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Thread: Next Oklahoma superstar?

  1. #1

    Default Next Oklahoma superstar?

    This 13 year old from Edmond has become a youtube superstar overnight. His video had 5+ million hits in just one day! He'll be on Ellen later today!

    Here's his rendition of Lady Gaga's Paparazzi - the video that made him famous:

    And the next two videos are ORIGINAL pieces he composed! This kid is so talented.

  2. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    this has gone crazy on facebook. this kid does have talent, but if he does get some sort of deal, it will be an aaron carter deal. a few years before hormones and puberty finally take over the voice.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    This boy is the real deal. He's a student where my wife teaches school. Keep an eye on him. He may just skip American Idol and go right to a major label.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    talented lad

  5. #5

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Wow. It's raw talent but he has it - including the ability to communicate the emotion of the music. I hope his parents realize what they have on their hands.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Wow. It's raw talent but he has it - including the ability to communicate the emotion of the music. I hope his parents realize what they have on their hands.
    Agreed. The "biz" can be wonderful fun and/or it can chew you up and spit you out.

  7. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Incredibly gifted. I saw the interview with him on News 9. It looks like his parents have done a great job. The problem with the industry and fame is that the artist doesnt change much, but the people around them do and end up becoming a problem.

    A big time label right will cost him too much money. The labels charge the artist back for everything. It takes a million in sales to break even. He needs a good producer and marketing team. Get a few good tracks on iTunes and clips on YouTube and he is set.

    Radio OKC - Where it's all about the music!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    RadioOKC...you touched on something I was curious about. I saw the interview with the family, and the Dad mentioned that they have taught their children to put God first in their lives. They came across as a modern day Christian family...yet, they didn't have any hesitation about letting their Son make his television debut on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

    I am curious if the family discussed the fact that their Son was appearing on a show with a gay person in a same sex marriage, and if this in any way conflicted with their beliefs?

    Before ya'll jump on me, I am not bashing gays or same sex marriage.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Being Christian does not mean you have to disassociate yourself from app. 10% of the population, constantly condemn them, etc. In fact, such activity would run contra to what Jesus preached.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Midtowner...true. But, this is Oklahoma.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
    Midtowner...true. But, this is Oklahoma.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say. Your inital post sounds like you are criticizing the family for hypocritically throwing away their Christian beliefs (assuming that you have to hate gays to be Christian) by appearing on Ellen.

    Here, however, that doesn't seem the case. You seem to be criticizing Oklahoma for being a backwards state where all Christians must hate gays and avoid them at all cost.

    So, which is it? If you don't particularly believe that Christians have to hate homosexuals why did you bring it up in the first place? If you believe that, what does it matter we're in Oklahoma?

    I'm confused.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Ginkasa...I really had to think about this, and I concluded that I was being judgemental. It just didn't sit right with me that a professing "Godly" family would just overlook the fact that Ellen DeGeneres is gay and married to another woman, for the opportunity/purpose of giving their Son national exposure. Did they compromise any of their beliefs?

    I had wondered how they reconciled this to their satisfaction/acceptance.

    As for my remark about this being "Oklahoma," I was thinking back to when Sally Kern and all her followers were coming out against gays and the gay lifestyle, and at that time it just seemed so typical of Oklahoma. I don't know if this family supported Sally Kern or not.

    It just caused some conflict within me...and as I said, it was because I was being judgemental.

    My apologies if I offended anyone.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
    RadioOKC...you touched on something I was curious about. I saw the interview with the family, and the Dad mentioned that they have taught their children to put God first in their lives. They came across as a modern day Christian family...yet, they didn't have any hesitation about letting their Son make his television debut on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

    I am curious if the family discussed the fact that their Son was appearing on a show with a gay person in a same sex marriage, and if this in any way conflicted with their beliefs?

    Before ya'll jump on me, I am not bashing gays or same sex marriage.
    The mighty dollar ultimately trumps Jesus.

  14. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    I would probably say the vast majority of Christians aren't going to carry the same level of beliefs as the radical nut jobs that thinks anything that goes against the literal Bible (well the parts they don't ignore, which is usually most of it). Remember, it is normally the loudest and most controversial person (people) that get the press. Before Sally Kern "enlightened" America that gays were a bigger threat to us than terrorists - who really knew or paid attention to her?

    From where I stand, I don't see them letting money trump God. Everyone has a core set of beliefs that is adjusted to fit them. Some people think being gay is a sin, others eat shell fish and ignore the parts of the Bible that call it a sin. Faith and religion is a very personal and ever evolving thing. The parents I'm sure didn't even think anything of Ellen's sexuality when going on her show. Just like most of the church goers in this state don't think anything of their church music directors or youth ministers who spend their weekend evenings up on 39th street.

  15. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    So Possumfritter and RR both feel that Christianity = being against homosexuality? The bible is interpreted from one end of the earth to the other with hundreds of denominations. Some believe being gay is a sin and others don't. Both of you expressed a pretty narrow-minded point of view. My dad is as religious and as Christian as he can be but he is one of the biggest gay rights supporting Republicans as there is.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    I'm Christian. A very good friend of mine is gay, I'm straight, he's gay, so what? We know the difference, I don't stomp on his beliefs he doesn't stomp on mine.

    You will find that most true Christian's don't hate gays. They don't agree, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to someone. In God's eyes sin is sin. Me stealing a nickel from someone is the same in God's eyes as someone doing a homosexual act. How am I to judge someone else when I also have sin in my life?

  17. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    I'm Christian. A very good friend of mine is gay, I'm straight, he's gay, so what? We know the difference, I don't stomp on his beliefs he doesn't stomp on mine.

    You will find that most true Christian's don't hate gays. They don't agree, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to someone. In God's eyes sin is sin. Me stealing a nickel from someone is the same in God's eyes as someone doing a homosexual act. How am I to judge someone else when I also have sin in my life?
    So you're the one who stole my nickel!

    I agree with this. I fail to see the problem. His idolizing Lady Gaga surprises me more than his being on Ellen's show.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Sorry! You can come by to pick it up between 5pm and 5:01pm tomorrow....

  19. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Back to subject. This kids' rendition of the Lady Gaga song is a lot better than the original.

  20. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Back to subject. This kids' rendition of the Lady Gaga song is a lot better than the original.
    Depends on what you consider the original. Lady Gaga does a lot of her songs on the piano as well, though those versions aren't put into the videos. People seem to miss the side of her as a pianist/songwriter.

  21. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Depends on what you consider the original. Lady Gaga does a lot of her songs on the piano as well, though those versions aren't put into the videos. People seem to miss the side of her as a pianist/songwriter.
    That may be true. I am a little older than her generation but from what I've got on Rhapsody, I didn't hear a version similar to his. The other two video's kind of indicated to me it's his own rendition.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    That may be true. I am a little older than her generation but from what I've got on Rhapsody, I didn't hear a version similar to his. The other two video's kind of indicated to me it's his own rendition.
    Her acoustic versions are fantastic. Here's the version Greyson covered:

  23. Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
    RadioOKC...you touched on something I was curious about. I saw the interview with the family, and the Dad mentioned that they have taught their children to put God first in their lives. They came across as a modern day Christian family...yet, they didn't have any hesitation about letting their Son make his television debut on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

    I am curious if the family discussed the fact that their Son was appearing on a show with a gay person in a same sex marriage, and if this in any way conflicted with their beliefs?

    Before ya'll jump on me, I am not bashing gays or same sex marriage.
    You make an interesting point but honestly that is a pretty big net to cast. You could make that arguement for any program on TV period. If the young man plans to be in the music industry both he and his family will have to be prepared to deal with it.

    I am sure there are a few Christians that may have stopped watching Idol
    because of Ellen, but very few.

    Radio OKC - Where it's all about the music!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    This little dood is awesome!! Watch him today on the Ellen Degeneres Show at 9 o clock!!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Next Oklahoma superstar?

    Looks like he is the first artist signed on Ellen's record label, and will share the same managers as Madonna and Lady Gaga, another overnight Oklahoma millionaire.

    FOXNews.com - Ellen Launches New Record Label, Signs "Paparazzi" Boy

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