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Thread: The Abortion Issue

  1. #351
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    So what does it mean to be pro abortion? To advocate that a woman should
    go get an abortion when she finds herself pregnant?
    If someone is pro abortion, including some who are pro life, they believe it's
    perfectly proper to murder a baby on a whim or for some self justified serious
    reason. It's an exceedingly selfish act.

    Being pro choice is a sick attempt to make abortion sound appealing.
    Regardless, it's still murdering a baby

  2. #352

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    Why are you still skirting the questions posed to you?

    Why did you say that only a pregnant woman can determine when life begins, then turn around and say an abortion during the 9th month is obviously wrong, then turn around and contradict yourself again by saying you know without a doubt that life begins when the fetus takes its first breath of air?

    Which is it and how did you determine it?
    I am simply pro-choice, Caboose. Since I am NOT a woman, why does it matter so dearly to you when I say a woman gets an abortion or not? It's up to the woman, not me. I repeat, it's up to the woman, not me.

  3. #353
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    I am simply pro-choice, Caboose. Since I am NOT a woman, why does it
    matter so dearly to you when I say a woman gets an abortion or not? It's
    up to the woman, not me. I repeat, it's up to the woman, not me.
    Someone should do whatever possible to prevent the murder. I know
    women who work at pregnancy centers who have saved many babies lives
    because they educated the women who decided to perform an act that is
    known to create babies. Women have educated women that were raped
    and many, many of them have decided to allow the baby to live. I know it's
    hard to believe, or maybe I should say it's hard to deny. Being raped and
    allowing the baby to live isn't as horrible and some want to believe.

    The best thing is that these women didn't have anything crammed down
    their throat nor were they brow beaten with some form of religious dogma.
    In fact they came to the centers on their own accord.

    Are you against women being educated? I'm not sure if you are or not. I
    would think you're for women being educated. Why live in the dark ages
    when women weren't allowed to make any educated decisions. Right?

    By the way, pro choice means pro abortion, i.e. pro murdering an innocent
    child who hasn't been given the right to a trial by jury. It just sounds

  4. #354

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    Are you against women being educated? I'm not sure if you are or not. I
    would think you're for women being educated. Why live in the dark ages
    when women weren't allowed to make any educated decisions. Right?

    By the way, pro choice means pro abortion, i.e. pro murdering an innocent
    child who hasn't been given the right to a trial by jury. It just sounds
    I'm not just for women being educated but for men, too, like during high school on subject of practicing responsible sex when abstaining from sex is no longer desired. You know what? That could happen upon getting married. All sorts of means of birth control should be taught in high school, perhaps earlier than that. But of course, so many parents, probably yourself included, think doing that is wrong and immoral, because it will make kids get the funny idea that they need to try indulging in sex.

    By the way, absolutely in no way, shape or form does being pro choice mean being pro abortion. You're so profoundly wrong that all I can feel for you is pity. Really, who do you know who was so glad and happy a woman chose to get an abortion. You know absolultely nobody! If you're sad about the outcome, by no means can you be or feel as being pro abortion.

  5. #355
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    By the way, absolutely in no way, shape or form does being pro choice
    mean being pro abortion. You're so profoundly wrong that all I can feel for
    you is pity. Really, who do you know who was so glad and happy a woman
    chose to get an abortion. You know absolultely nobody! If you're sad about
    the outcome, by no means can you be or feel as being pro abortion.
    Being pro choice absolutely means pro abortion. If someone thinks that
    murdering the baby should be an option, for whatever reason, including
    saying it's a private and personal decision, then they are without a doubt
    pro abortion. The same goes with pro-lifers who think that murdering a
    baby, for whatever self justified serious situation one can create, is viable
    then those people are in fact pro abortion.

    Believe me, I can understand 100% that someone sees murdering a child as
    a horrible decision. But condoning it for any reason is pro abortion.

    A person can say over and over and over and over that they don't want to
    murder the child. That sounds so admirable and commendable, but if that
    person believes that a viable option to murder the child exists then they
    are in fact pro abortion. It doesn't matter how much grieving takes place or
    the amount of agony that is applied. If they truly believe that there exists
    a viable option for murdering the child then that person is pro abortion.

    How can anyone say they don't want abortions to take place yet give
    self justified reasons for murdering the child and claim they aren't pro
    abortion? That is a flawed statement.

    Yes, it sounds horrible and like an excruciating nightmare, but it's a fact.
    Allowing for any option to murder the child means pro abortion. Regardless
    of how much one doesn't want it to happen. Regardless of being pro
    choice. Regardless of being pro life.

    Anti abortion means you're against murdering the child under any

    I'm without a doubt anti abortion. There is no reason for an abortion. And
    that includes Tom Coburn's decision to murder those children.

    Pity on me? I think not.

  6. Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    You certainly are concerned about my level of education because you
    brought it up. Or was it an attempt to call someone who doesn't agree with
    you an uneducated troglodyte?

    As long as you believe murdering a child, for any reason, is acceptable
    behavior then we aren't going to see eye to eye. If you had said that in the
    beginning this conversation would be finished and we would be moving on.
    I said education OVERALL. & now I am concerned just because you don't know how to read a sentence correctly. I'm saying you're OBVIOUSLY uneducated on the subject or else you wouldn't consider it as a human.

    I don't believe in murdering children. I believe in terminating a pregnancy.

  7. Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    If someone is pro abortion, including some who are pro life, they believe it's
    perfectly proper to murder a baby on a whim or for some self justified serious
    reason. It's an exceedingly selfish act.

    Being pro choice is a sick attempt to make abortion sound appealing.
    Regardless, it's still murdering a baby
    Pro-Choice ISN'T Pro-Abortion.
    It's simply believing in many options wether it may be giving birth, adoption, or abortion.
    It's not a way to make it sound appealing.
    It's a way to give people in different situations an option & choosing the responsible one.

  8. #358

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    I am simply pro-choice, Caboose. Since I am NOT a woman, why does it matter so dearly to you when I say a woman gets an abortion or not? It's up to the woman, not me. I repeat, it's up to the woman, not me.
    Then why did you say aborting a 9 month old fetus is not acceptable?

  9. #359

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Tiff, it will help if you understand that some people on here believe that fetuses (or is it Feti?) have little souls and if they haven't had a chance to "accept christ as their saviour" the little souls will go to hell. They also belive that god will punish them personally for not having saved the little buggers' souls. I know... it is sick and convoluted, but it is what drives some of them here. It's a strange, strange world we live in.

  10. #360

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Tiff, it will help if you understand that some people on here believe that fetuses (or is it Feti?) have little souls and if they haven't had a chance to "accept christ as their saviour" the little souls will go to hell. They also belive that god will punish them personally for not having saved the little buggers' souls. I know... it is sick and convoluted, but it is what drives some of them here. It's a strange, strange world we live in.
    Who thinks that? Name them.

  11. #361
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by xoxotiffanynicole View Post
    I said education OVERALL. & now I am concerned just because you don't
    know how to read a sentence correctly. I'm saying you're OBVIOUSLY
    uneducated on the subject or else you wouldn't consider it as a human.

    I don't believe in murdering children. I believe in terminating a pregnancy.
    I read your sentence very clearly and understood exactly what you meant,
    as per a previous post I wrote.

    You can say that I'm uneducated on this subject all you want and it won't
    change the facts. 24 weeks is an arbitrary time frame that was created to
    make law or for letting someone justify murdering a child. Medical, science
    and legal definitions don't take away the fact that it's a human being. If it
    was something else then it would become something else like a tomato or a
    fire hydrant. Human beings propagate human beings.

  12. Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by xoxotiffanynicole View Post
    I said education OVERALL. & now I am concerned just because you don't know how to read a sentence correctly. I'm saying you're OBVIOUSLY uneducated on the subject or else you wouldn't consider it as a human.

    I don't believe in murdering children. I believe in terminating a pregnancy.
    Oh my! What a statement! Where is your scientific evidence or are you just trying to rationalize your support of abortion? I mean really. You can still support abortion but accept that an unborn baby is a human. Are you trying to say an unborn human is really a goat or a marmot or a flea or a peanut? I guess if you were wanting an abortion you would have no problem being required to see the ultrasound of the "non-human" baby before you terminate it's life?

  13. #363

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    Anti abortion means you're against murdering the child under any

    I'm without a doubt anti abortion. There is no reason for an abortion. And
    that includes Tom Coburn's decision to murder those children.

    Pity on me? I think not.
    Then since you feel so dearly with your heart and soul for the precious, innocent little babies in a woman's womb, and want the killing of them to be put to a stop, then why aren't you all for a law that would essentially mean forced birth for women? Once a woman is pregnant there can be no going back, whatsoever.

  14. #364

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Then since you feel so dearly with your heart and soul for the precious, innocent little babies in a woman's womb, and want the killing of them to be put to a stop, then why aren't you all for a law that would essentially mean forced birth for women? Once a woman is pregnant there can be no going back, whatsoever.
    Likewise, since you dont care about any life other than the woman's why are you not for a law that allows women to kill their toddlers when they decide they are sick of caring for them? What is the difference?

  15. #365
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by xoxotiffanynicole View Post
    Pro-Choice ISN'T Pro-Abortion.
    It's simply believing in many options wether it may be giving birth,
    adoption, or abortion.
    It's not a way to make it sound appealing.
    It's a way to give people in different situations an option & choosing the
    responsible one.
    Au contraire. Pro choice is pro abortion. It allows for the option of
    murdering the child. It's only a little different than Pro Life in that
    murdering the child is a viable option for any reason one can justify
    whereas some Pro Life advocates believe murdering the child should take
    place only in the most extreme self justified cases. Nevertheless the child
    gets murdered.

    I certainly understand why someone doesn't want to be thought of as
    being pro abortion. It's a hideous and gruesome thing. Pro choice and Pro
    Life sound so much better.

  16. #366
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Then since you feel so dearly with your heart and soul for the precious,
    innocent little babies in a woman's womb, and want the killing of them to be
    put to a stop, then why aren't you all for a law that would essentially mean
    forced birth for women? Once a woman is pregnant there can be no going
    back, whatsoever.
    I am for such a law. Just like I'm for the laws that forced slave owners to free
    their slaves. Just like I'm for the laws that forces people to go to jail if they
    commit a crime deserving of incarceration. Just like I'm for the laws that force
    people to pay fines for parking in a no parking zone. Is see no reason to
    murder the child. Anti abortion means no abortions. Period.

    Thank you for helping us clarify this point.

  17. #367

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

  18. #368

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Because the 6 month old baby had already taken its first breath 6 months ago. Huge difference there. Thanks for a very easy question.

  19. #369

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    Likewise, since you dont care about any life other than the woman's why are you not for a law that allows women to kill their toddlers when they decide they are sick of caring for them? What is the difference?
    Why don't you just simply tell the people of this forum why you don't see any difference, whatsoever, between a baby in a womb and a 1 month old baby?

  20. #370
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Because the 6 month old baby had already taken its first breath 6 months
    ago. Huge difference there. Thanks for a very easy question.
    Easy question yes. Not a totally correct answer.
    The baby is breathing via the mother's circulatory system.

  21. #371

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Because the 6 month old baby had already taken its first breath 6 months ago. Huge difference there. Thanks for a very easy question.
    Then why did you say abortions during the 9th month are not acceptable?

  22. #372

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    ]Because the 6 month old baby had already taken its first breath 6 months ago. Huge difference there. Thanks for a very easy question.
    And what does that have to do with it?

  23. #373

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Why do you care so dearly about the answers to such questions? I notice women don't ask me questions. They don't need to. They wisely know in this supposedly free country that abortion and whether or not to get one is their personal business to decide to, or not. And I certainly won't try to make it an issue however they decide.

  24. #374

    Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Tiff, it will help if you understand that some people on here believe that fetuses (or is it Feti?) have little souls and if they haven't had a chance to "accept christ as their saviour" the little souls will go to hell. They also belive that god will punish them personally for not having saved the little buggers' souls. I know... it is sick and convoluted, but it is what drives some of them here. It's a strange, strange world we live in.
    I'm pro life but that isn't part of my reasoning. Your argument has been touted to women since abortion became legal - to make it sound like anyone opposed to it is opposed on religious grounds and, further, that they are a little unhinged. Plenty of non Christians like myself are pro life because that is where the science points. I don't know if life begins at conception but nothing in science remotely suggests otherwise and it would be odd if human life began at some different time. No question that a fetus is at a different stage of life than a toddler or a teenaged girl or a menopausal woman but I don't see what is significantly different in that stage than any of the others other than a fetus has no power to protect itself and many don't have someone else willing to protect them. Moreover, the protections we give to a frail old person who has little to contribute to society due to illness and age are still greater than those we give to a strong, healthy fetus who has many decades of life expectancy in front of it. I don't see how someone can abort a child in the absence of proof that they aren't aborting a human. To me, if you don't know for sure, that is no different than shooting off a gun in the dark without making sure there isn't someone out there who could get hit.

  25. Default Re: The Abortion Issue

    Not even going to dig into this debate except one question - do you consider the "morning after pill" abortion?

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