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Thread: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

  1. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Huh? I think you're putting words in people's mouths and you've completely satirized and misinterpreted progressive-minded individuals on this board.

  2. #77

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    It's good to see there is someone on the City Council that is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. At least he did something that nearly two-thirds of registered voters in OKC don't do...he voted!

  3. #78

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    Don't confuse them with facts. They can't be upset with those two forward thinking gentlemen. Those two have the best interest of OKC in mind at all times.
    Wrong. I think there are plenty of people who can agree with or approve of their vision for the city in terms of urban development, and yet disagree with some of their other political views. There are a lot of people who don't like partisan politics and can appreciate that both parties (and some of the other parties) may have members with valid ideas and beliefs and the reverse.

  4. #79

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    pround2Bsooner...I usually stay away from ignorant posts, but for you I will make an exception...the OKC Gay Pride Parade is perfectly legal. You could take your family and not be offended. Many people along the parade route set up lawn chairs and have cookouts. Open your mind a bit and you'll see there's nothing to fear.

  5. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    pround2Bsooner...I usually stay away from ignorant posts, but for you I will make an exception...the OKC Gay Pride Parade is perfectly legal. You could take your family and not be offended. Many people along the parade route set up lawn chairs and have cookouts. Open your mind a bit and you'll see there's nothing to fear.
    I've not been to the OKC parade but when I happened upon the one in NYC years ago, there was more than enough completely outrageous behavior to be beyond offended and would never, EVER take children to it. The one in Denver is not quite as overboard but there is enough male nudity and overt sexual activity in and around the parade that I wouldn't take a child to that one, either.

    If OKC wants to host one, I have no problem with it but don't try to pass it off as family entertainment like the Christmas parade. It is what it is.

  6. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Not sure if I would ever take my family some day to the OKC Gay Pride Parade..but that doesn't really have any bearing on their rights however. They stay in a pretty secluded little "gay enclave" away from the "family-approved" areas.

    Diversity is something different. It isn't any specific group and it isn't favoring one specific group over another. It is recognizing what you are good at and adding some of what you're not so good at. We can all recognize that OKC is a great place for families, so why should we go out of our way to make it an awful place for the gays?

  7. #82

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    mugofbeer...you've never been to the OKC parade but lack of information didn't stop you from posting ignorantly = awesome 4 u. The OKC parade is overseen by the police who would arrest anyone who tried to do anything like you describe. Actually there are families with children who line the parade route. Again, go see for yourself the horrors.

  8. #83

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Spartan, I expected better from you. There are gay people everywhere. Some gay people have families. Where do you think they hang out?

  9. #84

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    And for anyone else who wants to post ignorant bigoted statements...GO SEE THE PARADE FOR YOURSELF. I think you will find these people aren't the demons you make them out to be.


  10. #85

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?


    Are we still talking about this?

    Get over it, it is done, move on.

    I am sure that there is something a little more important than this, that you the self named problem solvers of OKC can focus your efforts and attention on.

  11. #86

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    We should have a straight festival, too. Would love to have the streets filled with beautiful naked women! Now that is something I'd attend!

  12. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    Spartan, I expected better from you. There are gay people everywhere. Some gay people have families. Where do you think they hang out?
    Well, my comment was that I myself am not going to be at the gay parade BUT the awesome thing is you don't need my approval and you sure as hell don't need Brian Walters' approval. If we all needed Brian Walters' approval, we're all damned. I like downtown..that's already one strike against me as a person.

    Earlywine, I realize that some gay people have families and that's great..wasn't trying to slight them at all.

  13. #88

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    We should have a straight festival, too. Would love to have the streets filled with beautiful naked women! Now that is something I'd attend!
    That's what many biker rallies have become, like the ROT Rally next weekend here in Austin, it's nothing more than an "adult spring break"....although all the women are not "beautiful. In fact many (women and men) should cover up more than they do.

  14. #89

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    That's what many biker rallies have become, like the ROT Rally next weekend here in Austin, it's nothing more than an "adult spring break"....although all the women are not "beautiful. In fact many (women and men) should cover up more than they do.
    Good point. I'm not into the whole chain and tatoo thing anyway.

  15. #90

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    OSUfan, quite simply if you don't live in ward 5 you can't vote for or against Walters, as in novote, no say!

  16. #91

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    Good point. I'm not into the whole chain and tatoo thing anyway.
    Well, most of them are RUB's playing weekend bad boy and not the Bandido types.

  17. #92

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    spartan I would like to know those offical "family approved area's". I believe all those family approved areas are for anyone that abides by the laws regardless of race, education, marital status or sexual identity.

    The point is the elected officals have been elected to abide by the laws that have been passed. If the elected officals decided not to allow the parade, there would be a lawsuit because they would be breaking the law. Thus the taxpayers would have to pay for the lawsuit..... Remember years past when Humphreys didn't like the gay banners and had them removed and tried to pass resolutions to keep them from happening. The city was sued and lost. The elected officials are expected to know the laws an uphold them..... that is the oath that they pledge when they take office.

    The reality is there are gay households in every sector of the city, there are gay workers in businesses throughout the city and there are gay consumers throughout the city.

  18. #93

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    We should have a straight festival, too. Would love to have the streets filled with beautiful naked women! Now that is something I'd attend!
    I think you are on to something here. Would the City Council approve a parade permit for a group of nudist that want to show their pride in being nudist?

  19. #94

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    There are straight festivals all over OKC every Sunday and Wednesday. They call it church.

  20. #95

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I know this won't be very popular with the general opinion of people in this thread, but I honestly don't think what Mayor Humphreys said was anything that bad. He seemed to have the best grasp of the issue out of all three.

    As for Cornett, I can't defend that populist.
    Spartan, He wasn't totally off base but the Neo Nazis and Ku Klux Klan organizations are for the most part advocating things that are illegal which the gay organizations aren't. I could be wrong, but I don't think religious groups have had problems getting city approval for activities as long as public funds aren't involved. Certainly religious groups have used venues such as the Cox Center.

  21. #96

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    mugofbeer...you've never been to the OKC parade but lack of information didn't stop you from posting ignorantly = awesome 4 u. The OKC parade is overseen by the police who would arrest anyone who tried to do anything like you describe. Actually there are families with children who line the parade route. Again, go see for yourself the horrors.
    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    And for anyone else who wants to post ignorant bigoted statements...GO SEE THE PARADE FOR YOURSELF. I think you will find these people aren't the demons you make them out to be.
    I fell for that line once...have a good friend that is always trying to get me to go (its just a parade...normal stuff...an excuse to get drunk and have fun). So one year I went...and while there wasn't full blown nudity etc, there was certainly plenty to offend many Oklahoman's sensibilities. There was plenty of barely clothed bodies (not much more exposure than what you would see at White Water bay, but then again there is a right time and place for things and the same folks at White Water would be inappropriate outside of that environment). But there was plenty of the gay version of "Girls Gone Wild" exposure, groping (self and others) etc.

    Have to remember this is one of the redest states there is and fairly conservative even on the Democrat side. What my friend considered to be normal, depends a lot on what your definition of normal is. What is acceptable behavior/attire in the bedroom or even in the confines of a private business (the gay clubs/bars) is entirely out of place in the middle of the day on OKC public streets. And yes, for some unexplained reason, there are children present. A couple of years ago I think they really crossed the line when they included a kids/family activity area. Now I don't know where that precisely is and how near the other activities but even with the other, it isn't a minor free zone at all. The only minor free zone is inside the bars.

    There were police present, but it was a minimal amount and they basically stayed on the fringes. Am sure that if someone engaged in a sex act on one of the floats or something that they would have stepped in, but for the most part they didn't get involved. They certainly didn't do anything to stop the flashing etc.

  22. #97

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    A lot of people in this state are way too uptight. They should get out more.

  23. #98

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    No thanks, I have better things to go do. Watching a parade for something I dont condone is the same as giving tacit approval for the very thing I dont condone.

  24. #99

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    What is ironic is that most of the gay people that I know wouldn't be caught dead near a gay pride parade. It is typically for the "Out and In Your Face" types or the exhibitionists (gay or straight) and not the gay people who live their lives like most every other person whether straight or gay. Most of them that I know would prefer it not to happen as they feel that small segment of their population furthers that stereotype.

  25. #100

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    What is ironic is that most of the gay people that I know wouldn't be caught dead near a gay pride parade. It is typically for the "Out and In Your Face" types or the exhibitionists (gay or straight) and not the gay people who live their lives like most every other person whether straight or gay. Most of them that I know would prefer it not to happen as they feel that small segment of their population furthers that stereotype.
    So true. My Uncle is gay and very ative in the gay community in the Ft. Worth / Dallas are, in his own words, said events are more for attention starved individuals rather then people trying to improve or promote a lifestyle or position.

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