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Thread: Un-freaking-believable

  1. #1

    Default Un-freaking-believable

    Once upon a time back in the first part of 2010 my dog Bubba was arrested by the dog police. My neighbor, an elderly gentleman two houses away, said Bubba jumped the fence and attacked him. So anyway the dog police came and got my Bubba and gave me a ticket and I would be notified when Court was. I waited over two weeks, and not being allowed to go visit my dog, I finally called and the Court said court is in 2 days, I thanked them for letting me know. I showed up in Court and the guy who called wasn't there. It turns out the Clerk never sent out any subpoenas for anybody letting them know when court was so the Judge postponed it another two weeks and my dog was still in jail this whole time.

    I go to court on the scheduled day and my neighbor couldn't identify my dog, said it happened at a time when my dog was inside and had no marks or anything else that showed he was attacked by a dog. The judge dismissed it for lack of evidence and I was able to go get Bubba and take him home.

    Yesterday I received a letter saying there's been a warrant issued for my arrest because I haven't paid my fine. I called the court and the clerk said the judge decided to find me guilty of letting my dog run loose. I informed the clerk the judge never said anything about that in court and if she did I would have appealed because it wasn't my dog that was out. She said I only had 48 hours to appeal and it was too late *duh* So now I have to go back to court and try to get them to lift the warrant until I can get the $450.00 fine paid. Like I said Un-freaking-believable.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    I prefer things to be dealt with on the local level but sometimes I am glad that our local bureaucrats and functionaries are NOT doing it for the state or federal governments. What asses.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Sounds like you should be calling all the local stations telling them your story.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    If my dog had been locked up for a month in doggy insane asylum I would have been out of my mind. All I can say is that I am sorry. At least he is home, now.

    If you won't get a lawyer, go see if you can see if the court took notes of what was ordered from the bench. Local lawyers? Help him out with some suggestions?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    If my dog had been locked up for a month in doggy insane asylum I would have been out of my mind. All I can say is that I am sorry. At least he is home, now.

    If you won't get a lawyer, go see if you can see if the court took notes of what was ordered from the bench. Local lawyers? Help him out with some suggestions?

    I called the Clerks office yesterday afternoon to request a transcript of my court appearance and they said they didn't have a recorder in the court that day so there is none. I have no way to prove the Judge never told me I was found guilty of a lesser charge, which I would have appealed. Now I have to go back to court and request the warrant for my arrest be lifted and a payment plan worked out because I don't have an extra $500 laying around. I don't know what else to do, I can't prove the Judge didn't say that to me without a transcript.

    Penny, he was in jail for 6 weeks and I wasn't allowed to go see him. This whole thing is messed up.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I called the Clerks office yesterday afternoon to request a transcript of my court appearance and they said they didn't have a recorder in the court that day so there is none. I have no way to prove the Judge never told me I was found guilty of a lesser charge, which I would have appealed. Now I have to go back to court and request the warrant for my arrest be lifted and a payment plan worked out because I don't have an extra $500 laying around. I don't know what else to do, I can't prove the Judge didn't say that to me without a transcript.

    Penny, he was in jail for 6 weeks and I wasn't allowed to go see him. This whole thing is messed up.
    They won't have a court reporter but they generally have a short summary of proceedings (hand written account). Go look at the actual file. It is what the clerks use to draft an order so they know what to write. That doesn't mean it was transcribed accurately but it is probably your best bet. I've often seen mistakes made in the summary and that is why the clerk issues a wrong order. That is the way we did it in Virginia - could be different here but I doubt it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    They won't have a court reporter but they generally have a short summary of proceedings (hand written account). Go look at the actual file. It is what the clerks use to draft an order so they know what to write. That doesn't mean it was transcribed accurately but it is probably your best bet. I've often seen mistakes made in the summary and that is why the clerk issues a wrong order. That is the way we did it in Virginia - could be different here but I doubt it.
    Thanks... I'll do that before I end up in the big house

  8. #8

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Thanks... I'll do that before I end up in the big house
    And they won't let your dog visit!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    I guess they have open court twice a day so I'll go down Monday and try to set something up and the warrant lifted. I don't want to get pulled over and tossed in jail over this but I do want to see what can be done. I'll see if I can look at the file as Penny suggested. Even if it's in there it doesn't show if she said anything to me about it. My luck I would get stopped next Friday and have to spend the 4th weekend in jail. I'm still really irritated about this but have the feeling I'm screwed

  10. Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    What city is all of this happening? You need to threaten them that you will contact all the media stations. After that, then go personally in person to all 3 stations on Britton Rd to plead to have your story aired. Rally up your family and friends for support for public demonstration or something outside the court building holding signs and such.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    What city is all of this happening? You need to threaten them that you will contact all the media stations. After that, then go personally in person to all 3 stations on Britton Rd to plead to have your story aired. Rally up your family and friends for support for public demonstration or something outside the court building holding signs and such.
    It's here in OKC. I'm going to send a letter to the editor today and see if it gets put in.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    I went to Court on Friday to see if I can get this resolved and there isn't anything I can do unless I want to get a lawyer and fight it, which will cost me a lot more than what my fine is. I did get the warrant lifted and given until Sept. to pay the fine. Just erk's the hell out of me but there isn't a lot I can do about it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    I share your anger.

  14. Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Did you have an attorney at the time?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    you have to request a court reporter for hearings like that when you go to court if you want one...it's $20

  16. Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by flippity View Post
    you have to request a court reporter for hearings like that when you go to court if you want one...it's $20
    You beat me to it. Whenever I appear in OKC court I always request and pay the extra for a court reporter. Twice the transcript has given me a reason to appeal and in both cases I later won. Best $20 insurance you can buy in the courtroom - I was thinking it was closer to $30, but its been awhile.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Did you have an attorney at the time?
    Nope... just me

  18. #18

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    $20 is the fee to have the reporter there. If you want to get copies of the transcripts, you're looking a good chunk of change.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Un-freaking-believable

    Call channel 9 they will jump on this story.

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