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Thread: Mark Shannon passes away

  1. #76

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Mark was a vile and evil man. He praised what Timothy McViegh did! Live by hate speech you will receive hate speech when you die. Markkk was a racist bigot, pure and simple. He will not be missed by any rational human being who believes in God and his love for ALL his children. Even if they are black. and Markkk hated minorities with a passion.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Mark was a vile and evil man. He praised what Timothy McViegh did! Live by hate speech you will receive hate speech when you die. Markkk was a racist bigot, pure and simple. He will not be missed by any rational human being who believes in God and his love for ALL his children. Even if they are black. and Markkk hated minorities with a passion.
    Well, aren't you just a fundamentalist preaching hell and damnation.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Mark was a vile and evil man. He praised what Timothy McViegh did! Live by hate speech you will receive hate speech when you die. Markkk was a racist bigot, pure and simple. He will not be missed by any rational human being who believes in God and his love for ALL his children. Even if they are black. and Markkk hated minorities with a passion.
    How sad!!

  4. #79
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Mark was a vile and evil man.
    I was not of fan of the guy, but your post does nothing to make anyone believe you are any better.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    I learned things listening to his show.

    Mark Shannon provided information about municipal matters that simply aren't covered anywhere else in broadcast media, which is an indictment on local news. "If it bleeds, it leads" could be the mission statement for KFOR, KOCO, KWTV and KOKH.

    Along with Mark's opinion, he occasionally provided time for those with opposing views, and he was respectful (although disagreeable) to those who differed with him on the air. I'd rather have this type of give & take than what passes for informative dialogue on national news programs (Diane Rehm excepted, who does an exceptional job of moderating her guests).

    When anybody on TV or radio gets too shrill, idiotic or nasty, I push the button, and that included times with Mark.

    I'll miss him, his message, his media and his passion. God speed, and prayers to his family.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    I too enjoyed listening to Mark Shannon. I didn't agree with his opinions most of the time but it was still entertaining all the same. I guess I'll never understand how simple words echoing from a radio speaker can create so much anger in some people.

    If he was here right now he'd probably get a kick out of this thread then proceed to pick apart the less than stellar assessments of his character all the while having a grand time.

    I must not be a rational human being because I for one will certainly miss him.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Mark was a vile and evil man. He praised what Timothy McViegh did! Live by hate speech you will receive hate speech when you die. Markkk was a racist bigot, pure and simple. He will not be missed by any rational human being who believes in God and his love for ALL his children. Even if they are black. and Markkk hated minorities with a passion.
    He was a talk show host his job was to get his audience talking. The only way you do that is to make strong statements that you know that will make somebody's blood boil. Eventually, they get so mad it encourages them to call in. The next thing you know the fire of debate is growing strong. Obviously, you took him and yourself way too seriously.

    Get a grip, not everyone is going to be politically correct and say nothing but nice things to you and everyone else. At some point you have to pick your battles and let some things go in one ear and out the other.

    I would suggest you grow thicker skin and learn to apply the rule of "You do your thing, I'll do mine."

    It's either that or listen to something less offensive.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    I'm going to comment in a generic way, as I agree that it's wrong to speak ill of the dead. However, I think talk show hosts who use this method have the potential to do more than "get their audience talking". We have people of very differening intellects and capacity for reason listening to the radio. There may be people who can take everything said with a grain of salt,but there are also people who take it literally and at face value. That kind of talk is very incendiary and divisive, and I think it has the potential to do ill. We're all public stewards in our own way, and that is poor stewardship, IMO

  9. #84

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Some people are truly scared to have the voters wake up. Demanding accountability and asking questions is very, very dangerous and the risk that someone would so something violent is apparently enough for a call to not speak out.

    What I don't understand is why so many people worry about crazy people on the right who "might" do something violent but they accept with no comment whatsoever that people can vandalize, curse and name call if they are liberal on a rant or a protest. What gives? The left is known for violent outbursts by gangs/mobs. The right isn't. Oh sure, we have our McVeighs but we have far, far, far more islamic attacks and more recently but the left just ignores those.

    If you are really worried about it, seems you'd get a lot more bang for your buck to go into mosques and try to shut down that sort of talk - or the talk of hispanic revolution than attacking right wing calls for governmental accountability or adherence to constitutional principals. But the notion is offensive to most of us. And trying to squelch legitimate political speech by the right should be just as offensive.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    The left is known for violent outbursts by gangs/mobs. The right isn't. Oh sure, we have our McVeighs but we have far, far, far more islamic attacks and more recently but the left just ignores those.

    Since when have attacks by fundamentalist religious nuts been a liberal characteristic? LOL Sorry...those folks are on the right-wing side of things.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    adherence to constitutional principals. But the notion is offensive to most of us. And trying to squelch legitimate political speech by the right should be just as offensive.
    I fail to see what this diatribe has to do with the price of tea in China.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Since when have attacks by fundamentalist religious nuts been a liberal characteristic? LOL Sorry...those folks are on the right-wing side of things.
    The point, if you read closely, is that the left says nothing about the talk of islamic extremists - certainly doesn't raise the spector that they should tone it down to avoid a nut going off. But they can't stop going on and on and on and on about the dangerous tea partiers. And by the by, none on the right claim a kinship with the islamic extremists (and vice versa) but nice try to build an association.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I fail to see what this diatribe has to do with the price of tea in China.
    Go back and reread the context and try to quote what I said in context, as well. Cutting and pasting to take something out of context is a layman's ploy.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    The point, if you read closely, is that the left says nothing about the talk of islamic extremists - certainly doesn't raise the spector that they should tone it down to avoid a nut going off. But they can't stop going on and on and on and on about the dangerous tea partiers. And by the by, none on the right claim a kinship with the islamic extremists (and vice versa) but nice try to build an association.
    And you guys whine far more about Obama than you call for Islamic extremeists to tone down. What...do you really think you're different? Actually, I guess you are. You think the other side if more evil than yourselves, when in fact, we're very alike.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    And you guys whine far more about Obama than you call for Islamic extremeists to tone down. What...do you really think you're different? Actually, I guess you are. You think the other side if more evil than yourselves, when in fact, we're very alike.
    It is a freedom of speech issue, friend. Arguing about governmental policy and the direction this country is being taken is a far cry from trying to squelch legitimate political speech. The first is as American as Apply Pie. The second is offensive.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    It is a freedom of speech issue, friend. Arguing about governmental policy and the direction this country is being taken is a far cry from trying to squelch legitimate political speech. The first is as American as Apply Pie. The second is offensive.
    If the gripes about Obama were limited to his policies, that would indeed be different. But then, if the right only objected to Obama's policies, the word "birthers" would never have entered the public's lexicon, would it? For what it's worth, nobody is trying to squelch the tea partiers' right to assemble and complain, just as nobody tried to squelch Mr. Shannon's broadcasts. That does not mean that those opposed lose their right to object. It's a freedom of speech issue.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    If the gripes about Obama were limited to his policies, that would indeed be different. But then, if the right only objected to Obama's policies, the word "birthers" would never have entered the public's lexicon, would it? For what it's worth, nobody is trying to squelch the tea partiers' right to assemble and complain, just as nobody tried to squelch Mr. Shannon's broadcasts. That does not mean that those opposed lose their right to object. It's a freedom of speech issue.
    In the first place, yes, plenty of people have been banging the drums that the right needs to stop speaking out for fear of inciting a nut. You know that.

    The point is that the left has launched a campaign to insist that the right is going to inspire violence based on their spoken opinions. And yet, the left is absolutely silent about other groups with a more recent history of violence among the rank and file of these groups. Why is that, TaoMaas? Why single out the right but ignore the other groups? If it is okay to say the right is inciting violence and that this is justification to speak out and call for them to tone it down, why aren't they saying the same thing to the islamic extremists? Why are they not saying the same thing about the hispanics calling for revolution? Why? What is it about the right that warrants a call to stand down, but these other groups are given a pass? Tell me.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away


    (just thought I'd save the new to the thread folks a lot of scroll if they had newest posts appearing first)

  19. #94

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    I listened to Mark Shannon when he was on 107.7 in the morning. That was about 15 years ago, when I was in high school. I thought he was entertaining then. I haven't listened to him since. I have heard that he became very angry and bitter. I am sorry for him if that is the case.

    I don't listen to shock jocks. I can never tell when they are saying something crazy just to get people to listen or if they legitimately believe what they say. Either way, I don't want to listen to them.

    I'm not going to condemn Mark Shannon when I haven't listened to him. All I have heard about him lately has been from people here, and obviously he pissed some people off. But I will miss the Mark Shannon I remember, from 1994-95. If what people say about him lately is true, then that's too bad, but I hope people will write it off as his "fat Elvis" phase.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Bottomline everybody knows political discussion can get heated and you are eventually going to hear something that is insulting to you or someone you respect.

    If you want a world of pretty boy nice discussion, listen to John Tesh. His show conains all the stuff whiney, thin skinned, self righteous, tolerant people love.

    Not only do you get John's world famous crappy advice you also get to here all of your favorite artist like Barry Manilow, Michael Bolton, Celine Dion and all the other sappy soft rock artists.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

  22. Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Mark was a vile and evil man. He praised what Timothy McViegh did! Live by hate speech you will receive hate speech when you die. Markkk was a racist bigot, pure and simple. He will not be missed by any rational human being who believes in God and his love for ALL his children. Even if they are black. and Markkk hated minorities with a passion.
    Praised what Mcveigh did?? Really?? I have a hard time believing that one.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    If you want a world of pretty boy nice discussion, listen to John Tesh. His show conains all the stuff whiney, thin skinned, self righteous, tolerant people love.
    LOL And you know what happens on John Tesh's show...how? Dude, nobody on here is referencing John Tesh except YOU!! Those "whiney, thin-skinned, self riteous" people you're barking at are only your reflection in the mirror. Hey...wasn't this an episode of South Park? "Mom! Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!" EPIC fail!!!

    P.S. For what it's worth, FreeRepublic lists John Tesh as one of their own.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    Mark Fullerton did not talk politics. He spewed hate. He did say :the thing Timothy McViegh did is NOW RATIONAL!!! Which means Markkk thought killing babies is ok, just to prove a point! Markkk threatened arson to the mayors house and tax commission.FACT! Markkk said he would pistol whip women..Hillary, Jeri askins, Markkk on air talked about shooting the homeless from his office building. Markk constantly made racial slurs toward Mrs. Obama. Prayed for Obamas death, even came right out and called for the assassination of our President. Fact!! Celebrated Kennedys death, Hated minorities and the poor. Even when ktok did the coats for kids, Markkk the racist stated, " WE have to buy coats for the Obama voters kids,{Black people} because the parents are to stupid and lazy to do it themselves". Markkk had no heart, Markkk had no soul. Markkk is burning in the hell he created for himself. What a waste of flesh. Glad he and his racism and bigotry are gone. Oh and did they pry his gun from his cold dead hands??? lol

  25. #100

    Default Re: Mark Shannon passes away

    ^ I like that. When it comes to classlessness, go hard or go home.

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