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Thread: Hornets vs. Saints

  1. Default Hornets vs. Saints

    As we all know, Oklahoma City received a great deal of publicity as a result of the relocation of the Hornets. More than we have had in years. Plus a great deal of local fanfare.

    I would like to know an honest answer. Did San Antonio get as much publicity and welcome the Saints to their city with as much fanfare as we did the Hornets?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    I think probably so. Some of the differences though are that the Saints announcement was pretty much immediate after the hurricane due to the NFL practically starting the next week. Perhaps, if OKC did receive more attention, it is because there was a buildup to the announcement. I think the fact that OKC is new to the professional market, that may have helped a little too.

  3. Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Quote Originally Posted by scotplum
    I think probably so. Some of the differences though are that the Saints announcement was pretty much immediate after the hurricane due to the NFL practically starting the next week. Perhaps, if OKC did receive more attention, it is because there was a buildup to the announcement. I think the fact that OKC is new to the professional market, that may have helped a little too.
    No. Oklahoma City has had professional sports nearly as long as it has been a city. MAJOR LEAGUE sports is just now entering the market.

    Question. Do the RedHawks, Blazers and Yardawgz get PAID to play?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    No. Oklahoma City has had professional sports nearly as long as it has been a city. MAJOR LEAGUE sports is just now entering the market.

    Question. Do the RedHawks, Blazers and Yardawgz get PAID to play?
    Good grief man, I think you knew what I meant.

  5. #5
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    He does, he just has to be like that. It's his job.

  6. Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Quote Originally Posted by scotplum
    Good grief man, I think you knew what I meant.
    I know what you meant, however, the word professional means you get paid to perform a skill or function. So minor league athletes ARE professional athletes.

  7. #7
    swake Guest

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    I actually think San Antonio got more attention, and more negative attention, for three reasons, the NFL is bigger than the NBA, The Saints are more tied to the New Orleans community, and the move happened closer to the actual hurricaine.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingcowz
    He does, he just has to be like that. It's his job.

    LMAO, look who's talking.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I know what you meant, however, the word professional means you get paid to perform a skill or function. So minor league athletes ARE professional athletes.
    LOL, I KNOW that. How about you get back on TOPIC.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    Back to topic, please.

  11. #11
    ColumbiaCowboy Guest

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    You guys are obviously in The City, and not aware of the rest of the nation. San Antonio and the move of the Saints got far MORE attention. The Hornets moving to Oklahoma City has barely registered a blip outside of Oklahoma and New Orleans. I've watched SportsCenter and other newspapers and there's been very little discussion about it. Perhaps once the season starts up there'll be more talk, but right now the Saints are far more top-of-mind than the Hornets nationwide.

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    I mentioned this on another thread, but I think it's funny people here are commenting on how cruel it was for OKC to steal th eHornets in response to the tragedy. It's interesting that no one is criticising San Antonio for stealing the Saints for most of their home games.

    I think Tulsa is just getting an inferiority complex again.

  13. #13
    swake Guest

    Default Re: Hornets vs. Saints

    You don't get out much do you?

    The public has been far harsher on San Antonio than on OKC, get out and at least read some, don't be such a provential cheerleader. Outside of Oklahoma and NO, few have yet really paid attention to the Hornets, that is not the case with the Saints.

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