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Thread: Scary who some illegals are

  1. #1

    Default Scary who some illegals are

    Arizona is getting slammed w/boycotts from around the country which is most unfortunate. The actual fact is Arizona has shown great courage. Recent polls have shown the majority of people surveyed (in AZ and around the U.S.) are in favor of the law. The law is not about racial profiling; it is Arizona's attempt to help seal a very porous border which is actually the responsibility of the federal government. But until Washington has the backbone to solve this serious problem Arizona will do its part. Again, I say, this is not about racial profiling.

    This is frightening. Arizona MUST do something and their new law is a step in the right direction.

    According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico. This IS THE TRUTH. as reported by WSBTV in Atlanta.

    Video 1 Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 1 - Video - WSB Atlanta

    Video 2 Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 2 - Video - WSB Atlanta

    If we don't get this message out to the people, we are dead ducks...and soon!
    PLEASE send to people before the video expires.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    good post.
    How long before the supporters of law breakers descend on you?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Funny, I was raised with Lebanese tradition and when my mom, who was adopted, found her biological family we found out we have more than a splash of Hispanic in our blood. We call ourselves Lebanexican.

    In all honesty though, I don't see how these guys can blend in with Hispanics. Yes, they're both naturally dark skin complexions but their bone facial structures are easy to identify. You can tell the difference between a Hispanic and a Middle Eastern. Not being racial, just being real.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Funny, I was raised with Lebanese tradition and when my mom, who was adopted, found her biological family we found out we have more than a splash of Hispanic in our blood. We call ourselves Lebanexican.

    In all honesty though, I don't see how these guys can blend in with Hispanics. Yes, they're both naturally dark skin complexions but their bone facial structures are easy to identify. You can tell the difference between a Hispanic and a Middle Eastern. Not being racial, just being real.

    I dont think it's really an issue whether or not they blend in, or even care to. The other illegals aren't going to care who else tags along with them across the border..

    I guess alot of what blows my mind about this whole illegals thing is, the people who say just let them be here and drain our society, so what they are breaking the law. I wonder how these people feel about other laws and if it's ok to break them also or if those law breakers should be punished.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    I guess alot of what blows my mind about this whole illegals thing is, the people who say just let them be here and drain our society, so what they are breaking the law. I wonder how these people feel about other laws and if it's ok to break them also or if those law breakers should be punished.
    You used the term "feel," when you said, "I wonder how those folks feel about other laws..." There's the trouble. They aren't thinking it through. They are just seeing a Grapes of Wrath couple looking for a better life and not thinking about what the predictable results will be and how this differs from other influxes of immigrants we've had in our history. This ain't no Ellis Island situation.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    But to follow up, most of the criticism I've heard about the law is not that illegals should be allowed to stay and come and go as they please, but that good citizens will be profiled while searching out the illegals. I personally think that for some, this is just an excuse to complain about what they view as a conservative law and they are going to attack anything that they think gives them a bandwagon to accuse someone, somewhere, of being evil. And I think some other people who don't like it are just on the bandwagon because it is popular to trash at this point and they aren't going to spend five minutes thinking about anything, anyway, except possibly what to order on the menu at a new restaurant.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Quote Originally Posted by Curt View Post
    I dont think it's really an issue whether or not they blend in, or even care to. The other illegals aren't going to care who else tags along with them across the border..

    I guess alot of what blows my mind about this whole illegals thing is, the people who say just let them be here and drain our society, so what they are breaking the law. I wonder how these people feel about other laws and if it's ok to break them also or if those law breakers should be punished.
    Like I've stated before, if the US isn't going to enforce the laws, then I don't really blame the immigrants for coming here illegally. What I do blame it on are the people who give them a reason for coming here in the first place, if you remove the incentive to break the existing laws to come to the US, then most won't come. Start nailing the people who provide them the jobs with significantly penalties (fines/jail time) but because the business sector lobbies politicians the enforcement on that end will keep that from happening. Until the incentive to come here illegally is removed, the "problem" will never be fixed.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    Like I've stated before, if the US isn't going to enforce the laws, then I don't really blame the immigrants for coming here illegally. What I do blame it on are the people who give them a reason for coming here in the first place, if you remove the incentive to break the existing laws to come to the US, then most won't come. Start nailing the people who provide them the jobs with significantly penalties (fines/jail time) but because the business sector lobbies politicians the enforcement on that end will keep that from happening. Until the incentive to come here illegally is removed, the "problem" will never be fixed.

    You hit the nail right on the head..I think all of those who think it's ok for the illegals to be here should adopt two of them and give them food and shelter.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Just got back from wakarusa in arkansas and let me tell you...There are plenty of scary legals running around too

  10. #10

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    I feel as though I should post here because I suppose that my posts on other threads could be in the Grapes of Wrath vein, though I never really thought of it that way, but I can certainly see the parallels.

    My only question to this is, why is this more a problem than the typical everyday, run of the mill influx of people into this country with possible nefarious ties? It seems to me that the country as a whole is inundated with "persons of interest."

    What about Canada? If Mexico is the "threat at the United States' backdoor" isn't Canada like the huge unbuttoned fly of North America? Why would Mikey the militant muslim run willy nilly about the desert and risk getting caught in the South when he could just rent a Vanagen and drive over from the North? The scenery is much better one would think.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Of course bad people could come from Canada and they've had a number of scares regarding that front. It's an open border, too. But the one down south is on the scale of an invasion and there is horrible crime coming across the border that isn't reflected in Canada. The notion that since a terrorist could just come through Canada so there is no reason to try to stop the flow down south misses the point that right now, there are dangerous hordes arriving from the south with plenty of places for a terrorist to hide and blend in. There is a widespread system of human traffickers set up coming from Mexico that you don't have in Canada.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Easy180, hope you have an enjoyable trip.
    One certainly doesn't need to cross our state borders to find, well, let's leave it at interesting, examples of mankind.

    I know many would disagree, and I'm fine with that, but angry problem dude actually comes in all shapes, sizes, religions, and creeds (as does stupid) and can very easily originate from within the natural born populace. I realize folks do enjoy a good fret over border matters, but there are home grown dangers which lurk even closer than often don't seem to receive much, if any, thought.

  13. Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    What about Canada? If Mexico is the "threat at the United States' backdoor" isn't Canada like the huge unbuttoned fly of North America? Why would Mikey the militant muslim run willy nilly about the desert and risk getting caught in the South when he could just rent a Vanagen and drive over from the North? The scenery is much better one would think.
    Canada DOES present it's challenges but the main difference is that Canadians aren't pouring across our borders by the millions. People are generally happy in Canada so they stay. Now, there are some exceptions. Try this:

    Vermont a Hotspot for Haitians Sneaking into US

    With regard to Mikey the militant muslim, Mikey would likely find it far harder to enter Canada illegally than Mexico. Canada does have a liberal policy but, though liberal, it is more restrictive than the US in terms of investigations and entry. It simply allows more immigrants per capita than the US and investigates people more thoroughly. You can also buy your way in if you are educated and needed for a job or an industry but if it is deemed you don't have a job waiting or don't have a clear background, you can be turned away.

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Scary who some illegals are

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Easy180, hope you have an enjoyable trip.
    One certainly doesn't need to cross our state borders to find, well, let's leave it at interesting, examples of mankind.

    I know many would disagree, and I'm fine with that, but angry problem dude actually comes in all shapes, sizes, religions, and creeds (as does stupid) and can very easily originate from within the natural born populace. I realize folks do enjoy a good fret over border matters, but there are home grown dangers which lurk even closer than often don't seem to receive much, if any, thought.
    Perhaps, but that doesn't diminish the problems highlighted in this thread. Why don't you start a new thread on those unrepresented home grown dangers you feel are more important and you can fret over them there? Maybe I'll even fret along with you.

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