Yes, it should be on the mindset of the mother. If she thinks human life started on the day of her conception, then fine for her. Of course, there's always going to be exceptions to the logic, due to coma and other problems, such as youth. But that's life and surviving it.
Absolutes are rarely absolute. Moral realtivity seems to be one of those phrases which only refer to other peoples' standards.
Morals rarely hold up in the face of pragmatic reality.
I tend to side with Ruth Benedict on "morals" being an exhaulted name for "customs."
In other words, what I do is moral, what you do is not because it is not what I do.
It always sounds good to moralists to point fingers at others and claim "relativism."
A good example of this is my earlier post about War being acceptable and often desired by those who tend to favor the single cell theory of "person hood."
My allergies are bugging me and I just sneezed. All that DNA being dispersed has made me murder millions of potential humans.
God just added me to his list...of allegy sufferers. I'll have to show some veneration to Saint Bernardino.
My condolances on the allergies. I never had them until I was forty-one and moved east. I blamed it on the trees. Now that I am back, I brought my allergic reactions with me. It is crap, I tell you!
Empathy for the allergies. I feel as though I'm just typing into the wind. The point I was making is dodged by those who would deny the term of moral relativism. I do have absolutes in my life that are constant in the lives of others. North is always north. Up is always up. Hot is always hot. and so on. To argue otherwise is to weasel out of a meaningful discussion of the topic.
Your definition of absolute may extend to some degree beyond the space your conciousness occupies. However, everybody has different ways of defining the limits of thier own morality.
Even the parts we agree upon will vary wildly from person to person. Even the comandment "thou shalt not kill" seems, on the surface, obvious. But, does it mean "kill" or "murder?" Does it give exemptions for murder by warfare? Self-defense? The bible gives no loopholes so anything except "no killing" seems pretty well a matter of moral relativity.
Again, if one looks to historical absolutes, you will find enourmously different interpretations of virtually every moral standard from one era, society, generation, or even community.
What the individual thinks moral is virtually impossible to extropolate into any sort of universal value followed by human societies of all historical eras.
Jimbo, which of your "moral absolutes" do consider a permanantly fixed and universally recognized? If up is always up and hot is always hot, what are the moral equivilancies of these universal truths?
So to go by your logic and morality when it comes to abortion and being pro choice you have no other choice but to believe that such people believe:
You don't rape four year olds, UNLESS you own them.
You don't drag puppies behind cars at 40 MPH, UNLESS they are your puppies.
You don't eat squash unless it is grilled, UNLESS if you grew it.
Wow, this thread has gone to heck in a handbasket. EO and Bunty need to get a room, I need to stop wasting my time on this forum and we all need to turn the rascals out in November (sorry, I'll limit future political comments to the politics category).
Of course, no, why make yourself look foolish and stupid by asking such a hugely disgusting question? It suits me fine that to me there is plenty of difference between a fetus 2 weeks in a womb and a two month old baby outside the womb. And I can't control a woman who's pregnant.
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