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Thread: OCIS Judicial Dockets

  1. #1

    Default OCIS Judicial Dockets

    I am looking at todays docket for Judge Russel D. Hall, Oklahoma County (OSCN: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Network), and he has over 150 cases!!! How can he possibly hear that many cases in one day?

    Also, if anyone knows...what does "DNI" and "not an issue (DNI) mean?


  2. #2

    Default Re: OCIS Judicial Dockets

    Correction: Over 200 cases, most of which seem to be for DUI's.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OCIS Judicial Dockets

    Pretty easily. Judge Hall handles the criminal arraignment docket. He probably spends 15-30 seconds on each case. Most of the work is done by the bondsman.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OCIS Judicial Dockets

    Ahhhhhhhhhh...okay. Thanks.

    And the DNI? What does that mean?

  5. #5

    Default Re: OCIS Judicial Dockets

    Disposition no issue.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OCIS Judicial Dockets

    Thanks Midtowner

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