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Thread: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

  1. #1
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Have fun with this one. You know it's true.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.


  3. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    I propose we just ignore inflammatory comments such as this. It's just to stir up trouble and then post how horrible we all are at OKCtalk if we respond on the Tulsa forums although most of them are really good people over there.

    Please don't take the bait.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    Have fun with this one. You know it's true.
    Ok, flyingcowz, let's be civil here. I'll be watching this thread to make sure it stays under control. Most of the posters will ignore you, though....so, don't take it personally. They aren't very understanding when someone comes in and bashes their city or its leaders......so don't expect too much from this thread.

  5. #5
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    They aren't very understanding when someone comes in and bashes their city or its leaders
    That's the understatement of the day.

    I just noticed that there always has to be the obligatory Tulsa statement thrown in to almost every thread.

    I know of potential posters at OKCTalk that were scared off because if anyone brings up an opposing viewpoint, facts or not, they are flamed for it. You personally do not do it, but some posters on here do.

    I'm not out to make Tulsa better, or say we are better. Things that are good for OKC are good for the entire state, and vice versa. Also things that are bad for OKC are bad for the rest of the state, and vice versa, you get the picture. Now can you see my concern?

    Look, you can talk bad about the TulsaNow forum. It isn't perfect. There are a**holes over there, just like there are here. I'm merely bringing an outside point of view to this forum, not to mention I enjoy visiting OKC. We would enjoy hearing an OKC point of view over there if any of you would like to come. We already have a few people from here that post there.

    Anyways, I guess i'll just stop trying. Later OKCTalk.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Is it possible to lock this thread?

  8. #8
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    I'm done.

    Thank you to the one person who read my posts and acknowledged my views. You know who you are.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    I just noticed that there always has to be the obligatory Tulsa statement thrown in to almost every thread.
    To be fair, this is an exaggeration. If you will take the time to go through all the forums on this site, you will find that the vast majority of threads don't ever mention Tulsa. It just so happens that many of the threads you choose to participate in have referenced Tulsa, but more often than not it is because a Tulsan has interjected a comment, which inevitably turns into a pissing contest.

    Personally, from my perusings on Tulsa Now, I would welcome more viewpoints from members of that forum. I enjoy many of the contributions made by posters there. As with this forum, there are those who are difficult to deal with there, but for the most part, it's an interesting read.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    I know of potential posters at OKCTalk that were scared off because if anyone brings up an opposing viewpoint, facts or not, they are flamed for it. You personally do not do it, but some posters on here do.
    I'm not sure which posters you are referring to, but I'll say this in either case. If there are opposing viewpoints, there will be conflict. That conflict can be civil and respectful or it can be rude and nasty, and sometimes petty. We have both on this forum.

    If someone brings up a point, others will likely challenge it. Just because someone challenges the accuracy, reasonableness or logic of a viewpoint, doesn't automatically mean they are flaming the other person. However, there are many instances where people will be disagreeable for disagreement's sake and offer nothing substantive in the discussion. Those people can either be ignored or compelled to defend their position with facts or solid reasoning.

    MOST people on this forum are reasonable and respectful. Some are less so. If you feel that you have been "flamed" or personally attacked, please report it to a moderator. If someone is violating this forums Terms of Service, appropriate action will be taken. However, honest disagreements — as forceful as they are sometimes — are within the Terms.

    But that goes both ways. "Baiting" people to a "fight" by starting antagonistic threads or posting overtly antagonistic comments will always achieve what you're looking for. So if you don't like people challenging your viewpoints — some with passion — then avoid baiting people with provocative statements.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    I'm not out to make Tulsa better, or say we are better. Things that are good for OKC are good for the entire state, and vice versa. Also things that are bad for OKC are bad for the rest of the state, and vice versa, you get the picture. Now can you see my concern?
    Yes. And this is the most reasonable thing you've said in the last few days in these threads. In fact, this is the first time I remember seeing you say something this "diplomatic" about OKC or the interdependency of Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

    As someone who has lived in both metro areas, I like them both. Both have a lot to offer and have their own unique charm. As a transplant to Oklahoma, I've never quite understood the rivalry between the two cities. But I can say that this state will never succeed if its two largest cities compete against each other and trash each other. "United we stand, divided we fall" applies to the state of Oklahoma as much as anywhere. What's good for OKC is good for Tulsa and Oklahoma. What's good for Tulsa is good for OKC and Oklahoma. On this, we have total agreement. If we can just get people from both forums to recognized and appreciate this, we would all be much better off.

    (P.S. I found many of the comments on Tulsa Now with regards to the Hornets move as being more positive than negative, which was a good sign.)

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    Look, you can talk bad about the TulsaNow forum. It isn't perfect. There are a**holes over there, just like there are here. I'm merely bringing an outside point of view to this forum, not to mention I enjoy visiting OKC. We would enjoy hearing an OKC point of view over there if any of you would like to come. We already have a few people from here that post there.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    Anyways, I guess i'll just stop trying. Later OKCTalk.
    Stop trying to do what? You are welcome to share your thoughts here anytime, especially if you share them in the manner that you talked about in the above referenced post.

  10. #10
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    I propose we just ignore inflammatory comments such as this. It's just to stir up trouble and then post how horrible we all are at OKCtalk if we respond on the Tulsa forums although most of them are really good people over there.

    Please don't take the bait.
    Yes, please don't feed the forum trolls.

  11. #11
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    I should delete this thread because it's only purpose is to stir up dissension, but I'll leave it. It's funny how Tulsans are always bashing Oklahoma City, but we usually praise Tulsa. Again, it's an inferiority complex. They're just jeaous that they're not getting a major league team.

  12. #12
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Patrick, delete it if you want.

    I can see you didn't bother to see what I wrote in the post, or what your fellow moderator Scribe wrote. All you read was the title. I can see now why some of the people here act the way they do, look at the leadership. As a moderator you should be ashamed of yourself.

    I respect Scribe and okcpulse for responding to me in a polite manner and actually listening to what I said. They both disagreed with me on issues, but that doesn't matter. At least they weren't like "Woo! Tulsa is always jealous of us".

    I choose to live in Tulsa for my own reasons. If I were "jealous" don't you think I would just move to OKC? Give me a break. I like to keep up with what's going on around the state and throw in my two cents every so often. I wasn't aware that it means i'm "jealous" simply because i'm from Tulsa.

    Once again, thank you Scribe and Okcpulse.

  13. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    flyingcowz: I thought you were leaving? Don't let the door hit you.....

    By the way, kudos to Tulsa for having a lot of really cool stuff. I hope that you can revitalize your downtown like OKC has done.

  14. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    jealous :

    1 a : intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness b : disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness
    2 : hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage
    3 : vigilant in guarding a possession <

    Just remember who STARTED this thread and the name of it.

  15. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    They both disagreed with me on issues, but that doesn't matter. At least they weren't like "Woo! Tulsa is always jealous of us".
    But the very title of this thread, which you started, is just as biased and inflammatory.

  16. #16
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    But the very title of this thread, which you started, is just as biased and inflammatory.
    I was doing it to get peoples attention, which it obviously did. Unfortunately most don't read my posts.

  17. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    I read you posts and it seems that you have a double standard, because you don't mind posting rude things about us but you get mad if we post something that offends you.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    I read your post. It was funny. Sorry, I answered it honestly. I enjoy humor, though, so you don't need to leave.

    The interdependency of Tulsa and OKC is evident to anyone who recognizes the scale and culture of this state for what it really is. Tulsa is a nice town and, as Scribe alluded to, there are far more positive posts about Tulsa here from Citians than there are positive posts about OKC from Tulsans. This is also often the case within the casual, and retarded, rivalry between the two relatively very similar cities. It’s perfectly fine, though, as long as the criticism are not fabricated and don’t use fabricated reasoning or misrepresentation in order to support an argument born out of an unfounded emotional predisposition. It’s always interesting how often simple facts are discouraging to people who practice rhetorical misdirection.

    Both your transparent misrepresentation of Oklahoma’s assistance with Katrina evacuees and your miscategorization of the prevailing sentiment of several posters, all within context of the Hornets temporary relocation, will leave a lasting impression on many posters here, myself included. That’s mainly why I found the assertion of your original post both ironic and amusing. But that in no way makes me want you to stop posting here. Allowing us the perspective of specious criticism often enables the true facts to surface during the course of debate. That is what makes these forums productive. There is value in the role you have chosen. However, don’t expect such assertions to go unanswered or unexamined.

    Both have a lot to offer and have their own unique charm. As a transplant to Oklahoma, I've never quite understood the rivalry between the two cities.
    No doubt. As someone who was raised here and has lived elsewhere, I don’t get it either.

  19. #19
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Well, being in small group communication, alot of the stuff I have learned applys to this. We cannot all be orienters, compromisers, information givers, information seekers, antagonizers, and followers. Each person takes on a certain role depending on how they feel about the given subject or "goal".

    The funny thing is alot of the people telling me to go away haven't been on this forum half as long as I have. I remained quiet most of the time, because well, nothing really interested me. Well then, I heard about the whole Hornets issue, and to tell you the God honest truth, it bothered me. That is mostly why I acted the way I did. It bothered me that in such a time of tragedy there were people here calling the team permanent, and talking about changing the team name. I may have acted out of line, and for that, i'm sorry. I have been on this forum for over a year, but if people want to base their judgements about me on a two week period, so be it.

  20. Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    flyingcowz, i hope you will stay on the forum. while I may disagree with you, I certainly value a good debate. I hope I was not one of the ones who you felt judged you. I know I never told you to leave. That's just immature.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: The only thing OKC likes talking about more than itself, is Tulsa.

    Well, being in small group communication, alot of the stuff I have learned applys to this. We cannot all be orienters, compromisers, information givers, information seekers, antagonizers, and followers. Each person takes on a certain role depending on how they feel about the given subject or "goal".

    The funny thing is alot of the people telling me to go away haven't been on this forum half as long as I have. I remained quiet most of the time, because well, nothing really interested me. Well then, I heard about the whole Hornets issue, and to tell you the God honest truth, it bothered me. That is mostly why I acted the way I did. It bothered me that in such a time of tragedy there were people here calling the team permanent, and talking about changing the team name. I may have acted out of line, and for that, i'm sorry. I have been on this forum for over a year, but if people want to base their judgements about me on a two week period, so be it.
    That's cool. Maybe you're letting the views of a few select people influence your own rationale. Your conerns were justified. Many of us here shared them, but the truth was that the people who actually facilitated both the Hornets relocation and the Katrina aide acted with those concerns in mind.

    In the end, I realize you're sensitive to all things Tulsa, but the basic truth is that it's not even close to being the only thing talked about here more than OKC and it is not injected into every thread. As a part of the state community we pay attention to Tulsa, but ut does not guide the discussion by any means. With you being a long time visitor to this board, I know you know this.

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