Almost a month ago my parents adopted a Boston Terrier from a local rescue. She's about a year old & had been surrendered by her owner when he had to check in for an extended rehab stay. She's very well behaved and for the most part has adapted to living with my folks quite well. The only problem they're having with her is she's been having bouts of seperation anxiety.
They noticed right off that she was getting pretty attached to my dad & would get a little worried if he got out of her sight. If he went outside, she'd pace the floor or search the house for him and would completely ignore my mother. In an attempt to show her that the world won't end if my dad leaves the room, my mom has started feeding her & gives her the occasional treat. If my dad is in the room, the dog is perfectly content to sit in my mom's lap & snuggle but she still gets anxious when he leaves the room. They're hoping that in time she'll get more comfortable but she seems to be getting worse.
The last few times my dad has left the house for extended periods, she'll search the house for him then will sit at the front door & howl. Mom tries to soothe and/or distract her but it doesn't work. My dad was gone for a little over 3 hours today & she sat at the front door and howled off and on the entire time (and by off and on I mean howling every 3-5 minutes). Do any of you have any suggestions on how to deal with this?