I was getting ready for my shift at Ma Bell when there was a dull, but powerful explosive sound followed by my house shaking. I went outside to check it out, saw the rising plume of smoke and called a neighbor. Her husband worked at the OG&E offices downtown and he called to tell her something had exploded. I turned on the TV and saw the helicopter transmissions. Went to work and saw images of a policeman slumped over his vehicle sobbing. A co-worker made a remark about it and I could only think about how young the officer was and that so very few in this country knew the destructive power and the devastation caused by a bomb. I remember listening to Carol Arnold broadcasting from the scene on KTOK when the first of the babies' bodies was carried out " Oh my God, no! The babies, the babies." She couldn't say anything for a while. Her humanity overrode her professionalism for a moment, but she did pick up her reporting again as soon as she regained her composure. All the vehicles on all the roads with their lights on, the cold, the rain, President Clinton, finding out that no family were physically hurt, but that a friend and a baby we went to church with were among the dead. Listening to snippets of the news coverage and the memorial service at the fairgrounds because there was work to do.......... Finally being able to let go of the pain and unshed tears at the hole in the ground on Memorial Day, thanking God we weren't in Britain or Ireland, Israel or Palestine, the former Yugoslavia, where these kinds of atrocities were an almost daily occurrence.....These are a few of my recollections