Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid
Oh wow! I did not know that the old farm land had been sold. Very interesting. A target there is sure going to make traffic a LOT busier than it already is, especially when school is in session.

Thanks for the info...

That area is large enough for a Super Target. I know Westmoore's property runs back at least a quarter mile back from Western. There is quite a bit of open land between OReilly and Westmoore. (maybe enough to support Target and few other big box stores)

I would expect Target to do something classy to blend in with the school. I would think they would install some type of buffer between the store.

I am just curious to know if the store will face Western or 119th. I would think the store would face 119th Street just to create a buffer between the school and the stores parking lot.

If this development does take place. I would put money on that Moore will goes to closed campus lunches if they are not already. Putnam City did that a few years ago with their high schools.