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Thread: How was the rowing?

  1. #1

    Default How was the rowing?

    I was at the rowing contest this weekend at the River. I know that for a large part of the event, boats were shored because of the high winds. The event was delayed during the time I spent there. I don't know how it turned out. Does anybody know if the conditions changed?

  2. #2

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

  3. #3

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Anyone who ever questioned the development of the river for rowing events should notice the part of the article that said there were 1130 athletes here participating in events. That's the equivalent of a good size convention for OKC and brings in significant tax dollars. It's only going to get better with the new developments.

  4. #4

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    I think driving by the river and seeing the fours and eights out there is about the coolest thing in the world. I never would have thought, after moving here from the northeast, that i'd see crew shells in downtown OKC. All the credit in the world to some people who had an idea that was probably called ridiculous by everyone they met...

  5. #5

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    If anyone here disputes that this City is going in the right direction, look no farther than the crew teams from all over the country who were here to row....and talking to some of my high school and college friends who rowed at Henley and Head of the Charles and all the other big time regattas, they all want to come see what's going on down here....we are the talk of the rowing circles...

  6. #6

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Quote Originally Posted by easternobserver View Post
    I think driving by the river and seeing the fours and eights out there is about the coolest thing in the world. I never would have thought, after moving here from the northeast, that i'd see crew shells in downtown OKC. All the credit in the world to some people who had an idea that was probably called ridiculous by everyone they met...
    True. Wasn't all that long ago you could look down the river bed and know it needed a good mowing. A good rowing is much nicer to see. Looking forward to the continuing expansion of this area.

  7. Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Nice. The precursor to Core to Shore: Mowing to Rowing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Here are some photos... Note the AICCM in the first one. The Devon/OCU boathouse is really coming along and the finish line tower is as well:

  9. #9

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Great photos. I like the one with the view of the Native American Cultural Center on it. That's going to be a great area.

    And for eastern observer, when you say Henley, do you mean Henley-on-Thames? Or is there an American Henley? Very cool that we are the talk of rowing circles, and if we're being compared favorably to Henley-on-Thames I am very impressed. I hope they'll wait just a little while until we get more of our construction going. Speaking of which, I would think grandstands might not be that expensive to construct. Maybe, with all the rowing momentum, that should be an early project for MAPS 3.

  10. #10

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Pete, how can you tell if the finish line tower is coming along as well, it's not shown in any of these pics.

  11. #11

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Yes, the big deal Henley-on-Themes. Not sure we'd ever measure up to that tradition or to Head of the Charles, because they have long and storied histories, but the fact that rowers of that caliber are even talking about OKC is amazing. Once the other boathouse and the tower and the other improvements get finished, not to mention the Indian Cultural Center, our venue will be unique and a great place to row.

    Next on the list is to get some competitive sailing interested. The river is more than wide enough for dinghy races at the high-school and college levels, and the wind here would make for a great 420 or Laser regatta. The high school championships move around to various locations each year (Cressy/Mallory/Baker Regattas), and it would be great to try to lure to OKC.

  12. #12

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Eastern observer, a good contact might be the commodore of the Lake Hefner boat club. They conduct national regattas on a regular basis and might be able to be of service.

  13. #13

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Because I am strictly an observer in rowing matters I'll pose this question for those that know:

    Is OKC truly a "premiere" venue, or a mere novelty?

    Amongst the rowers and coaches with whom I spoke during my shift there, they were all very dissapointed with the weather and delays. Of course they were most dissapointed by the wind, and when they found out it was going to be a constant and that the fairly windless competitions in the past were more flooky than anything else, they were even more dismayed. At one point in time, the white caps were cresting over the bows of the boats, and even into the seats.

    I too enjoy seeing the boats in the water on my way to work in the early mornings, especially the overcast mornings, its like something outta St. Elmo's Fire.

    Again, those with whom I spoke said that if not for Chesepeake and Devon monies, this venue would in fact be less than desireable or at most just average.

    Should this be something that M3 addresses? Is there something to be done about the wind? Is it really as big a deal as it seemed to those competing at this event?

  14. #14

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    It is a shame that this event didn't garner much local media attention (DOK) as it did bring many people and their wallets to town.

    Maps 3 did include money for the river including bleachers and a wind fence.

  15. #15

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Pete, how can you tell if the finish line tower is coming along as well, it's not shown in any of these pics.
    Because in the blog where I grabbed those photos, they also had photos of the tower's foundation being poured.

  16. #16

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    To be honest I did not know about the rowing last weekend until today seeing it in OKCTALK. OKC needs to hype up more of the cities activities. I try to stay abreast of what's going on and still miss things. I don't know maybe it just me.

  17. Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Same here rondvu. I haven't been able to get to an event yet, but I'd like to go...but never know about them.

    I can't wait for the night races once the projecst are all done. How freaking cool is that going to be!!!!

  18. #18

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Because I am strictly an observer in rowing matters I'll pose this question for those that know:

    Is OKC truly a "premiere" venue, or a mere novelty?

    Amongst the rowers and coaches with whom I spoke during my shift there, they were all very dissapointed with the weather and delays. Of course they were most dissapointed by the wind, and when they found out it was going to be a constant and that the fairly windless competitions in the past were more flooky than anything else, they were even more dismayed. At one point in time, the white caps were cresting over the bows of the boats, and even into the seats.

    I too enjoy seeing the boats in the water on my way to work in the early mornings, especially the overcast mornings, its like something outta St. Elmo's Fire.

    Again, those with whom I spoke said that if not for Chesepeake and Devon monies, this venue would in fact be less than desireable or at most just average.

    Should this be something that M3 addresses? Is there something to be done about the wind? Is it really as big a deal as it seemed to those competing at this event?
    The Oklahoma River provides much more wind protection (even before the MAPS 3 projects) than most venues with the high banks. Rowing is still an outdoor sport - and the 35-40mph winds that day at the venue are not regular occurrences and are far higher than our average wind speed. The fact that most of the races were held (see the results linked above) is a testament to the venue, as races would have been called off at most other places with the same conditions. Still - it certainly affects the experience of the competitors and is inevitable that this occasionally will happen when there are as many events as there are on the river (just like it will affect golf events, etc). I've been to multiple events at the river where the weather did not pose any real problems and the competitors seemed to love it. We've had many high profile rowing events in OKC that have been raved about in the rowing world (even voted best in the country). The Big 12 Rowing Championship and a youth championship were here in earlier May and both went great.

    Wind can be a factor anywhere - I know people who rowed at a major competition in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago and all they talked about was how terrible the wind was. It is no fluke that our river is an Olympic training site - on most days under our regular wind conditions, the river is well protected and rowers have no problems (when they would have challenges at other venues with more open water).

    There are few rowing courses that are as straight, sheltered, and urban as ours - and the incredible boathouse developments just make it that much better. The MAPS 3 projects will take what we have an make it even better - the races could just go into the night with the lights if wind is an issue!

  19. #19

    Default Re: How was the rowing?

    hmmmm...wind a factor in Oklahoma? LOL

    Jokingly heard once that the original lyrics to Oklahoma!: instead of "where the wind comes sweeping down the Plain" was "Where the wind blows like a hurricane". But for some reason, didn't stick.

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