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Good question, hopefully I have some good answers, although you be the judge of that. I have a lot of things that this question makes me think of at once and I'll try to run through them..
1. A major point they teach in law school is "unwritten contract law" between people who verbally agree on something. Public policy and public administration has the same thing, and it's equally relevant as city planning and architectural guidelines in ascertaining how to get private developer buy-in to the city's goal of better, more sustainable development. Take Bricktown for example, when we allowed Bass Pro, Residence Inn, and all the other urban design atrocities we sent a message loud and clear that urban design guidelines are nice but not adhered to, not relevant, and not important. Then when BUD forced McDonald's to get their act together and raised the bar for the Hampton Inn and other projects, it also sent a message that we will occasionally enforce urban design guidelines.
2. When it comes to suburban development, there's this misconception that we are in competition with the ankle-biting suburbs for development. We're really not, because OKC still controls the most desirable development areas--Deer Creek, Memorial Road, I-40 west, Northwest Expressway, etc. It's true OKC has lost a proportion of sales tax revenues but the primary cause of that is the southside's deterioration and not so much the strength of other Cleveland County suburbs in my opinion. What's more is that the smaller communities typically have a history of following suit behind OKC, and a great example of this is tax structure. The only suburb whose tax rate is not nearly the same as OKC's is Warr Acres, which has virtually no important retail to speak of besides Walgreen's and Incredible Pizza. In order for change to come to the OKC metro it has to come from OKC City Hall and other communities WILL more than likely follow suit.
So to recap so far, it's not so much a specific code issue or that there is something we should ban. A lot of it just has to do with changing the precedent and requiring better in general. However you change the precedent, once we do so, OKC will start to see a shift in development philosophy.
3. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there are a lot of development restrictions enforced by the OKC Planning Dept that need to be changed. These restrictions facilitated the sprawl we've become familiar with, because that was mistakenly seen as the desirable development trend for the latter portion of the 20th Century (a century which has become notable for its destruction of great cities as well as the misconception of what a great city is, more so than any other century so far). These requirements include but aren't limited to: building codes that dictate finish requirements on new development thus making true downtown lofts impossible, a ban on mixed-use development in the suburbs, required site development setbacks, requirements on the number of parking spaces you must have, and so on. So this is my question to sort of answer a question: If we can require parking spaces, why can't we reverse that and put a cap on surface parking in the city? If we can ban mixed-uses and require setbacks in other areas of the city, why can't we reverse that as well? If we can enforce suburbanism, why can't we have a shift of paradigm and just enforce urbanism instead?
4. As for banning strip malls outright, there are communities that do just this believe it or not although nobody will be surprised to learn that Tulsa, Dallas, or KC aren't among them--they mostly exist on the West Coast and primarily in California. A more common solution to making crappy development more difficult is to put a ban on EIFS/EFIS and other substandard building materials. I would also place a ban on steel structures anywhere in the city unless it's zoned industrial or rural/agriculture. Banning strip malls is feasible but an extreme solution where more moderate solutions exist such as I just mentioned.