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Thread: It's the Gary England Show

  1. Default It's the Gary England Show

    Well, if your watching channel 9, Gary is having his hay day.
    It's only thunderstorms Gary. NO BIG DEAL!
    Gary please interupt the programing when something serious is happening.
    Just do the jog at the top of the screen for the folks in that area and everything will be fine.
    Or lets just all run to our shelters now.

  2. #2
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: It's the Gary England Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Dungeon Master
    Well, if your watching channel 9, Gary is having his hay day.
    It's only thunderstorms Gary. NO BIG DEAL!
    Gary please interupt the programing when something serious is happening.
    Just do the jog at the top of the screen for the folks in that area and everything will be fine.
    Or lets just all run to our shelters now.
    Actually, from what I have seen tonight, he hasn't interrupted any programming. He has given his updates during commercials.

  3. Default Re: It's the Gary England Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    Actually, from what I have seen tonight, he hasn't interrupted any programming. He has given his updates during commercials.
    It was 2 minutes after the 6:00 news and thru E.T.. Big Brother is on now and I'm sure that slowed things down.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: It's the Gary England Show

    He has to show off his new toy, MOAR.

  5. #5
    kahloist Guest

    Default Re: It's the Gary England Show

    How will Oklahomans ever survive the horrid weather once Gary England retires?!!! Oh the horror!

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