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Thread: more BIG problems in Seattle

  1. Thumbs down more BIG problems in Seattle

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #2

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    While this is an interesting story, does it have any relevance to Oklahoma City?

  3. Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  4. #4

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    That sounds ominous. Do we have some high rise apartment building that is needing to be torn down?

  5. Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Holy crap...it's the perfect example of how good inspection could have prevented a problem though. A subcontractor doesn't follow the plans or does something less than adequate to save a buck/time on their watch. Then the building falls down.

    Where were the QA guys during construction making sure that the construction guys were following what they were supposed to. You don't build 20 floors wrong without SOMEONE noticing.

    Not really relevant to OKC, but it is something every new construction site needs to keep in mind. Not that the Devon Tower will have these problems, but sticking with code is important.

  6. #6

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Holy crap...it's the perfect example of how good inspection could have prevented a problem though. A subcontractor doesn't follow the plans or does something less than adequate to save a buck/time on their watch. Then the building falls down.

    Where were the QA guys during construction making sure that the construction guys were following what they were supposed to. You don't build 20 floors wrong without SOMEONE noticing.

    Not really relevant to OKC, but it is something every new construction site needs to keep in mind. Not that the Devon Tower will have these problems, but sticking with code is important.
    The irony is that it was a Union owned building built by union workers.

  7. #7

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Wow...why the Seattle bashing?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Well, at least they're not tearing down their buildings for fun.

  9. #9

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    I don't think that this is really an attempt at bashing Seatle as a city so much as it is a relevant story regarding a fairly recent large scale construction project that was utilizing a similar structural system as is being used for the Devon Tower.

    This in no way is a statement that should lower anyone's confidence in the structural system of the Devon Tower. It is relevant in that just like any other construction site, there are many wrong ways to do things that can have unintended consequences, as in the example cited in Seatle.

    Contractors always try to find ways to save money in the process which will essentially add to thier bottom line by requesting substitutions of either materials or less expensive brands to replace what was originally called for and specified in the construction drawings or specifications. It is the obligation of the contractors to seek approvals of the subsitutions and to demonstrate and prove equivalency to the architect and or Structural Engineer, who are then required to approve or reject the submittal request.

  10. #10

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC@heart View Post
    I don't think that this is really an attempt at bashing Seatle as a city so much as it is a relevant story regarding a fairly recent large scale construction project that was utilizing a similar structural system as is being used for the Devon Tower.
    I would say that too if it was titled like that - but when its titled "more BIG problems in Seattle" it seems like we are trying to bash Seattle just like they've bashed OKC...

  11. #11

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    I would say that too if it was titled like that - but when its titled "more BIG problems in Seattle" it seems like we are trying to bash Seattle just like they've bashed OKC...
    Except someone from Seattle started the thread.

  12. #12

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Except someone from Seattle started the thread.
    Still doesn't sound to me that it has anything to do with how this structure would relate to the Devon tower - did you honestly get that from the initial post?

  13. #13

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Still doesn't sound to me that it has anything to do with how this structure would relate to the Devon tower - did you honestly get that from the initial post?
    No I didn't - and still don't. To me it appears this story came out of left field as it relates to OKC. It was interesting though - but not in an OKC kind of way.

  14. #14

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Still doesn't sound to me that it has anything to do with how this structure would relate to the Devon tower - did you honestly get that from the initial post?
    No, it was the only possible connection that could be drawn from the posted article. They share a common structural system, the one in Seatle which was failing. That is all. No attempt at construing a "connection" whatsoever.

  15. #15

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Do you suppose it was built by bribing the inspectors like our county jail?

  16. #16

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Do you suppose it was built by bribing the inspectors like our county jail?

  17. #17

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Defects include corroding and rusting cables, defective reinforcements in the building's exterior concrete and structural problems

    ...residents were asked to move out before the end of the year.
    lol...I don't think I'd be waiting til the end of the year to move out if the 25 story building I'm living in is being torn down because of defects such as defective reinforcements. I'd probably be gone closer to...tomorrow.

  18. #18

    Default Re: more BIG problems in Seattle

    Quote Originally Posted by Grant View Post
    lol...I don't think I'd be waiting til the end of the year to move out if the 25 story building I'm living in is being torn down because of defects such as defective reinforcements. I'd probably be gone closer to...tomorrow.
    No kidding - if I got a letter that said they have to tear my apartment down before it falls down I would have my stuff out of there so fast there would be swirling papers behind me. From what I read these are small studios so everything should fit in the back of their Prius'

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