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Thread: Monday Afternoon Downtown

  1. Default Monday Afternoon Downtown

    I took these pictures around 6 in the afternoon on Monday. There weren't many people out on this day, but there were a few milling about.
    It's so much nicer taking pictures without all the crowds Downtown. It's very pleasant and not to mention it was a beautiful day.
    There's also a Panorama in the mix.

    The Survivor Tree.

    On a parking garage in Midtown. Looking northeast over Midtown and to the Capitol.

    Looking northwest to Classen Boulevard and the Asian District.

    Sunset on the skyline.

    Hope you enjoyed the thread.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Lot's of wonderful pics. I really enjoyed seeing them. You did outstanding job in capturing the vitality of the downtown area , thanks for great the post. I could not help but think. The lack of foot traffic reminded of the series Life after People. Hopefully someday soon this will change. I won't mind if you take shots of other areas in the metro, perhaps Lake Hefner and the trails around it.

  3. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Great pictures!

    You know, something really jumped out at me with you kicking off your photo set with Lower Bricktown. While I have been critical of the development of LB, I was kind of caught off-guard looking at how closely those pictures resemble many of the lifestyle centers I have visited across the country. Throw in a Barnes & Noble, Macy's and a few other national retailers in that mix and your photos would look very much like many of those centers.

    All the pics were very good. Thanks for posting.

    Edit to add: Get rid of all that surface parking, build an easy access garage and it could be done. I've never even given those kinds of ideas for LB a moment of thought, but seriously, it could work.

    Let's hope nobody uses the "quote" feature which would load all the pics again.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Nice work. Speaking of downtown, has anyone seen these skyline shots before? Oklahoma City Images | Cvent Destination Guide

  5. #5

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    awesome pics!! makes me wonder though why people have been building condos that look like this, because they are guaranteed to not age well. in 30 years, we are gonna be looking at them and saying "wtf were we thinking...."

    these seem like a better idea

  6. #6

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Beautiful pictures!!!!!

    I have a question. I drive by this every day:

    Anyone know what they are going to do with this building?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Soonerfan I couldn't disagree with you more.

    I feel the more variety of housing we have the better!

    Also, great picture Arch2010! You are a great photographer.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    The thing that gets me the most about those brick condos with the metal balconies is they are RIGHT BY the railroad tracks. I think of them as the "Blues Brothers condos".

  9. #9

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Those pictures are awesome...I am going to try to save them all...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    OH MAN! OSUMom, you beat me to it, I have been wondering about that building seemingly forever. Someone PLEASE explain....

  11. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    @ OSUMom. I know that a couple bought that building and they are converting the roof into a roof-top home. I forget what they have planned for the rest of the building. Anyone care to jump in here?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Im remember there being an article in the Oklahoman maybe about the couple that bought that building but it was so long ago. It seems it hasnt gone as quickly as they planned. I do remember that they were living in part of it but they were going to make part of it for some other use. Cant remember what it was for.

  13. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    I wrote about it in January..
    A Downtown ontheRange: Small-scale redevelopment on track

    There's a website for the project here:
    Oklahoma City Downtown Lease OKC

    The first floor will be a retail space and an apartment in the rear, the upper floors will be Regina and Larry Waters' new residence.

    A2010, your pics are almost always awesome..but they're gone! That usually happens when people post photobucket-hosted pics to OKC Talk, which just has too much traffic. Maybe you could host them on facebook or something instead? I find that's the best image host, honestly..

  14. #14

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    I see no pictures at all. Just dozens of little photobucket banners asking us to upgrade. Am I the only one? Weirdly the last one of the first batch DID show up. A skyline shot. But THAT was it. With all the rah rah, I gotta see 'em.

  15. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Yep, the Photobucket pix have been restricted due to bandwidth. Try using ImageShack. No registration, no nothing. Just upload and you get a URL for each photo. It's not for galleries and such, but great for posts to things like blogs and forums.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    yup, cant see any pictures..

  17. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    I don't have the option of editing my original post for some reason? I can't fix the links.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Beautiful pictures!!!!!

    I have a question. I drive by this every day:

    Anyone know what they are going to do with this building?
    It's a private residence. I believe they're fixing it so it can have retail on the first floor, but will live on the others. I haven't seen the rooftop, but I've been told there's a swimming pool up there. Cannot confirm though.

  19. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    That's correct, betts.

    A2010, you'll probably have to just do a new post in this thread, or wait a month for the photobucket bandwidth to come up again for probably a day and then go back to exceeding the bandwidth..

  20. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    I've had a "pro" Photobucket account for some time now ... I don't like the ads or volume limitations in the free version ... the pro version has no ads and no restrictions about bandwidth, spatial/volume content, etc.. It costs a little but not a lot.

    That said, a couple of weeks ago, the same thing happened to me that has happened to you, Architect ... my account was seen by someone as a "regular" account, which it is not, and I got those same images on my blog. To its credit, Photobucket was responsive to my freaking screaming emails and got the matter taken care of within a couple of hours.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    These people buying out buildings, thinking of using the lower level for retail, and living upstairs sure seem to have the right idea. Wish I'd have thought of it first really.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Beautiful pictures!!!!!

    I have a question. I drive by this every day:

    Anyone know what they are going to do with this building?
    It's a private residence, I believe they are putting a greenhouse/pool on the roof. There is an old thread on this, I'll see if I can dig it up, I forget the couple's name.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    Yep, the Photobucket pix have been restricted due to bandwidth. Try using ImageShack. No registration, no nothing. Just upload and you get a URL for each photo. It's not for galleries and such, but great for posts to things like blogs and forums.
    Even better, upload the pics to OKCTalk's gallery, then you won't have to worry about broken links, upgrading, 3rd party sites, etc.

  24. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    He posts the pics to other sites as well, such as SkyscraperCity.

  25. Default Re: Monday Afternoon Downtown

    Pete. I don't have access to edit my original post so I cannot update the fixed links. And they are fixed. I've already put them on SSC and SSP.

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