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Thread: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

  1. Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_2012_PREZIDENT View Post
    if you guys think that me have stuff thrown at me my mother being called a whore me being called retarted and many more things all because i was cheering for the lakers then i feel bad for you

    an to those of you saying im making it up i love okc why would i make up bad things about the city
    LIL WAYNE, it was poor attitude for the people that treated you that way, and I am sure you deserve an apology from them. But I think what we are trying to drive home here is the fact that all 18,000 fans didn't behave that way, just a group of rude a$$-nuts that ruined your experience at the game.

    OKC Thunder fans, and the rest of us, have created a standard and expecation by which Thunder fans should abide, but we forget that human nature supercedes any expectation. That is, there will always be hateful people and good people. That's the yen and the yang of human nature.

    Really, I can blame the entire state of Oklahoma on my car getting broken into and vandalized 5 years ago in NW OKC. But that's not Oklahoma. It's life, both ugly and good. If you took those Thunder shirts off, put regular close on those people that were rude to you, and I will bet that at home, they are people you wouldn't want to know.

    I don't think you're making it up, but as in anyplace in this world, $hit happens.

    Stephy, it's not okay for anyone to act poorly anywhere, but they do. But holding OKC's feet to the fire doesn't change human nature. Your idea that everything and anything about OKC is hick and redneck is very judgemental, to say the least. Not to mention the term redneck is beginning to lose its credibility. It seems as though today's modern culture grabs every possible bad attribute associated with white people and shoves it into the redneck box. It's overkill. It's getting to the point where simply being white is automatically labeled redneck. I think America needs to sit back and really think about where it want's to go with this, because it's making criminals out of innocent people.

    FritterGirl, it's good to see you wanting to contribute positively to Oklahoma City. It's what I want to see for our city. Kudos to you. It's very important to build on our successes. That's what moves a city forward.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  2. Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    There's a big difference between having differing opinions and entering into civil discussion about said opinions and leaving shirty comments just for the sake of leaving shirty comments, and I'm not just talking THIS thread.

    If sniping at others is what makes you happy, then carry on.

    P.S. I am sincerely sorry to hear about your mother. I have heard good things about CCA, so hope she is on her way to recovery.
    Now you've got me curious. I just went thru stephy's last 20 or so posts and with the exception of her 1on1 fight with ronronnie, I didn't see much that equates to "leaving shirty comments just for the sake of leaving shirty comments"

    I specifically remembered one of her posts praising 7deli which got me to give them a second chance....

    I agree with her about the DT residents being delusional about a DT WF...

    I reconsidered my feelings about the DT bike thing after a couple of her posts(but I still think it's a retarded idea)...

    I completely agree with her attitude towards the plethora of "Walmart is evil! don't shop there! here's why!!!" threads...

    yet none of your posts, with the exception of this one, have made me even take a second glance at a thread...

  3. #53

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    Now you've got me curious. I just went thru stephy's last 20 or so posts and with the exception of her 1on1 fight with ronronnie, I didn't see much that equates to "leaving shirty comments just for the sake of leaving shirty comments"

    I specifically remembered one of her posts praising 7deli which got me to give them a second chance....

    I agree with her about the DT residents being delusional about a DT WF...

    I reconsidered my feelings about the DT bike thing after a couple of her posts(but I still think it's a retarded idea)...

    I completely agree with her attitude towards the plethora of "Walmart is evil! don't shop there! here's why!!!" threads...

    yet none of your posts, with the exception of this one, have made me even take a second glance at a thread...
    You're joking right?

    90% of her posts are negative and incendiary.

    Just look at her last post...speaking of "so much hate in this thread"

    It must be OK for someone to trash the city, but anyone that calls a spade a spade is a hatemonger.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    I don't think we're reading the same posts, fuzzytoad.

    I was forced to move to Oklahoma City by circumstances beyond my control and was not happy to find myself here. However, I find the people here to be remarkably like people from other places I've lived. Political attitudes in general may be different than what I experienced in some of the other places I've lived, but they rarely affect my interactions.

    This is a very friendly, laid back, down to earth place and, were there a beach on one side of Oklahoma City (ocean, that is), or a little bit better shopping, I'd think I was living in heaven on earth. I can't do anything about the beach, but I can talk up the need for more shopping.

    I'm happy that I found my way here, regardless of the circumstances, and I learned a lot about making lemonade out of lemons in the process.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Whatever. I get it.

    I've never posted anything positive.

    My whole life revolves around getting negative reactions to posts on this forum.

    I should leave Oklahoma or kill myself.

    I'm the reason why young professionals don't come to OKC.

    You can all stop sending me PMs now.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    I don't send anyone PMs unless they send me one first, and I haven't received one from you. I would agree that it's not really the business of members of this forum to say anything privately to other members that they're not willing to say publicly. Just my opinion.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I don't send anyone PMs unless they send me one first, and I haven't received one from you. I would agree that it's not really the business of members of this forum to say anything privately to other members that they're not willing to say publicly. Just my opinion.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    Whatever. I get it.

    I've never posted anything positive.

    My whole life revolves around getting negative reactions to posts on this forum.

    I should leave Oklahoma or kill myself.

    I'm the reason why young professionals don't come to OKC.

    You can all stop sending me PMs now.
    I've never sent a PM, but your presence here just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    You're clearly free to express your opinion about this place....but, why?

    You sought out a community message board with mostly Oklahoma enthusiasts just to call us rednecks, hicks, uneducated, unhealthy, poor, decrepit, petulant, and boring. I mean if this satisfies some sort of superiority complex with you then fine, but when you come to a place like this online and fling insults don't use that as some kind of affirmation that the people here are mean. Hell, some of what you say may or may not be true but it doesn't need to be said.

    If someones dad is a drunk I dont pick him out of a crowd and go out of my way to belittle him because his dad hits the bottle too often. It's just mean spirited.

    But a lot of what you say isn't even steeped in fact, it's just not.

    I'm a educated, athletic, well traveled 26 year old that's lived in 5 major cities for at least 3 months each and in Washington DC for over a year, I love Oklahoma and I love the people here. Clearly this place has a long way to go but we dont need anyone to come here and tell us that, or worse exacerbate that. You can find the bad in any major city, Seattle is under a cloud for 6 months, the crime in DC and the mean spirit of the people living there, the brutal hot summers in Atlanta and the very real presence of organized hate groups, smog in Houston and rich corrupt oil tycoons, vanity and inflated prices in LA.

    So some Thunder fans were rude, well from experience, for every one rude thunder fan out there, there are 500 good hearted Thunder fans right behind them. Things are affordable here, and people take care of one another here. Things may happen slow, but that's something I like. You dont get a chance to catch your breath in DC, and I'm not a fan of dropping 15 dollars for a makers mark and coke in Seattle.

    The bottom line is, it's OK to be critical, but if you dont have anything good to say most of the time just dont come here. It's a waste of everyones time and energy and it breeds an atmosphere of unwelcome that really isn't needed.

  9. Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    I keep forgetting how many self-righteous, judgmental pricks there are on this forum...

  10. #60

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    If you thought that was bad then you should never go to an event where the "hatred" is out in the open, like sitting in the "wrong end" of The Cotton Bowl during the OU-Texas game, going to a Yankees-Red Sox game wearing the visiting teams stuff, wearing Dallas Cowboys stuff to a game in Philly, etc. I am sure what happened in the Ford Center that night was rather tame compared to what goes on at many other venues.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I keep forgetting how many self-righteous, judgmental pricks there are on this forum...
    Pot. Kettle. Black.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I would agree that it's not really the business of members of this forum to say anything privately to other members that they're not willing to say publicly. Just my opinion.
    I also have not sent Stephy a PM.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I keep forgetting how many self-righteous, judgmental pricks there are on this forum...
    I'm sure you're referring to the ones that call Oklahomans fat, uneducated, redneck hillbillies right?

    I mean if we're really talking about being judgmental and self righteous.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Alot of classless thunder fans friday night

    I don't feel sorry for anyone thinks Lil wayne should be president. I also have no remorse for lakers fans.

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