Very tacky, Matt.
He was murdered. No gay man is safe in Oklahoma. That's the way of life.
Let me guess.... Oklahoma Tax Commission's men in black.
Are you a member of that nutty Westboro Baptist Church or something? Someone dies at 28 and you think it's worthy of a joke at OKCTalk? It says more about you then it does about the guy who wanted the tag.
Save it for someone who cares, Mike. It's not like this guy was killed while heroically trying to stop a convenience store holdup or something. I've seen videos of this guy and he was HUGE. Until the official cause of death is released, for him to die at his age suggests one of two things to me: He died of something due to his morbid obesity or he died of something due to drugs and/or alcohol, and I don't have a whole lot of sympathy to spare for either. His sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Just a tacky joke, folks, nothing more. The only thing I've done wrong here was to forget the number one rule here at OKC Talk:
Matt, So...if it's said on the internet it's okay and shouldn't be taken seriously? I see OKCTalk, a community forum, as a 21st century version of the public square. You were (are) joking about a death at OKCTalk, and just because it's on the internet - it's okay? I beg to differ and my guess is that many here will agree with me.
Pretty much, yeah.
Yeah, pretty much.I see OKCTalk, a community forum, as a 21st century version of the public square. You were (are) joking about a death at OKCTalk, and just because it's on the internet - it's okay?
Okay.I beg to differ and my guess is that many here will agree with me.
Matt is just a worthless soulless troll that would be better off left to his own vices in his own little world where he feels he is important. Until Pete and gang wise up and start banning people, we'll have to deal with their types here. But that's what ignore is for.
Someday hopefully he'll be able to contribute something of quality to the site, and this world, instead of sucking up our oxygen and defecating out of his mouth. I really don't want to have buy a new pair of boots, since where ever he goes it definitely gets deep. :-P
Double-ouch, dude!
Thanks for yet another unsolicited analysis, Doctor. I'm impressed. (The first one was free; I better not have to pay for this one!)
But seriously, these are just words. If you usually don't like what I have to say, I invite you to please save yourself the grief and put me on ignore. The doctor is right: That's exactly what it's for. I'd be kind of honored to know that someone was so bothered by my stupid little jokes that they actually went to the trouble of doing that.
Or don't. I don't care.
Protip: Another option the next time something offends your delicate sensibilities is to click on that little red-and-white triangle up in the upper right corner and report it to the mods, and let them decide. I'd. . .venture. . .to guess that your unprovoked personal attack is actually probably more frowned-upon than my tasteless joke about someone who wasn't even a member here, but hey, who's counting?
(sung to tune of "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog)
....".why are...there so many...F@GS who like rainbows?....and whats with all the Gay Pride???"....."...someday well find it,...the San Francisco Connection...the lesbians,..the queers,..and meeee....lah, dah dah dee, dah dooo"
YouTube - Muppet Movie - The Rainbow Connection
No one should be picking on anyone here. Everyone is entitled to speak their mind here, and not everyone is gonna agree with what everyone says. Deal with it.
A. This site is called OKCTalk...first part being OKC (thats the subject), the second part of that is in people expressing themselves, speaking their minds, sharing views, input, etc.
B. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech. Anyone can say anything about any topic, its your natural American right.
C. Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected. Everyone is an unique individual and not everyone thinks the same. Not everyone was raised the same way, as sad as that is true. Some of us were raised in affluent families with silver spoons in our mouths and prolific & caring parents. Some people werent so lucky and were raised by one parent working full time jobs making ends meet, coming from broken homes or otherwise. For anyone to think that everyone's mindset should be on some sort of unilateral level is absurb and would be dismissing that everyone's personalities and views are indeed different. Yes, there are moderators, not just in online forums, but all kinds of moderators, from policemen, judges, school principals, etc that are installed to attempt to institute a basic govern for how society should co-interact with each other. But even these facets tend to recognize and accept that individuality is permissible within decent constraints. Matt didnt say anything I would necessarily deem outlandish, and I doubt anyone in this forum is related to the homosexual man in question. That being said, if you dont care much for what anyone says, wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on, if words affect you too much, youre too sensitive to begin with and should re-examine yourself and outlook on life in general.
D. Nuff said.
Exactly. So deal with the fact that Matt's comments were deemed crass and inappropriate. Does this free speech concept only work in one direction?
Hello? Is that for everybody except those who voiced their opinion that joking about a man's death while the body is still warm is wrong?
The fact the deceased was gay has nothing to do with anything. The objections were to Matt's trolling comment about the guy finally getting his tag - on his toes. That's offensive to common decency (and there is such a thing). Do you not realize your entire post can be turned around? If you can't handle Matt being called out and some of us voicing our opinions regarding his trolling tripe, then (to quote your own post): "...maybe you're too sensitive to begin with."
Did you really type that entire post and not realize what a double-standard you were requesting? Mind you, that's just my opinion. To again quote your own post: "Wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on."
You know, if there was a CSI: Miami that opened with a guy getting murdered while waiting in line at a tag agency, and David Caruso came in and said "Looks like the only tag he'll be getting. . ." (sunglasses) ". . .will be for his big toe," a lot of you guys would think that was hilarious. Just sayin'.
Amen. He comes across as a souless jerk. And as it turns out, I used the word souless before I even noticed that Venture had used the same word. Matt is getting worse. What a waste of oxygen. This is a new low, however. We are used to him being flip about just about everything and trying to go for shock value. However, to make these types of comments about the death of a young man in our own community is just...well it is just souless.
With all due respect, "freedom of speech" means that the government can't interfere with your right to speak out. NO ONE is entitled to have whatever comes out of their mouth/keyboard respected by others. That would infringe on their freedom of speech. I am not prepared to come with a "competely open mind" and don't think I need to. When some coarse young man makes the types of comments he made in this instance, it deserves nothing but public condemnation. By your logic, we'd have to respectfully listen with an open mind to someone who gloated over child rape, political assasinations and dragging pupplies behind cars. All of which are something Matt is likely to do, based on his past history. Nothing is more American than having to defend your ideas to see if they stand up. THAT it what freedom of speech is all about. Giving some jerk a pass and saying nothing in the name of freedom of speech is ridiculous.A. This site is called OKCTalk...first part being OKC (thats the subject), the second part of that is in people expressing themselves, speaking their minds, sharing views, input, etc.
B. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech. Anyone can say anything about any topic, its your natural American right.
C. Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected.
And I know you are being civil and trying to be thoughtful but I disagree with your premises, for the most part.
Wow, it appears I have some soul-searching to do. Literally. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, Dr. Quilts.
In the meantime, as a worthless, soulless troll, I'm rather enjoying all this attention, so by all means, please keep it up.
(That's what she said.)
(And I'm completely against dragging puppies behind cars, FYI. The other stuff's totally cool but the puppy thing is the one instance where I just have to put my foot down.)
Matt, are you homophobic?
ok... this has gone on long enough. let's get back to topic people.
Do you think they'd approve "urrdsgy" (Your ride's gay). Sorry, I couldn't resist...
From the story in todays Oklahoman it would appear to be either suicide or an overdose. Either way the tag battle is over for now.
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