After the game, I wanted to go out and overturn a few cars, but then I remembered they belong to my neighbors who I like, so I just opened another beer instead.
You mean this kind of classless?
Durant belongs with Thunder, and Thunder belong with Oklahoma - NBA - Basketball
i still think the thunder logo could have been designed much better. our team colors should be more sinister, something that really reflects turbulent oklahoma weather (hence the name "thunder")
something along the lines of black, purple and silver would have been awesome, along with a better font for our letters.
I actually like the blue, and red/orange, we definitely could have used a "gun metal" or dark gray color. The yellow kind of sucks, I'm a big fan of getting rid of that and subbing in either a dark gold, or some sort of gray. Our away jerseys look exactly like the knicks. I'd like to switch something up.
The logo sucks, but so do pretty much every other NBA logo out there. I mean have you seen the pacers, raptors, clippers, pistons, lakers, nets, or 76ers logos? They're all pretty vanilla and terrible in their own right.
Does anyone have a link to the a high quality video of the pre game intro video. I heard a lot of good things about it, and the history of Oklahoma and would really like to see it.
You're correct, just don't be surprised if someone knocks your teeth out. Your responsible for your own safety.
Like I said earlier, 99.99% of Thunder fans can take a loss in stride, that 0.01% might take a bat to your face. If that is a chance you are willing to take then by all means - celebrate as loud as you can to every Thunder fan you see.
if you guys think that me have stuff thrown at me my mother being called a whore me being called retarted and many more things all because i was cheering for the lakers then i feel bad for you
an to those of you saying im making it up i love okc why would i make up bad things about the city
grammar iz hard
You were at the game? I've been to almost every NBA game in OKC since the Hornets first came. That's 150+ games. I've sat in Loud City and in the lower level. I've actually never seen anyone throwing anything, nor have I seen "hillbilly insults" being bandied about by anyone other than the visiting team's fans, to be perfectly honest. I'm assuming that was an isolated incident.
On a different forum, a person who went to the Lakers-Thunder game in LA described how terribly he was treated by Laker fans. Are we to assume they're Okies who moved to CA during the dustbowl days? You can take the hillbilly out of Oklahoma, but you can't take the hillbilly out of an Oklahoman?
It's not possible that someone who isn't from here could behave like that?
Or, is it possible that there are people who behave badly in every state in the Union? What a concept!
I agree. Let's not feed the troll.
im sorry if my grammar is perfect but i am typing wit a broken hand so that makes it a little difficult
and i am not trolling i made this thread in all seriousness and u guys are so hurt because its about u thunder fans you think im making it up
Lil Wayne, I'm not saying you've made this up. I'm just saying it's surely an isolated incident. I had four Laker fans sitting behind me at the 4th game, 2 next to me at the 3rd game. They were scattered around us and I did not hear one negative thing being said to them. However, game 6 was a pretty emotional game. If you were popping your Laker jersey or celebrating too loudly, there were probably people who got upset. I agree their behavior was not the best, but there were plenty of obnoxious Laker fans at all of the Thunder-Laker games I attended, not only the playoffs. Regardless of what happened, this is not behavior unique to Thunder fans or people from Oklahoma City. Poor behavior is present in pretty much every city I've attended games in.
I bet if you wear a Laker's jersey to a Boston Celtics home game everyone in the Boston Garden will treat you with the utmost respect. You have to use common sense sometimes at sporting events. Some people go out of their way to be obnoxious at the home team's arena. Most Oklahoma City fans I know are good natured when it comes to the other teams' fans. A few bad apples do not spoil the whole bunch. Obnoxious behavior at the Oakland Raider's home stadium will probably get you beat up. I have heard pro players say they are the scariest fans in pro football along with Philadelphia Eagles fans who once booed Santa Clause and threw snowballs at him.
Bigray in Ok
I remember back in the day when Nebraska fans were the worst in sports.
I can imagine that "lil" was asking for it too. I've yet to go to an event where the majority of fans at ANY sporting event in Oklahoma, don't respect the visiting fans. We may not like them, and the younger crowd might give them more crap, but OVERALL, it's a respectful relationship.
That is unless a person is egging everyone on. And "lil" LA shouldn't be proud at all at their victory. They were 1 point away from a game 7 against the #8 team. WE knew we had it in us, but LA never did...even the LA players respect OKC now. I'm sure we won't lose sleep over a OKC resident/LA fan getting a little heckling done to them....especially considering the tone of your posts here. They give a good insight into the personality.
OKC has some of the most classy fans out there sir. Don't think so? Why don't you go to a Portland/OKC game or walk around Seattle with a Thunder jersey...see what happens. Do the same thing in New Orleans (they're still pissed that they thought they were going to lose the team). Or NY/LA/etc. Our southern hospitatilty cannot be matched.
I'm not sure what your deal is or what your motives are, but in going through multiple of your posts, it seems all you do is come on and take swipes at other members, or at OKC itself.
We get it. You think we're a backwards, hick, hillbilly, redneck town that is stuck in 1992. You nip at others for saying "why post when you are not contributing anything to this thread," when I can pretty much say the same for many of your own contributions (the delusion piece was a real winner).
If you don't like OKC, then I'm going to tell you what others have told me bc of my own left-leaning politics, do yourSELF the favor and find a city that is more suitable to your tastes. I'd personally move to Cali or Portland, Ore in a heartbeat if I could afford the same standard of living, but that's not feasible, so I stay here, contribute in a POSITIVE manner and do what I can to help forward this city achieve positive progress.
Otherwise, look around, be thankful for what opportunities there ARE here, and come to these boards ready to offer something productive and not just whine and put others down. You might even try getting involved and trying to become part of the SOLUTION to the outcomes you seek instead of sitting around and just complaining about them.
so much hatred in this thread.
Or you could just put me on ignore. I'm not going to change my posting habits just to suit you FritterGirl.
I do think this is a hillbilly, ass-backwards city and I'd leave in a flash if I wasn't obligated to help out my family while my mother is getting treatments at Cancer Care Associates.
I understand that having a differing opinion than the herd mentality and posting how you truly feel isn't welcome on this forum, but I'll be damned if I'm going to cater to your whims FritterGirl and change myself just to appease you.
I saw horrible Thunder Fan actions at and outside the Ford center during that last game and apparently so did the OP. Sue me for stating my opinion.
There's a big difference between having differing opinions and entering into civil discussion about said opinions and leaving shirty comments just for the sake of leaving shirty comments, and I'm not just talking THIS thread.
If sniping at others is what makes you happy, then carry on.
P.S. I am sincerely sorry to hear about your mother. I have heard good things about CCA, so hope she is on her way to recovery.
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