Someone, back a few comments said the law doesn't consider a fetus a person. Think again. If this is so, why is a person charged with two counts of first degree murder when a pregnant woman is killed and her fetus dies? And when did we as a society begin referring to a pre-birth baby as a fetus? Check and I think you will find it was around the time of the Roe V Wade decision. To me these are signs of a society in decline.
You certainly are concerned about my level of education because you
brought it up. Or was it an attempt to call someone who doesn't agree with
you an uneducated troglodyte?
As long as you believe murdering a child, for any reason, is acceptable
behavior then we aren't going to see eye to eye. If you had said that in the
beginning this conversation would be finished and we would be moving on.
But either way, someone is deciding whether that person lives or dies.
Still corrupting young minds
It does no such thing. It clearly defines my stand on abortion.
Concerning the death penalty. A person who has been justly accused of
committing a crime deserving of the death penalty has had a trial by jury
and as many appeals necessary to make as certain as is possible that that
person deserves the death penalty.
A baby who has done nothing can be murdered at a whim and without
being accused of a crime deserving of death. If a baby can have a trial by
jury and all of the necessary appeals and is still found guilty of crime
deserving the death penalty then it's at least had an opportunity to have a
defender plead it's case.
If any hypocrisy is to be found it's with those who are pro-abortion, this
includes many pro-lifers, but against the death penalty.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
My God, ain't that the truth, Real Jimbo, ain't that the crying out loud truth. So Real Jimbo, are you like Prunepicker? Do you very passionately believe in banning ALL abortion??
Why are you still skirting the questions posed to you?
Why did you say that only a pregnant woman can determine when life begins, then turn around and say an abortion during the 9th month is obviously wrong, then turn around and contradict yourself again by saying you know without a doubt that life begins when the fetus takes its first breath of air?
Which is it and how did you determine it?
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