and I agree with that.

  8. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    You were right on that but the rest of your post only shows that you're intolerant of others views. If I were as intolerant of the LBGT community as you appear to be of me I wonder what you'd say?
    What I would say is "LOL"

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    What I would say is "LOL"
    What I would say is "one shouldn't post while half asleep"

  10. Default Re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    First of all, go back and watch the movie, because it's Vulgaria in the film as well. If you were offended by the Vulgarhoma joke, then you need to get a sense of humor.

    The rest of those 2nd act jokes were definitely PG-rated but no worse than some of the stuff in the Shrek movies, and completely over the head of children.

    And don't blame Lyric if you were offended. Other than the Vulgarhoma thing (obviously), nothing was changed from the original West End/Broadway version. In fact, the co-adapter of the stage version directed this production.

    It probably should have been rated PG instead of G, but otherwise it was an excellent production.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

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