Question to anyone who lives in Ward 5: Does Brian Walters truly represent you and fellow Ward 5 citizens?
Council member opposes gay pride event
By Brian Brus
The Journal Record
Posted: 09:20 PM Wednesday, June 2, 2010
OKLAHOMA CITY – Almost all monthly applications for special event permits are unanimously approved by Oklahoma City Council members – except for one standout planned for the end of this month.
“The reason I voted no on that is that I’m a born-again Christian and don’t believe in the homosexual lifestyle,” said Ward 5 Councilman Brian Walters, who cast the sole dissenting vote Tuesday against allowing a gay pride parade and festival organized by OKC Pride Inc. on June 26-27.
“I don’t want my vote to be construed as support, because I really don’t support that, the same way that I wouldn’t support a group of, say, pedophiles who wanted to assemble. I would not vote yes on that either, (or) men who beat up their wives. Anything like that,” Walters said Wednesday.
The OKC Pride events were passed 7-1 anyway, and Walters voted with his council peers in support of granting revocable permits for all other events this month: the deadCENTER Film Festival, Charlie Christian Jazz Festival, Juneteenth Celebration, Red Earth Festival parade, Redman Triathlon, Nationals Drag Boat Race and a USA Cycling Inc. competition.
OKC Pride Vice President Nathan Thompson said he was more than disappointed in Walters’ comments.
“It is outrageous for anyone, let alone an elected official, to compare law-abiding citizens to criminals like pedophiles or wife beaters,” Thompson said. “It is backwards and misrepresents the progressive direction Oklahoma City is headed in, with or without Brian Walters. Bigotry at this level is disgusting and will not be tolerated.”
It’s an issue that should have been put to bed many years ago, Thompson said. In 2003, after taking down banners advocating gay and lesbian rights, city officials were confronted with legal opposition to an ordinance that had given the city manager authority to decide on a case-by-case basis whether certain banners would appropriately promote or celebrate the city, its holidays and public events. Commercial banners were prohibited, along with those promoting any political, religious, or social advocacy organization or message.
Ultimately, the council voted to remove all content restrictions, and since then the question of recognizing public events involving gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual rights has not been discussed to any great extent.
Walters said he isn’t opposed to OKC Pride’s constitutional right to assemble, per se, but rather homosexuality itself.
“Every year that comes up, I vote no on that,” he said. “I believe the vote we have is construed as being supportive of the issue, as opposed to being a constitutional issue.”
Other city officials were unable to identify other events that have been opposed because of what Walters referred to as the “moral issue” behind them.
“Most of the time we’re looking at a revocable permit, you’re usually talking about events that have no moral implication – bike races, boat races, Fourth of July parades and things like that,” Walters said.
“I basically want my vote to speak for itself,” he said. “Frankly, if we didn’t approve it, there’s some discussion that they would go to court and get it anyway. And that may or may not be true. For me, it’s more of a moral issue.”