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Thread: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

  1. #1

    Default What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Question to anyone who lives in Ward 5: Does Brian Walters truly represent you and fellow Ward 5 citizens?

    Council member opposes gay pride event
    By Brian Brus
    The Journal Record
    Posted: 09:20 PM Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Almost all monthly applications for special event permits are unanimously approved by Oklahoma City Council members – except for one standout planned for the end of this month.

    “The reason I voted no on that is that I’m a born-again Christian and don’t believe in the homosexual lifestyle,” said Ward 5 Councilman Brian Walters, who cast the sole dissenting vote Tuesday against allowing a gay pride parade and festival organized by OKC Pride Inc. on June 26-27.

    “I don’t want my vote to be construed as support, because I really don’t support that, the same way that I wouldn’t support a group of, say, pedophiles who wanted to assemble. I would not vote yes on that either, (or) men who beat up their wives. Anything like that,” Walters said Wednesday.

    The OKC Pride events were passed 7-1 anyway, and Walters voted with his council peers in support of granting revocable permits for all other events this month: the deadCENTER Film Festival, Charlie Christian Jazz Festival, Juneteenth Celebration, Red Earth Festival parade, Redman Triathlon, Nationals Drag Boat Race and a USA Cycling Inc. competition.

    OKC Pride Vice President Nathan Thompson said he was more than disappointed in Walters’ comments.

    “It is outrageous for anyone, let alone an elected official, to compare law-abiding citizens to criminals like pedophiles or wife beaters,” Thompson said. “It is backwards and misrepresents the progressive direction Oklahoma City is headed in, with or without Brian Walters. Bigotry at this level is disgusting and will not be tolerated.”

    It’s an issue that should have been put to bed many years ago, Thompson said. In 2003, after taking down banners advocating gay and lesbian rights, city officials were confronted with legal opposition to an ordinance that had given the city manager authority to decide on a case-by-case basis whether certain banners would appropriately promote or celebrate the city, its holidays and public events. Commercial banners were prohibited, along with those promoting any political, religious, or social advocacy organization or message.

    Ultimately, the council voted to remove all content restrictions, and since then the question of recognizing public events involving gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual rights has not been discussed to any great extent.

    Walters said he isn’t opposed to OKC Pride’s constitutional right to assemble, per se, but rather homosexuality itself.

    “Every year that comes up, I vote no on that,” he said. “I believe the vote we have is construed as being supportive of the issue, as opposed to being a constitutional issue.”

    Other city officials were unable to identify other events that have been opposed because of what Walters referred to as the “moral issue” behind them.

    “Most of the time we’re looking at a revocable permit, you’re usually talking about events that have no moral implication – bike races, boat races, Fourth of July parades and things like that,” Walters said.

    “I basically want my vote to speak for itself,” he said. “Frankly, if we didn’t approve it, there’s some discussion that they would go to court and get it anyway. And that may or may not be true. For me, it’s more of a moral issue.”

  2. #2

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Nothing really to add. I think Walters quotes speak for themselves. Hopefully someone steps up and makes this guy a one-termer.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Evidently he doesn't believe in the uniquely American ideal of "freedom and justice for all."

  4. #4

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Its obvious that he's ginning himself up to join the band of geniuses at 23rd and Lincoln, either as a state rep or senator. So OKC municipal government will be free of him probably as soon as the next state election cycle.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    I thought elected officials are supposed to vote for their constituents and not their own personal belief systems?

  6. #6

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerfan21 View Post
    I thought elected officials are supposed to vote for their constituents and not their own personal belief systems?
    There are those who subscribe to the view that what they personally believe is what is true and correct. Ergo, when they vote, they are simply voting what everyone ought to believe. What I read of this politico suggests that's a reasonable fit for him.

    Some who subscribe to such positions manage to remain in office for lengthy periods, and yes, at times they move on to higher office.

    Agree or disagree with such folk as you see fit. However, there are apparently more than enough folks in their respective fiefdoms who do not disagree with them, and vote, than those who do disagree and vote. The non-voters in the fiefdom, or those situated elsewhere, get to pitch a fit, but not much else.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    While I don't agree with his vote/stance on this matter, I do support his right to support or not support this issue.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    While I don't agree with his vote/stance on this matter, I do support his right to support or not support this issue.
    What issue is that? Discrimination? Bigotry? Ignorance?

  9. #9

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Do you people not have anything better to do than to run a city councilman into the ground? He voted the way that he did, because he didnt want a yes vote to be misconstrued as supporting a lifestyle that he does not believe in. Nothing more. Does he not have that option? Does his opinion not count because its different than yours or mine? The last time I checked, he is a city councilman, and he is allowed to vote on issues just like the other 7 council members as well as the mayor. At least he has an opinion, and not just looking for the mayor to give a thumbs up or thumbs down for the rest of the council to vote off of. It would be nice to have 9 members on the city council who could think for themselves, and not be a puppet for big business, the okc chamber of commerce, the mayor, the city manager, and any other special interest group who throws their hat in the ring.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    What issue is that? Discrimination? Bigotry? Ignorance?
    Why is it OK for you and others to practice the right/freedom to support an issue, but it's not OK for someone to practice their right/freedom to not support said issue.

    It's obvious your "trolling" and just looking to argue. I'm not the one, my times to valuable--keep trolling.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Why is it OK for you and others to practice the right/freedom to support an issue, but it's not OK for someone to practice their right/freedom to not support said issue.

    It's obvious your "trolling" and just looking to argue. I'm not the one, my times to valuable--keep trolling.
    Exactly, good call RC

  12. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Brian Walters thinks he's going to be a rising GOP star by opposing everything OKC tries to do for itself in the name of big govt. It is true that there is a lot of govt action here in OKC but unfortunately for Walters, he'd be better off going to a city where govt action isn't yielding such remarkably positive results. Walters is pretty nauseating but if he wants, I'm afraid he's here to stay. He's relatively popular on the southside, especially with the Rotary group. If Jerry Foshee runs again the Rotary group will be split but I don't think the voters will.

    It's evident that most councilors on the horseshoe are overwhelmingly interested in community redevelopment and making the best out of OKC, especially Sam Bowman and Meg Salyer. It's just as evident that Brian Walters is more interested in turning OKC into an ideological political battleground that suits his larger goals, and that he really knows nothing at all about community redevelopment and economic development. There isn't actually anything he can OFFER the people of his ward..luckily Ward 5 residents don't ask for much.

  13. #13

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Oh come on, you just don't want to admit that what Brian Walters did is take a stance supporting discrimination. Further, if the city did not approve the permit, it would've been sued and found its action was unconstitutional (cannot prohibit the right to assemble).

    So, it's ok for him to support discrimination and vote in an unconstitutional manner in his official capacity? Isn't that what you're saying?
    Last edited by earlywinegareth; 06-03-2010 at 10:08 AM. Reason: sp

  14. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    I think rcjunkie dared to suggest that someone not be persecuted for the way they feel about a subject.

    I do agree with earlywine that it's a case by case issue, and the particulars of this one involve civil liberties which you can get sued over. And made to look stupid over, which would be even worse for OKC.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Ward 5 is one of the most isolated wards out of the 8. It is also the wealthiest in the city and I think has more wealth per capita in the state too.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Do you people not have anything better to do than to run a city councilman into the ground? He voted the way that he did, because he didnt want a yes vote to be misconstrued as supporting a lifestyle that he does not believe in. Nothing more. Does he not have that option? Does his opinion not count because its different than yours or mine? The last time I checked, he is a city councilman, and he is allowed to vote on issues just like the other 7 council members as well as the mayor. At least he has an opinion, and not just looking for the mayor to give a thumbs up or thumbs down for the rest of the council to vote off of. It would be nice to have 9 members on the city council who could think for themselves, and not be a puppet for big business, the okc chamber of commerce, the mayor, the city manager, and any other special interest group who throws their hat in the ring.
    He has the right to vote how he feels. Just like we have the right to voice our opinion about our elected officials.

    Is Brian Walters voting for what is best for his ward and his city or what is best for Brian Walters?

    Basically, IMO it seems he is calling his supporters idiots. He doesn't think they are smart enough to understand the difference between granting a permit to a group he might not agree with and supporting their lifestyle choices. I think there is a huge difference but he doesn't seem to think his people are smart enough to see the difference.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Yes, you would be correct, 73170 zip code is the wealthiest in the metro area per capita, and yes that is the southside in Ward 5.

  18. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    While he does have the option to support or not support certain aspects of life and likewise certain events that may take place in the city, it is terrible that an elected official must be so bigoted, regardless of his beliefs. He represents a constituency and bringing his personal agenda into his city government role is not what represents that constituency. Also, I'm positive that everyone is aware of the church|state wall. Advocating personal religion and it's intolerance of a specific demographic is widely frowned upon in political matters. Even if he is a councilman.

    You can say we're being overly critical and bashing him, but I don't find that true. They aren't gods, they are ELECTED officials. We have every right to analyze them as we please. Critique of our government is a well-known role of the American citizen.

  19. #19

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    I live in Ward 5 and am signing off now to start my letter-writing campaign to the esteemed councilman.

  20. #20

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    [B]“I don’t want my vote to be construed as support, because I really don’t support that, the same way that I wouldn’t support a group of, say, pedophiles who wanted to assemble. I would not vote yes on that either, (or) men who beat up their wives. Anything like that,” Walters said Wednesday.
    THIS... is the problem with this douche bag... NOT the vote itself.

    pedophiles and abusers.... gimme a break... this BS logic rears it's head over and over and over....

  21. Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerfan21 View Post
    I thought elected officials are supposed to vote for their constituents and not their own personal belief systems?
    Ditto. He clearly admitted he didn't vote for it because of his own personal beliefs but when it comes to nuts and bolts, he may have actually voted the wishes of his constituents.

  22. #22

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    He has the right to vote how he feels. Just like we have the right to voice our opinion about our elected officials.

    Is Brian Walters voting for what is best for his ward and his city or what is best for Brian Walters?

    Basically, IMO it seems he is calling his supporters idiots. He doesn't think they are smart enough to understand the difference between granting a permit to a group he might not agree with and supporting their lifestyle choices. I think there is a huge difference but he doesn't seem to think his people are smart enough to see the difference.
    Lets not put words in his mouth, he did not say anything of the like, lol.
    There may be a huge difference between granting a permit in your eyes and mine, but maybe not in his. His actions did not stop the permit. If there were enough members of the council that felt this way and voted accordingly, this would have been settled real quick by going to court. They would have their permit to assemble.

    Each member of the city council is entitled to a vote on this matter, if he did not vote the way that his constituents wanted him too then he could be voted out. If he did vote the way they wanted him too, then so be it, thats the democratic way. You and I can either agree or agree to disagree, thats the American way, is it not.

  23. #23

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Do you people not have anything better to do than to run a city councilman into the ground? He voted the way that he did, because he didnt want a yes vote to be misconstrued as supporting a lifestyle that he does not believe in. Nothing more. Does he not have that option? Does his opinion not count because its different than yours or mine? The last time I checked, he is a city councilman, and he is allowed to vote on issues just like the other 7 council members as well as the mayor. At least he has an opinion, and not just looking for the mayor to give a thumbs up or thumbs down for the rest of the council to vote off of. It would be nice to have 9 members on the city council who could think for themselves, and not be a puppet for big business, the okc chamber of commerce, the mayor, the city manager, and any other special interest group who throws their hat in the ring.
    He is an ELECTED official to represent his district. Do you think he is voting as a representation of his district or of himself? I agree with him on a personal level, but I don't think it's right for what he's done on the public level. He clearly cannot seperate the two and it has shown with about everything he's done. He voted against MAPS 3 and other issues (but look at his comparisons in his quotes, he uses things like that as not "moral implications", does MAPS 3 hold moral implications?, yet compares homosexuality to wife beaters and such?) BOBTHEBUILDER, why couldn't he have just abstained from voting on this issue if it goes against his moral beliefs?? The council still would have had the majority, and he would still have a clear conscience by "not supporting" the lifestyle he disagrees with. That would have been a more savvy move than voting "no" because of personal beliefs. Furthermore I doubt any of the councilpeople agree with the homosexual lifestyle on a personal level (many of them are Christians), but they know how to seperate church from state.

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Why is it OK for you and others to practice the right/freedom to support an issue, but it's not OK for someone to practice their right/freedom to not support said issue.

    It's obvious your "trolling" and just looking to argue. I'm not the one, my times to valuable--keep trolling.
    Exactly. Are people really clueless that these people are elected by the people for the people and should be held accountable to the people?

  24. #24

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    I don't really understand the big deal. His vote counts as a protest vote. Nothing more. It did nothing.

    Now, if he had been in the majority, we'd all have a legitimate gripe because the Council would have bought us a lawsuit.

    As it stands, the Council voted overwhelmingly in favor of approving the gay pride parade. Somehow, I just don't see the story here. It's pretty obvious that Walters has designs beyond City Hall and he's looking out for himself with respect to his appeal with family values voters. It cost him nothing, it cost us nothing, what's the story?

  25. #25

    Default Re: What is it with Ward 5's Brian Walters?

    What about his comments? From an elected official?

    “I don’t want my vote to be construed as support, because I really don’t support that, the same way that I wouldn’t support a group of, say, pedophiles who wanted to assemble. I would not vote yes on that either, (or) men who beat up their wives. Anything like that,” Walters said Wednesday.

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