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Thread: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

  1. #1
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    Feb 2005
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    Default Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Oklahoma City's increasing "Quality of Life" image:

    I was very impressed with this kid's second appearance on Ellen's show; he is a blessing to what's is happening with Metro Oklahoma City's image. Our Oklahoma City Thunder has helped to improve the image of our city; this is a sampling of more to come!

    Link: Ellen DeGeneres Signs Grayson Chance To New Record Label

    Most of the NBA Thunder players reside in Edmond area; this is a real boost for the quality of life efforts which is showing that Oklahoma City is becoming of age.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    How so?

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    I'm a little lost on that logic myself. This kid could have been from anywhere. What does it say about the city?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    The fact he isn't obese and appears educated, perhaps?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Most of the Thunder live in Edmond? So here goes the everything north or 122nd is automatically Edmond... NOW ARGUE!

  6. Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    How many of the Thunder actually 'live" here? Any?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Ellen loves Okc!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Just think what Color Me Badd did for this city's image.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Oddly, they talked about Edmond but didn't mention OKC at all. Not sure that really helps OKC's image much. I'm happy for the kid, though.

  10. Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Shouldn't this be in the Edmond section of the forum?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Yeah, I was about to say. How is the story about the young star from Edmond attributing to OKC's quality of life image? I also saw the Ellen show this morning and there was not one word of OKC. They showed snippets of the city of Edmond and most of the footage was at Cheyenne Middle School or in his home. I doubt any of the Thunder players live in the metro full time. Kevin Durant's family moved here and are staying here full time while Durant is playing for the Thunder.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Right now, somewhere east of Broadway, I wonder if there's a middle schooler furiously at work making bumper stickers that proclaim

    Don't OKC my Edmond

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    I have heard from my daughter's friend's cousin's grandmother.........that Kevin Durant is going to build in Gallardia and I know that is OKC. LOL

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Quote Originally Posted by architect5311 View Post
    I have heard from my daughter's friend's cousin's grandmother.........that Kevin Durant is going to build in Gallardia and I know that is OKC. LOL
    Ironically enough, I know for a fact that KD has joined the club at Gaillardia. Not sure if he's purchased property and/or intends to build there. He is a member as was announced in their most recent newsletter. So your daughter's friend's cousin's grandmother may just be on to something.

    Back to the thread at hand, while I am certainly thrilled to see another Okie in the spotlight for very positive things, hopefully Graysons behavior and how he handles the media and attention moving forward will be more of a positive reflection on Oklahoma in general. Not quite sure how it speaks to our "quality of life," as that is a subjective opinion based upon the people who experience it first-hand.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    I was told he bought a house in Gallardia by an incredibly reliable source. Perhaps it is under construction and that's what the "going to build" means.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I was told he bought a house in Gallardia by an incredibly reliable source. Perhaps it is under construction and that's what the "going to build" means.
    That's probably likely as most owners (if not all) are club members. He can probably get a pretty good deal on one of those homes (things being relative, of course), considering what that kind of home would cost him in another market, given the same salary.

    I'ts a nice neighborhood. I'm glad he's deciding to invest.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Yes, that is one of the interesting things. NBA players agents here will be negotiating for and expect salaries comparable to what are being paid around the league. However, if you look at cost of living for the Thunder versus the Knicks, Clippers, Warriors or Lakers, salaries here are going to go a lot, lot farther. Perhaps that will be a draw for free agents.....j/k

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Yes, that is one of the interesting things. NBA players agents here will be negotiating for and expect salaries comparable to what are being paid around the league. However, if you look at cost of living for the Thunder versus the Knicks, Clippers, Warriors or Lakers, salaries here are going to go a lot, lot farther. Perhaps that will be a draw for free agents.....j/k
    Perhaps. But when you're making millions, saving, say, $250k on a house isn't that big of a deal.

    If you could afford it, would you rather have an apartment on Central Park in NYC, or Bricktown?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post

    If you could afford it, would you rather have an apartment on Central Park in NYC, or Bricktown?
    Why BT of course. After all, if I could afford living on Central Park in NYC, I could bloody well afford a few visits after deciding to stay here. After a few visits, I'd be inclined to say that was nice, but now it's time to kick back and go to the lake. Say, anyone wanna sublease my BT place while I go hang out in northern NM for a while?

    Yeah, dreamin', it be fun.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma City's increaing Quality of Life image!

    What the sign of the young artist does do is reaffirm that Oklahoma is a premier states for producing musical talent.

    Hopefully more will be done in the future to capitalize on that fact.

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