Cool. I wish you lots of luck as well as lots of sweat.
Cool. I wish you lots of luck as well as lots of sweat.
Sorry but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'll stick to this.
That's only for people who want to try to jump straight from the easy chair.
Get real. "Bring it" as they say with P90X. Some of the cardio and weight lifting shown are also done on the less extreme Power 90 workout, a good way for a couch potato to get ready for the kick ass P90X. (But don't be too surprised both workouts are sold by the same company.)
The only thing wrong IMO with P90X is that its often bought by "Joe Citizen" who thinks "I'll just plop down $120+" and I'll have an amazing beach body. If you're not already a very active person then many people find P90X overwhelming and its much easier to make excuses not to actually finish it.
I see no way that a couch potato could actually handle this workout from day 1 - 90. I think you'd need at least a few months of pre-training (walking, biking, cardio, etc.).
I did it and I was happy, but I was already going to cardio classes and regularly ride my bike. My expectations though were not to get a ripped beach bod (which is how they market P90X). I just wanted to lose weight and inches.
I've know 3 people who truly followed the program and NONE got the results shown in the marketing. They looked good and were in shape, but not to the extremes often promised. The only time they actually had a somewhat ripped look was for about 45 minutes immediately following their workout.
Personally, I'd buy it on craiglist used. I found a like new complete package for $65.
Oh, well, you'll only get as much out of P90X as you're willing to put into it. So results can vary. A lot of people got fantastic results and put it up on youtube. On the other hand, you can wonder how many people thought they were going to proudly put up their results with P90X, but at the end didn't because they were disappointed by their results.
As mentioned before, there's a fitness test online people can take to find out if they're good 90X material. For instance, can you do jumping jacks for two minutes and then do it fast as you can for 30 seconds, or if male, do 15 pushups? The company shouldn't keep this test a secret, if that's what they do, when hawking P90X on TV, especially, if you wimp out with the test, you can just go with the company's less intense Power 90 Boot Camp.
IF you want to buy it new, Ebay has it for a bit under $100, but make sure the deal comes with a return policy, because some of what's sold on there may be counterfeit.
I just did my first Insanity workout - Plyometric Cardio.
I'm in pretty good shape, and I felt like I was on the verge of puking a few times during the workout.
3.5 minutes of full on cardio, followed by 30 seconds recovery. Repeat.
Not so much fun, really. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thanks for warning us. I bet Insanity will make you lose weight and gain some abs.
Nah. I think the weight loss would come more from modifying food intake, especially for someone who's already quite active as it is.
There's no way someone who doesn't already have a good fitness base could do this. Even the people in the video were collapsing on the ground at the end of some of the cardio circuits.
I'm doing Insanity. I haven't been an avid gym-goer in awhile, but after 12 years of ballet, 10 years of marching band, a period of time spent with a personal trainer in the past and experience with other BeachBody company workouts, I have found that I can do a lot of the Insanity workouts, mostly because of muscle memory. Not everything, but after a week it's getting better.
Not quite so sore. Guess it's time to step it up. And yes, to see real weight loss you would need to follow an appropriate diet.
Still corrupting young minds
The first month of Insanity is easy. The 2nd month however, IS insanity. I saw improvements in my fit test, but I gave up with 2 weeks left to finish the program.
Crappy thing about buying Insanity on ebay? It was missing the fit test and 2 recovery DVDs. Dang.
What are the recovery workouts like?
The recovery dvds are a lot of stretching and exercises that focuses on your form.
If you are really, really out of shape, then you might check with your doctor. The fit test is just you performing certain exercises in a minute to see how many you can do. And some of those aren't easy. After two weeks I'm sure I still can't do a push-up-jack.
That said, I'm not in the best of shape but I am healthy, so I just jumped on in and I've been fine. Sweaty, but fine.
Still corrupting young minds
Even though I didn't do the complete first 30 days of the Insanity, I decided to skip ahead to the Extreme Insanity 60 minute workouts.
Totally awesome, and a great challenge. Couldn't do the entire thing straight through though, had to take a couple breaks. I had to do all my push-ups/plank moves on a towel because I was sweating so badly my hands were slipping.
I really like these workouts - best workout DVD I've ever done.
One thing I wish though - there's a countdown timer on the bottom of the screen for the entire circuit, but I wish there was a countdown timer for a specific move. He tells you you're going to do this certain move for 45 seconds, but when you're on your hands and knees you aren't always able to keep track of the time. It'd be nice to know how much longer you have to go on a specific move so you can know how to moderate your efforts.
I would much rather go to the gym then workout in front of a TV.
There is a lot of information and help online that will help you come up with a workout routine that works.
I much prefer working out with the people on TV, because unlike at a gym the people on TV can't look at you and judge you. If I had abs and a well built body, then I could feel at home at a gym, which must be pretty easy for someone to do with the screen name of ExtremistPullup.
Honestly? I'm the same way with regards to going to the gym. I generally prefer being at the gym, because typically workout videos are sucky and there is a better workout available at the gym. Also, I like the social aspect of the gym as opposed to standing alone in my basement.
But this is an awesome video and I feel like I've just had my butt kicked after it's over. It's worth it.
As much as people don't want to admit it, that is the key to getting in shape and losing weight. I went to the Y for 3, 1 hour cardio classes a week (1.5 hours on Saturday) and couldn't drop below 215 (though I had been higher). As soon as the doctor told me to monitor my calories strictly (I use the LoseIt app) and stay under 1,200 - 1,300 calories then the weight came off in conjunction with the exercise. It took awhile to realize what I could and couldn't eat and still be full at the end of the day but I'm at 175 now and bought some 31" jeans just this past weekend at the mall!
I like the P90X and even do the Jullian 30-day shred video when we can't make it to the gym. But personally, as long as you limit your calories and find some exercise that works for you, then you'll be successful.
Eating 1000 calories/day is the key to losing weight? Perhaps for short term loss, but that's not healthy or sustainable.
She's eating below her Basal Metabolic Rate (the amount of calories needed to simply keep you alive) and that's dangerous to do long term.
I agree that cutting calories IS the key to losing weight (80% diet, 20% exercise) but not cutting them that drastically.
I did that once and my period stopped and my hair started falling out.
Casey - Depends on the individual person. My wife is only 5' 2" and 97lbs. The doctor told her to maintain her weight and not gain she required not more than 1,000 - 1,200 calories per day. I was trying to lose weight quickly (6' 230+ pounds originally) and was told to basically only consume as much as she does (I got an extra 100 calories yippie!). I was then told once I hit my target weight I could consume as much as 2,000 calories a day but would need to find that magic number through trial and error.
Is anyone doing Insanity too?
I'm still doing it, albeit modified from the 60 day program that Shaun T has set out. I jumped ahead to the Max 60-minute videos, and have been alternating those along with the recovery videos.
I can't say enough how much I LOVE this workout series, and my legs already seem to have more definition, and that's after only 3 weeks.
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