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Because I am strictly an observer in rowing matters I'll pose this question for those that know:
Is OKC truly a "premiere" venue, or a mere novelty?
Amongst the rowers and coaches with whom I spoke during my shift there, they were all very dissapointed with the weather and delays. Of course they were most dissapointed by the wind, and when they found out it was going to be a constant and that the fairly windless competitions in the past were more flooky than anything else, they were even more dismayed. At one point in time, the white caps were cresting over the bows of the boats, and even into the seats.
I too enjoy seeing the boats in the water on my way to work in the early mornings, especially the overcast mornings, its like something outta St. Elmo's Fire.
Again, those with whom I spoke said that if not for Chesepeake and Devon monies, this venue would in fact be less than desireable or at most just average.
Should this be something that M3 addresses? Is there something to be done about the wind? Is it really as big a deal as it seemed to those competing at this event?