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Thread: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

  1. #1

    Default Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I'll kick it off. It was fun, thought I had locked my keys in the car, and a bird took a dump on my arm -- super cool.

    Sorry I had to leave early, guys, hope you guys got some cool shots!

    Flickr: mattokc's Photostream

    They are in reverse order....ergh!

  2. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Did you guys not make it out of A-Alley?

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    They are in reverse order....ergh!
    Yeah I hate how flickr does that!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  3. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I have my Automobile Alley area photos up. Working on the skyscraper area next.

    iconoklahoma: Automobile Alley Area

  4. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Just got home. It was disappointing how few people were on the streets in A-Alley..and I was actually pleasantly shocked how many people were walking around in Bricktown. There was literally pedestrian "traffic."

  5. #5

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    It was great meeting you guys. I am going through my pics now.

    My pics aren't quite as good as so1rfan and SkyWestOKC's pics.

  6. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Mine were not that good, either..but those guys' pics are amazing. Wow.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Just got home. It was disappointing how few people were on the streets in A-Alley..and I was actually pleasantly shocked how many people were walking around in Bricktown. There was literally pedestrian "traffic."
    There's really not that much to walk to on Automobile Alley. If you could stroll from store to store, you'd see more traffic, but the lack of much retail on Broadway limits it.

    Since I walk through Bricktown all the time I can tell you that it's rare for there not to be a lot of pedestrian traffic in Bricktown. Even when we walk with our dogs to Starbucks on a Saturday or Sunday morning there are a fair number of people out and about.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    I have my Automobile Alley area photos up. Working on the skyscraper area next.

    iconoklahoma: Automobile Alley Area

  9. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I'm uploading my Bricktown shots now..Flickr only lets me do 100 MB/month so I'll use something else to host the other 2/3 of my pics..

  10. #10

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Great shots so1rfan!

  11. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    My pics, just Bricktown: Flickr: okmet.org's Photostream

  12. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Hey all, thanks for the kind words. You guys got got some great photos as well. It's a shame Matt's batteries went dead, he was rolling.

    Got some skyscrapers shots up on the blog: iconoklahoma: The Skyscrapers

    I have a few Bricktown, but those will have to wait until tomorrow.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Wow! I noticed when you were shooting, you shot in bursts (of 3 -4), are you using HDR? Your shots are amazing!

  14. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I generally bracket everything I shoot so I have the option of using HDR when I need to. I think the Iguana Grill, Sara Sara, Bicycle Alley and the Desolation Blvd are HDR rendered.

    I also dial the aperture down one notch because I find I get better results when I post process. I use a curve adjustment to brighten the midtones without blowing out the highlights or lightening the shadows. I've been playing around with photo editing software for a quite a while.

    Truth is I can't take a normal photo, I'm not that good of a photographer.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I'm going to call BS on the last sentence. You take great pictures!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    I'm working on mine now...don't expect much compared to the others' work. It was great meeting up with you guys. We should do it again sometime. Steve, we missed you.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    My pics, just Bricktown: Flickr: okmet.org's Photostream
    Looks like the sun came out after I left. Great people shots. Looks like we have discovered the nucleus of downtown activity on a Sunday evening. Let's hope future city plans recognize this as well.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    to so1rfan:

    You're photo's are awesome. I' especially like your composition of "Looking Up". That image is ingrained into my brain now, and I'm gonna find it myself next time i'm downtown. That would be my choice for the best photo of the tour, that I've seen so far, to include into Steve's article.

    That photo is really awesome, and taking a "normal photo" is the best compliment you could give yourself. I'd have no interest in your work if you took a "normal" photo. Good job.

    And to everyone else, I can't wait to see what else you guys have.

    If this becomes a monthly/seasonaly/yearly deal, then I'm going to look forward into taking part next time.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Here's the link to my photos:
    Photography Meet-Up [5.22.10] - a set on Flickr

  20. #20

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Sorry about the delay. I fell asleep. Here are my pics. They kind of bounce around a lot.

    Flickr: lasomeday's Photostream

  21. #21

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Thanks for posting those guys. You all are very accomplished photographers, to my admittedly untrained eye.

  22. Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Here I'll just post some highlights right here of my Bricktown pics:

    I think it's fair to say that, despite all the criticism and controversy that Bricktown sometimes attracts, it is still our city's best neighborhood-by far. It is vibrant, colorful, urban, crowded, successful, attractive, and more. Bricktown is exactly that "big city" environment we're trying to foster. So many times we go to Bricktown and notice the things wrong with it..when we walked through Bricktown, we noticed absolutely nothing that was "wrong" with it.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    And it keeps getting better. Not perhaps, as fast as we'd like, but there is slow, steady improvement.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    These are excellent photos! Thanks to everyone who did them.

    And I agree about Bricktown. Its by no means perfect, but I'm always impressed by the crowds that are around, especially now that we are into "patio season." I really can't think of anywhere in the state (and very few outside the state, at least for a mid sized city) that have a similar feel.

    Midtown and Automobile Alley are very "9 to 5." If you want to see it vibrant you should go about lunchtime during the week.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Photography Meet-Up Result Thread

    Was there any special events taking place in Bricktown? (concerts, redhawks, etc.)

    Those pics make bricktown look really look impressive.

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