Re: 2009 Census MSA Estimate Released
haha, penny.
This is all good news, hopefully the state as a whole can make some increases in time. Also, hopefully - if/when OK gets back the 6th congressperson; that it will be Oklahoma City inner city (as it's district) and hopefully you all will elect someone with half a brain who isn't a right wing idiot. Your electorate has really made Oklahoma look so backwater and 2nd rate with their stupid assertions and facist holier than thau attitude. I know most of those elected don't represent OKC - so hopefully OKC can get it's own legislator. If Tulsa has their own (and seem to have most of Oklahoma's delegation coming from there), then OKC should have at least 1 you'd think - being the largest and capital city. .....
Back to topic, I hope OKC continues to see significant growth; whatever the method. I want to see OKC hit 1.5M in CSA or MSA would be even better, and it would be nice to see the city hit 600K by the census. Then we could really put to rest all of this small market S**T and OKC could begin to shine on it's own merit moreso.
come on everybody, get to producin babies!!!!!! It looks like that is the ONLY significant growth in Tulsa, OKC - get to it.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!