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Thread: Ford Center renovations update

  1. #251

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    I'm not going to flame you for suggesting it, Larry. It would be a nice gesture. However, the $9 million profit isn't much when you've got debt service on some portion of the $425 million the owners have already spent to bring the team here. I think a team is basically a rich man's (or woman's, as if I had that kind of money, I'd own a team) toy, but let's not forget or fail to appreciate their contribution. The city has already gotten a tremendous amount of publicity because of the team's presence, and its citizens have gotten a lot of personal enjoyment and pride as well. I feel like I've gotten my money's worth, considering how small my personal contribution to the Ford Center renovations has been. So, if they don't feel inclined to pitch in the money for the practice court, I'm not going to throw any stones.

  2. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Larry - they are supposedly currently redoing the blueprints to make up the short fall in tax dollars. The city recently approved a $100K expenditure to pay the architects to do this....including remove the warmup court.

  3. #253

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Right...that most recent post describing the location of the warm up court was a follow up to earlier posts as to where it was supposed to have gone...on top of that location was the family fun zone and the article didn't mention anything about it, so don't know if is being deleted as well or they are moving it somewhere else. Definitely the info is out of date given the recent announcement, but is the most recent that is on the City's website. Gives a frame of reference. Am sure there were a few other changes along the way during the last round of renovations.

  4. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    I was fortunate enough to get a pre-construction tour of the bowels of the Ford Center given by SMG's general manager right after the FC improvement tax was passed. Gary showed us pretty clearly where each of the improvements would go and described them in detail. It actually was pretty much exactly the same tour that the NBA Board of Governors received shortly before us.

    It was difficult to always remain oriented in the underneath portions of the building, but I felt like I came away with a mostly clear picture, and having been in places like the courtside club and the terrace suites a few times since, it seems like this was the case.

    The thing about the practice court is that it was to be built over the top of the loading docks. I'm sure that is why the expense was significant. It didn't go within the footprint of the existing building, and it wasn't just a box cobbled onto the outside. The engineering was surely pretty tricky. That's why at this juncture it appears that it wouldn't be reasonable to build the space and do the court later; the court itself was a minimal portion of the cost.

    The other thing I took away was that the practice court wasn't specifically an amenity for the Thunder. The practice court was actually something that would have been used more during events like the NCAA games that are currently being played, or Big 12 tournaments. They would have given teams waiting for their game or session a chance to do shootarounds and warmups. There was also thinking that it would be good for Thunder youth events and such. But a warmup court is a luxury that most NBA arenas don't have and was never deemed a necessity.

    Due to the timing, the team relocation and whatnot, it seems that all of those improvements were for the team. Certainly they were DRIVEN by the effort to bring the team here. But if you've paid attention throughout the construction you know that many of the improvements were just as much for other multipurpose uses as for the NBA.

  5. #255

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update


    Ford Center is ready for its NCAA visitors (Oklahoman, 3/17/10)

    ...more renovations are scheduled in the next 18 months.

    The biggest addition among the final phase of a $50 million project will be a new grand entryway on the southwest corner of the arena near Robinson and I-40. That project will begin with excavation in September and is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2011.
    The Ford Center, though, will not be shut down this summer as originally planned.

    A handful of projects will be completed this summer inside the Ford Center — new concession stands, two new restrooms on both the concourse and upper deck levels and novelty stands. But major projects inside the arena were completed last summer.

    "These renovations will not require us to close the building,” Desjardins said. "We will be staying open.”

    Another part of the final renovation project is new floors will be constructed on the 100 concourse level, which will require the Ford Center to be closed for two months in the summer of 2011.

  6. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    so it sounds like Ford Center will need to be closed for the floors and not because of the expansion. ....

    Good to know. I want to see that expansion!!!

    More cranes downtown!!!!!!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  7. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    SO if they are closed for 2 months, how is that not closed for the summer?

  8. #258

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    SO if they are closed for 2 months, how is that not closed for the summer?
    It won't be closed THIS summer, but will be closed for two months during NEXT summer.

  9. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Told ya! Hehe.

  10. #260

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    The Canadian Press: Oklahoma City scales back plans for upgrades to arena, new practice facility

    OKLAHOMA CITY — An oversight board charged with keeping renovations of the Oklahoma City Thunder's arena under budget now has a clearer picture of a multimillion dollar shortfall in funding for the project.

    Members of the city board were told Tuesday that the final budget for the renovations will be US$112 million, or about $9 million less than anticipated when voters approved a one-penny sales tax intended to upgrade the arena and lure the Thunder away from Seattle.

  11. #261

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The Canadian Press: Oklahoma City scales back plans for upgrades to arena, new practice facility

    OKLAHOMA CITY — An oversight board charged with keeping renovations of the Oklahoma City Thunder's arena under budget now has a clearer picture of a multimillion dollar shortfall in funding for the project.

    Members of the city board were told Tuesday that the final budget for the renovations will be US$112 million, or about $9 million less than anticipated when voters approved a one-penny sales tax intended to upgrade the arena and lure the Thunder away from Seattle.
    Considering the amount of massive cutbacks being implemented in other areas due to budget shortfalls, this doesn't sound unreasonable. It shouldn't have any large impact on the overall effectiveness of the projects.

  12. #262
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    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Remember, construction costs are also down and the practice facility award was much less than budget. Don't be surprised if the entrance bids come in lower also. Materials are coming down again.

  13. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Let me see if I understand this.

    $121 million original budget
    -$9 million shortfall
    +$5 million practice facility savings

    =$4 million shortfall, NOT $9 million shortfall

    Plus the likelihood that the $50 million Phase 2 could come in perhaps $4 million under budget--after all, practice facility did come in 33% under budget.

    Why are they scaling things back, at all??

  14. #264

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Why is the Canadian Press reporting this story? Seems odd to me.

  15. #265

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    Why is the Canadian Press reporting this story? Seems odd to me.
    Probably because our AHL franchise is tied to the NHL Edmondton (Canada) Oilers and they will probably play some games in the Ford Center. Not to mention we play the Toronto Raptors in the Ford. They do have some interest in it.

  16. #266

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Probably because our AHL franchise is tied to the NHL Edmondton (Canada) Oilers and they will probably play some games in the Ford Center. Not to mention we play the Toronto Raptors in the Ford. They do have some interest in it.
    Ahh, sometimes I forget we are a "Big League City".

  17. #267
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    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    The news is on the wire services. The fact Canadian Press cover it is no big deal.

    I don't believe the hockey team will ever play at Ford Center. That is why the Cox is upgraded.

  18. #268

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Let me see if I understand this.

    $121 million original budget
    -$9 million shortfall
    +$5 million practice facility savings

    =$4 million shortfall, NOT $9 million shortfall

    Plus the likelihood that the $50 million Phase 2 could come in perhaps $4 million under budget--after all, practice facility did come in 33% under budget.

    Why are they scaling things back, at all??
    Did you mean $19M shortfall? (That was the amount reported) but isn't math fun? LOL

    I understand what you are saying and did some math on it a while back but don't have the info handy so am doing from memory...

    The practice facility "savings" is closer to 60% of what was originally earmarked (3 months of the 15 month, $100M/year tax = $25M mol). It was often reported that the P.F. was I around $21M but there was one after the vote that had the $25M figure. Winning bid came in at $10M (article said $15M was budgeted. Quick and dirty math:

    $25M Earmarked
    -$10M Bid (actual cost may be higher)
    = $15M "savings"

    Know there were some of the Ford improvements that came in over budget, but should have been offset by the P.F. savings and agree that the "shortfall" really shouldn't be an issue.

  19. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    Why is the Canadian Press reporting this story? Seems odd to me.
    Probably because I just got back home from Calgary.

  20. #270

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Did you mean $19M shortfall? (That was the amount reported) but isn't math fun? LOL
    The article under discussion reported a $9M shortfall: "or about $9 million less than anticipated".

    Isn't reading fun? LOL

  21. #271

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by Oil Capital View Post
    The article under discussion reported a $9M shortfall: "or about $9 million less than anticipated".

    Isn't reading fun? LOL
    Yes it is...I missed the article in question...but some of their math doesn't match with what was previously reported (numerous times in the Oklahoman and Gazette). The $19M shortfall figure was in line with those (but out of line with the same $19M shortfall to the general fund which on the surface is double the amount.

    Am going to go back and read the referenced article again and see if I can make any sense out of it...

  22. Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    The point is that there have been a lot of different numbers thrown around and it is confusing. Some psuedo news sources (like a local TV station) just shouldn't even bother reporting facts and figures sometimes..

  23. #273

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Absolutely Spartan....

  24. #274

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    The point is that there have been a lot of different numbers thrown around and it is confusing. Some psuedo news sources (like a local TV station) just shouldn't even bother reporting facts and figures sometimes..
    Yes, the local TV stations like to start news stories with facts and figures without really doing any investigative reporting into what those facts and figures really mean. It usually results in distorted news coverage.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Ford Center renovations update

    Why don't we make up the shortfall by cutting City employee wages a bit more? Instead of 5%, lets make it 10%, that should do it.

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