In just four short years OKC will be changed forever. List of projects completed:
Devon Tower/adjacent structures
Myriad Gardens makeover
Ford Center makeover
American Indian Museum
Oklahoma River structures/enhancements
The new I-40
What else?
In just four short years OKC will be changed forever. List of projects completed:
Devon Tower/adjacent structures
Myriad Gardens makeover
Ford Center makeover
American Indian Museum
Oklahoma River structures/enhancements
The new I-40
What else?
I thought they were supposed to be workin on the Ford Center grand entrance right now!
The grand entrance won't be completed until spring of 2011. Work is planned to start in September.
I was about to say...
Every single historic building will have been demolished or altered by then. We'll have twice as many corporate plazas and surface parking lots. We'll have a Walmart to go with the Bass Pro. We'll have Motel 6 and Red Roof Inn to go with the Residence Inn and Bricktown will be renamed the Green Roof District, akin to the Blue Dome District in Tulsa, but not urban. OKC's planning establishment will no longer just be the laughing stock of downtown, but it will be a joke all across the country. Once SandRidge goes bankrupt the weeds in SandRidge Plaza will be so high that they are actually taller than the Pietro Belluschi tower will be SandRidge's only contribution to downtown density and the skyline, in the end. We will be breaking ground on a core to shore convention center adjacent to the park, much to the chagrin of developers who would have liked to put development on that land instead, and we will still have not broken ground on a downtown streetcar system because, as a city that is not serious about planning or transit, it has been moved to the very back of the list. We will be working on extending the outer loop all the way around the city and suburban home starts will outnumber downtown homes starts by a margin of 50 to 1. REALLY though, the only new development will be that of a $400 million county jail which will have just as many problems as the old, revealing the simple truth that the county govt (which needs to be eradicated) is the problem, not a facility. Will Rogers World Airport will be loosing several flights a year due to the lower demand for air travel and higher demand for rail travel..which will truly suck for OKC because a high speed rail corridor will never come to Oklahoma despite being recommended by the Feds and due to WRWA's non-hub status, it will hemorrhage flights because the argument that people need SOME way to get to OKC won't hold up in airline negotiations. With Interstate highway or Heartland Flyer by way of Dallas being one of the only ways to get to OKC, commerce will dry up and all of the progress economically made by the MAPS legacy will be reversed and OKC will truly become the next Detroit..or Dodge City is a closer analogy I think, because Detroit is a real city. And one last thing: We will continue electing the most backward and conservative politicians in the nation, so we will at least always be known for that and tornadoes. We will start by electing a whopper of an ignoramus in this year's Congressional race for District 5..
That's where I think OKC will be in 2014 if you ask me, today.
^^ wow!
buried under a mile of volcanic ash after the 2012 explosion of yellowstone
Can't wait for the Bricktown Walmart to open up!
So using MAPS3 to treat an urban area like it might as well be a suburban area seems to be an issue cropping up strongly. In other words don't Edmond my Downtown.
^^ Agreed,if they treat Core2Shore/MAPS3 projects like they did Bricktown,then it will be SUBurban like,and also most of us agree that Sandridge demo"ing" historic buildings isnt at all what OKC needs!and OKC's overall transportation is Horrific(not highways)!OKC still has along way to go,but on The flip side OKC has made MAJOR strides(just in The past 15 years)!
Coming out of a double dip recession that will be evident by the end of this year.
It don't Matter because The End Is Near...
The new I-40 is iffy though right?
Spartan. I don't know very much, but I am convinced that you will never be known as the new Nostradamus.
I understand that it will have a handfull of different features, but I dont think it is a dramatic as you make it out. 2020 might be a more 'changed' look but I uno
You left off Project 180.
Spartan just wrote a dystopian novel on the future of Oklahoma City.
i think you missed my point. with a walmart in bricktown it will certainly encourage those visiting bricktown to utilize walmart's parking since its free, thus avoiding having to pay $5.00 or however much to pay in one of the many fee lots.
in turn, it will ward off honest customers who dont wish to visit bricktown, but just shop at walmart and go home. they will be immediately discouraged to shop there by the ever constant sight of a very crowded parking lot.
walmart will have to meticulously monitor parking lot vialotors via security staff and/or cameras.
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