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Thread: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

  1. #1

    Default SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

  2. #2

    Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    BREAKING NEWS: North Korea 'torpedos and sinks' South Korean navy ship with 104 sailors on board.

    BREAKING NEWS: South Korean ship with 100 on board sinking after torpedo attack 'by North Korea' | Mail Online

  3. #3

    Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    Navy ship sinks in West Sea after explosion

    The Korea Herald : The Nation's No.1 English Newspaper

  4. Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    Are u saying they are about to go to war?

  5. #5

    Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    No, not at all. They have had skirmishes like this before. N Korea has recently spouted off about how they are going to launch a nuclear attack on S Korea. This is what they always do as talks are about to get under way on the "N Korean" problem.

    I served in Korea, and I was pert much posting this to let other Vet's that served in S Korea know that the North is at it again.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    Oh we should just invade N. Korea then, seeing how it's headed by a mad man dictator with weapons of mass distruction. Oh there's no oil and Israel's "security" isn't at risk? Oh scratch that then. lol

  7. #7

    Default Re: SKorea navy ship sinking in waters near NKorea

    from the first posted news link:

    "Troops scanned the skies for an attack, at one point firing shots at what officials later speculated was a flock of birds."

    that cracked me up !

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