Thunder, I (think) appreciate the nomination..
But from even my gay friends tell me I hardly speak with the eloquence nor on just the single issue some in the gay community would want me to do so.
I have a history of violence (USMC-retired), and I have been known to (behaving BAD) tie cats tails to beer cans...(JOKE)
And, since we're just now leaving the winter season behind, I'm a bit overweight...ok a bit more then
I think vanity plates is a ok option, but I also agree with another poster who says there's other ways to tell people who you are..
I am gay, but its not all who I am.
I'm with a awesome man, I have a great family.I have a dog who is like a kid of mine,I garden, I build models, play pc games,I love cooking, I'm a reader, I listen to music of all (mostly) types.
I cant sew worth darn...
But there's alot more then someones sexuality to be proud of.
I dont know why this person feels a need for a vanity plate declaring his "gayness".
Maybe its an effort to kill the ghosts of the past of some tauting of school mates or family friends, or even "silencing" family members living or dead.
I honestly havent heard much more about the circumstances of his death.
Thanks for reading this.
GM is a person first, a man next, a good friend, dog dad, etc., and gay somewhere in the mix. It doesn't define him, standing alone. Your sexuality is a major part of you but not the primary part - that is the way it is with most well rounded people. People like GM (and most grownups) don't need to have their sexuality used as a sword or a shield. In fact, it kind of cheapens something so important to allow it to be used as a battleground. Seems like. GM has a relationship with someone - it isn't "just" about sex and that makes him much more like straight people than unlike them. I know this is easy to say coming from a straight person but I can't imagine caring one way or the other if people approve of my partner. They may think he doesn't dress the right way or make enough money or looks weird or has strange hobbies or blah, blah, blah and at the end of the day, their opinion means jack to me. If I am happy with him, good enough. BTW, I just made all that stuff up because my husband is close to perfect (for me). If some yahoo started in on "that red headed husband of yours" (as if that was a slam) I would think THEY were idiots and certainly not waste my time arguing with them or trying to win their approval.
theres no such thing as a "fast lane", the eagles were smokin crack when they wrote that silly song.
there are, however, speed limits posted on signs requiring all to legally adhere to, not doing so tends to attract the attention of police officers who will issue you traffic citations.
its okay to drive the correct speed in the left lane. i do it all the time with my cruise control firmly locked on. youre not breaking the law since youre driving at the maximum legally permissible speed allowed. those who wish to pass you by driving at illegal speed limits are thus breaking the speed limit law and will surely be caught and fined in due time.
While working in San Jose I was sitting at the hotel bar talking with a random guy sitting next to me. About 2 minutes into the conversation he said he was gay. I have never had a staight man tell me he was straight. Is there a market out there for heterosexual license plate frames? I've never seen one. Wierd.
You are full of it, and you know what it is.
All the time I let on to people that I am straight. It could be when I answer my phone and tell my wife that I love her. It could be when my friend, also in the conversation, talks about how hot Jessica Alba is. It could be us talking about where we went for a drink last night (ahem, Hooters?). Or, it could be my mentioning that I got married in New Mexico... All of those things tell *YOU* that you are talking to a straight man. "Wierd." Indeed.
I bet if you were in the a situation where you were around 98% gay population, a straight man would come out and tell you he were straight within 2 minutes.
If I was setting next to a man and during the conversation he said, "My boyfriend and I went on a crusie." that is different than saying, "I am gay."
And camping out in the passing lane is now just as illegal:
Hallelujah! Oklahoma busting slow drivers in left laneOklahoma State Troopers . . . have begun enforcing the state's left lane law.
Section 41-11-301 dictates that "Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane when available for traffic..." What this means is that unless you're doing at least the speed limit or are about to make a left turn, you need to stay out of the left passing lane or risk being pulled over by the guys with the flashing rooftop lights.
Seriously, unless you're actually, you know, passing somebody, get the H out of the passing lane and leave the law enforcement to, you know, law enforcement.
If the speed limit is 65 mph, but the normal speed of traffic is 72 mph are you breaking the left lane law? As I read it, Yes you are since I dodn't see anything about "posted speed limit".
Saying he is gay is just conversation. I don't even get Kerry's point, other than to be more obtuse.
I *have* had straight guys tell me flat out they are straight. In Dallas, during my younger years, it was all the rage to go dancing in Oak Lawn (the gay district). All the time people would say they were straight in conversation. Literally, half the conversations started out that way.
"As a straight man, I would vote....."
"Do I live around here? No, us breeders live in the suburbs."
"Sure, you can get me a drink, but I am straight."
"Even a straight man like myself can appreciate Erasure.."
Again, not even sure what it matters.
Why do NRA jerk-wads tell me every time I drive down the interstate they they are NRA members? Why do Obama Hope people let me know they supported them in 08? Who really cares? Besides Kerry..
If you are sitting at a hotel bar having a conversation with a random stranger it could be that random stranger's way of letting you know that they are (or are not) hitting on you. Knowing sexual orientation up front in that particular situation could avoid another awkward conversation.
Well, there is a lot going on in that situation that might be relevant for the ones involved but I have to tell you, from the outside looking in, needing to know the sexual orientation of a random stranger you meet in a hotel bar so you know whether to hit on them strikes me as moving pretty fast. The notion that I have to share my sexual orientation to spare the feelings of a total stranger in a bar strikes me as not only "not my problem," it shouldn't BE a problem. Someone who can't read someone's body language or other subtle cues should be familiar with rejection. Volunteering personal information about my sexuality to a total stranger to spare their feelings strikes me as strange. To spare their feelings or avoid an awkward conversation, I also wouldn't tell them how much money I make, what side of the bed I sleep on or my religious beliefs." The whole premise of this would be that by virtue of being in a bar, I am expected to share personal information with strangers to spare their feelings if they come on too strong. And if I am not hitting on them, perhaps I need to not sit so close, touch them too soon or otherwise behave like I am ready to jump their bones. There are plenty of ways I can signal that I am not interested in someone short of sharing my sexual orientation.
Of course, at my age, the whole notion would be somewhat horrifying for all involved, no matter the sexual orientation.
Wow congrats GM!
The dynasty is
My sons were the product of a Jack Daniels night or
I appreciate the congrats, but the grandkids is the results of my the youngest son,Chris!!
im not talking about driving at less than normal speed of traffic. im talking about drving at the fastest legally permissible speed lawfully allowed in the left lane. by doing this, youre not breaking the law, since anyone going faster than you would thus be breaking the speed limit law by attempting to pass you.
If the state is so concerned about what is on a Tag, then they would do good just to check the friggin expiration dates.
You know what, instead of continuing to take this further off the topic of homosexual license plates, I'm just gonna bump this horribly-titled thread from last year. Enjoy.
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