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Thread: What's missing in OKC?

  1. #1
    mike Guest

    Default What's missing in OKC?

    I'm considering opening my own business in the OKC metro area. My wife and I have many interests, but we're trying to discover what it is that OKC "needs" (prefferably in the Leisure industry). Obviously, there are plenty of theatres, arcades, etc. What does OKC need?

  2. #2

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    How about a NASCAR Simulator arcade similar to the one in Katy, Tx?

  3. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    I think we should "STEER" away from the NASCAR image. I don't want to discard your opinion Karlanee, i personally think it would be a fun idea, but NASCAR has never been a name i'd be endorsing. With that said, i think OKC could use a lot of fun ideas, but the majority of those would take alot of money to set up. What about Paddle boats on the Oklahoma River?

  4. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    How about a Family Miniature Golf Course complete with arcades and snack bar? ( we played at Branson this week and had so much fun)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    I was just thinking of how many NASCAR fans there are in this area. I don't think think NASCAR is something to be ashamed of. But that's just my opinion. I don't have anything to back that up, it's just what I think.

    Paddle boats would be a LOT of fun!

    The large mini-golf idea is a great one too. I'd go for either one of those. I think something along the river would be a great thing.

  6. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    I think Bricktown needs one of those really nice Miniature Golf courses like they have in Branson and tourist-trap places like that. I love those kind of mini golf courses and we don't have one anywhere around here.

    I'll try to think of some more ideas.

  7. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Last time I was around Kansas City, I drove some Go-Karts on an indoor tracked that had a top speed of 60 mph. I topped out at 49. It was unreal. You had to wear a neck brace and helmet. It was a hell of a time. After you finish, they give you a print out of all your time splits. We could use one of those.

    There is a really nice mini golf course in Edmond called Put Around on Bryant.

  8. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Miniature golf courses aren't just tourist traps, they are meant for families to enjoy time together... we had a lot of fun...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Mike, first off I commend you for wanting to start a new business in OKC. Of course, most of us here would probably suggest Bricktown, but I will tell you from a business sense that Bricktown is currently a risky market. But, if you market well and offer a good product, Bricktown could offer you more money than any other area in town. You just need to understand the Bricktown market and play it right.

    I definitely agree with the idea of a high quality miniature golf course in Bricktown. Working with Urban Renewal and possibly developing such an attraction on the South Canal (a more park-like setting) might be a good fit. The closest mini golf course is at I-40 and Meridian....that's not too far, but it's your typical run of the mill Celebration Station mini golf course. A high quality mini golf course in Bricktown, that really encompasses the history of the area, would probably be an automatic success.

    What Bricktown really needs is a unique book store. Opening such a store and making it unique, complete with a coffee shop, would definitely be a huge hit in Bricktown.

    A downtown grocery store is drastically needed. You wouldn't have to compete with Wal-Mart down there, so you'd have the market all to yourself. Modeling it after Kamps on Classen and 23rd would be great! Residential population downtown is growing and there's definitely a need there.

  10. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by mike
    I'm considering opening my own business in the OKC metro area. My wife and I have many interests, but we're trying to discover what it is that OKC "needs" (prefferably in the Leisure industry). Obviously, there are plenty of theatres, arcades, etc. What does OKC need?

    i dont have many ideas right now, but you mentioned there are too many arcades. there are? there are a few and they are not very good. oh, how bout a dave and busters!?

  11. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    I know this will get ALOT of criticism & doesn't really apply to this thread BUT an Eskimo Joes in Bricktown would be unique in my opinion.

  12. #12
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    How about a Family Miniature Golf Course complete with arcades and snack bar? ( we played at Branson this week and had so much fun)
    Excellent idea. I have fond memories of going to Putt-putt as a child.

  13. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    A second on the Bricktown bookstore and fourth on the miniature golf course.
    How about a place for other games such as bocce ball, croquet, horseshoes, or a giant chessboard? These things could be added in small areas like alleys or current parking lots. They don't have to be added as part of a business, but maybe as special projects provided and managed by the city, Downtown OKC, or the Bricktown Association. The land south of OKC rocks on the riverbank would be nice.

    I think there's a misconception that any retail that goes into Bricktown must be Oklahoma touristy -- a la cowboys and indians. Why can't we have retail that is just high quality and unique-- such as a gallery specializing in surrealist art, or a mystery bookstore, or antique shop? Or a record store with an owner with an encyclopedic mind and selection to match? If you want to start a retail business in Bricktown, find a fun product you know very well, have lots of it, and be willing to be a showman. Hold events like readings or talks or whatever -- educate and entertain people on subjects related to your product.

    Anyway, I always think Bricktown could use more entertainment such as improvisational comedy, another arthouse movie theater, magic shows, a cafe to watch TV outside of sports (with themed nights, such as "Lost" Wednesdays). Anything interactive (games, participatory theater, dance lessons, etc) is sorely needed in Bricktown. But again, make sure it is done well, with an expertise you can share.
    Continue the Renaissance

  14. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    We need another better putt-putt place around here. In norman we have perfect swing and its a shotty place, plain jane putt-putt greens noo fun in it. If there is a place to be opened why not on south side okc. Why does everything have to be in bricktown or on the canal.

  15. #15
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Here's an idea. Rooftop putt-putt. Have various holes on the bricktown rooftops. Connect them with walkways between rooftops - nothing fancy, but just very safe. There's enough building density to do a decent 18-hole course. It could be themed in any number of ways. Of course thats probably waaaay too expensive, but it would definately be unique.

  16. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    Here's an idea. Rooftop putt-putt. Have various holes on the bricktown rooftops. Connect them with walkways between rooftops - nothing fancy, but just very safe. There's enough building density to do a decent 18-hole course. It could be themed in any number of ways. Of course thats probably waaaay too expensive, but it would definately be unique.
    Sounds pretty cool.
    Continue the Renaissance

  17. #17

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    What OKC really needs is a Fudruckers!

    Unique places, let's do it:

    1) Candlestick bowling. Been to one in Boston, you get 3 shotput-sized wooden balls and the pins are like candlesticks and you get 3 tries to knock 'em all down

    2) Dave & Busters

    3) Good pool hall...closest I've found so far is Bricktown Brewery

    ...for some reason I'm drawing a blank tonight even though I can usually think of 'em much easier than right now :|

  18. #18

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    OKC needs more urban housing in and around downtown. Period. Once that is in place the retail/dining developments will follow. Mixed-use urban developments are what this city needs the most.

  19. #19
    mike Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    wow. you all have been very insightful. thank you and keep the ideas coming.
    so it seems that putt-putt and bookstore seem to have the highest bids. perhaps we'll do a bookstore/putt-putt combo. nah, that'd never work.
    besides these, what are some other things you all would like to see?

  20. #20

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Speaking of rooftop putt putt, it has been done before downtown. I cant remember the name of the building, its on the corner of Sheridan and Hudson I believe, just adjacent from the new library and just south of the Montgomery. You can still see it on the rooftop, its glassed in. That would be great to revive that again and it would be cheaper since its not in Bricktown, yet it adds entertainment in the CBD. I also like the idea of a musicstore or even better a bookstore downtown. Don't forget about the other districts such as Arts, Flatiron, Automobile Alley, Midtown, Deep Deuce and the River which are all strongly gaining momentum. Its time we diversify our downtown more. You may also consider something playing off the Hornets and having some kind of outdoor entertainment outside of the stadium like some pop a shots or something on the blocked off street, etc. We need to create an ambiance down there. I also like the idea of paddleboats on the river or some kind of boat or canoe rental. This will be a huge opportunity with a nice reward and minimal overhead or risk.

  21. #21
    cntrykid Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    A nice several story wooden track go cart track would be fun. We rode these while in Branson last spring and had a blast. Also a small IMAX theater would be something different for OKC.

  22. #22
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    As has already been mentioned, downtown housing is doing very well. The more downtown apartment complexes and condos, the better.

    Apartments on the river are on the table.

    A casino on the Oklahoma River would be nice.

    Although much of the surrounding region is saturated, downtown could still use more hotel rooms.

    A wax museum in one of the Bricktown warehouses might be good. The one in Laclede's Landing in St. Louis seems to do well.

    Depending on how much money you have, buy White Water Bay and Frontier City and improve them!

    A unique downtown bookstore and grocery store are probably the most highly sought after attractions at the present time.

    An Oklahoma Store, selling merchandise representing the state has been suggested before. The best location would obviously be in a tourist area like Bricktown.

  23. #23
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    A bowling alley on the east side of Bricktown has been mentioned in the past.

  24. Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    And as we've already mentioned in the past too, we need a top notch niche grocery store downtown, like a Wild Oats or another Crescent Market.
    Continue the Renaissance

  25. #25
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: What's missing in OKC?

    Personally, I really miss Windy City Pizza in Bricktown. I enjoyed the upscale Chicago-style atmosphere that restaurant offered. We need another upscale pizza joint in Bricktown.

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