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Thread: Mike Morgan: An Observation

  1. #1

    Default Mike Morgan: An Observation

    (This isn't exclusive to Mr. Morgan; I just like picking on him)

    Why is it that KFOR spends thousands of dollars on weather forecasting equipment that can pinpoint which cloud in southwestern Oklahoma is thinking about turning into a tornado, but they can't seem to find a "clicker" that works for Mike Morgan and his crew?

    I'm presuming that the little white thing in their right hand is the device that makes the background screen go from slide to slide (storm tracker, 7-day forecast, etc.), but it seems like either their collective hand/eye coordination is way off, or the stupid little bugger just won't work. One second they're trying to point to something in the panhandle, but all I see is them pointing at the NewsChannel4 logo, because it flipped too soon.

    If they do, in fact, control the timing, I should presume that it's a lot harder than it looks.

    If not, then I predict that either David Payne or Emily Sutton will go ballistic and destroy it live on the air one day...

    End of observation/rant.

  2. Default Re: Mike Morgan: An Observation

    I believe it is essentially a garage door opening like device...so of course - the $5 gadget is what messes up the $50,000 equipment in the back.

  3. Default Re: Mike Morgan: An Observation

    You know, come to think of it, this garage door opener thing has plagued weathermen on all stations for years. I was noticing that the other day. How is it that a simple remote control device like we all own can't do the job? It's amazing. Maybe someone in the know can tell us in detail about this device and how it talks to whatever it talks to. It looks pretty clunky on some stations.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mike Morgan: An Observation

    I noticed this the other day, I think KFOR has used the same clicker for a couple decades now, the thing is massive and ridiculous looking.

  5. Default Re: Mike Morgan: An Observation

    *sighs* Stop complaining and exaggerating.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mike Morgan: An Observation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    *sighs* Stop complaining and exaggerating.
    Pot... Kettle... Black...

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