If I can locate it will see what I can do...this was a couple of years ago. I remember him saying that they basically had the money but didn't have the supervisors to oversee the projects and the City had higher priorities. Hmmm, higher priorities than following through on the what voters approved and paid for? By higher priorities, I took it to mean there were higher profile projects (like maybe the Arena rather than a neighborhood park or something along those lines). Conjecture of course, since the article and City Manager didn't do into any sort of detail as to which projects were undone (much less identifying them).
I had lunch with a member of the Bond Advisory Committee a couple of weeks ago, I could have sworn he said there was still some 1989 bond money that has yet to be spent. I may have misunderstood what he said, or I may have been hearing things that were not said, I'll double check on that tomorrow.
It was after the audit and right before the 2007 GO bond vote (the two things that prompted my letter). I had a couple of questions:
1) why did we even need another bond issue when the audit had shown that projects going back 3 bond issues had gone undone? in other words take care of old, unfinished business first before embarking on any new stuff.
2) What projects had gone undone? This question was never addressed. maybe they were relatively minor things that didn't matter to much. Bu then again, they were important enough to be included in the 1st place and important enough that the City needed to take on long-term debt to get them accomplished.
3) Previous reports had put the proposed bond issue at $100M less than what was presented to voters. What was included for the $100M? Again, IIRC, that also went unanswered.
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