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However, one thing which never seems to change is the idea that the world is degrading morally, ethically, and culturally.
The opposing view is that the world is always changing in superficial ways and that change is really threatening to people.
The past doesn't change therefore it is easy to cherry pick our memories in order to see it better than the far more chaotic present.
I'm 48 and I can remember hearing how the world was going to hell in a handbasket because all the good values were being tossed aside etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum...
Seems like honor, being subjective, always looks better in the grand "used to be" than it does now.
I'd go a bit farther and say, for every example of greed one finds today, one can find worse from the past. For ever act of cowardice, hypocrisy, venality, cruelty, sloth, gluttony, and all the other deadly sins one finds today, human society has worse.
I know that the things which are measurable which appear to represent moral and ethical standards--crime rates for example--tend to rise and fall over time. That would seem to represent a world were morals, ethics, and other measures of "honor" aren't in a constant downward spiral, but wax and wane due to a variety of complex issues.
Other things which can be measured--lifespan, child mortality, fatal disease rates--have all improved dramatically in my life span alone. Go back 100 years and one might as well be looking at the stone age.
Groeshel's hardly original concept of a degrading world seems myopic if not completely blind to how many ways the world has improved.
Or course, we don't ride around in horses and buggies much any more.
But then, we no longer live in a world saturated in horse manure like the "good old days"...except, of course, for the things preachers and other arbiters of "values" tend to issue forth in great abundance...