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Thread: Can a Person be truly Moral and Ethical Without God?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Can a Person be truly Moral and Ethical Without God?

    Quote Originally Posted by pennyquilts
    i've also read that Paul was instrumental in switching christianity to a more gnostic religion as opposed to following the jewish tradition.
    i wouldn't say gnostic as some of paul's writings discuss some tenets of gnosticism as being problematic... but i get the gist of what you're saying and agree. paul certainly addresses the issue of jewish tradition within the christian church on several occasions. i'm not sure i'd say he opposed jewish tradition per se as much as he opposed the requirement that jewish tradition continue under the christian religion.


  2. #52

    Default Re: Can a Person be truly Moral and Ethical Without God?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    i wouldn't say gnostic as some of paul's writings discuss some tenets of gnosticism as being problematic... but i get the gist of what you're saying and agree. paul certainly addresses the issue of jewish tradition within the christian church on several occasions. i'm not sure i'd say he opposed jewish tradition per se as much as he opposed the requirement that jewish tradition continue under the christian religion.

    Much better, MMM - thanks.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Can a Person be truly Moral and Ethical Without God?

    Truth is only one mans perception. I say that because before I speak I want everyone to know my perception or my truth. I believe in God and believe that he loves all of us. That being said I believe that he has put in all of us, a perfect blend of emotions that shape our moral fiber. So in short...yes those that don't believe in God can be moral and upright. Just look around you. There are many very good people who do not believe but are wonderful people to be around. I believe that God understands all beyond what we can imagine...even an understanding in those who don't believe in him for whatever reason...so I think God has created a place for them as well and you can find it in Mathew 5:5 (Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth). If you look up the definition of meek you will find a few different meanings here are the ones I found when I looked it up:

    meek [miːk]
    1. patient, long-suffering, or submissive in disposition or nature; humble
    2. spineless or spiritless; compliant
    3. an obsolete word for gentle

    As you can see these definitions would describe those who are good but just choose not to believe. Our God is a very loving God and will not see such judgements passed on those who are inherently good. There is an unimaginable reward for those who believe, however there is reward also for those who are not evil people. I know that there may be those who want to preach fire and brimstone but they don't realize that they are forcing people to make a choice out of fear which is something that God would never want. Too many people are misguided and do not realize how loving our God really is.

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