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Thread: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

  1. #1

    Default Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    If you click on the link below, then click on get involved. You can nominate OKC for a trial of 1gbs internet! It said youtube video link is suggested on why your city should be picked. I put a link to the "Oklahoma City - A Better Living, A Better Life" on youtube. (YouTube - Oklahoma City - A Better Living, A Better Life)

    Google Fiber for Communities: Think big with a gig

  2. Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    I'm sure COX will do everything in their power to block anything like this from getting near their turf. However, if I were given the opportunity to trade up to a Google service from the account I have with Cox Business now...for a similar or slightly higher price point, and much faster speed, umm...bye Cox.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Of course Cox will do all in their power to block Google from entering the market, which is all the more reason for all of us to nominate OKC as often as we can. How awesome would it be for Google who is a proven innovator who has shown time and time again that they are not afraid of reinventing themselves and accepting the challenges that others would discount as laughable. Does this sound familliar to anyone? Hello that is the Oklahoma City story! We have reinvented ourselves in a climate that tells us we can't well we did and continue to do so regardless of the naysayers out there.

    Cox is a contributer and has a good presence here, but competition is always good for sustained and healthy business that usually ends up benefiting consumer! More choice means better services are needed to compete at better prices. All things that are important in building a great city. Plus just think of how cool a Fiber driven city wide system would be! It would be another huge feather in OKC's hat to show the nation and the world that we are an innovative city and that Google with a like mind thinks so as well! There is no loser in this, except us if we do not try!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    I really think it is Google's way of forcing Cox...ATT etc to update their infrastructure..

  5. #5

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    That is Great News if its true.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Google Fiber for Communities: Think big with a gig


  7. #7

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Yea I would switch too if it was indeed faster and had better customer service.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    The fact that they are intending on bringing in a fiber optic strand to each home and business in the study means that it will provide insane speed and bandwidth capacity! There is nothing out there faster than light! This would be huge for the City! This is one of those rare moments where a company has asked basically for the citizens of a city to pitch the idea, not a chamber. If we mobilized everyone and got the word out to as many folks as possible the sheer volume of respondants would make them have to take a serious look at our city. That coupled with all that they would find that is taking place here would likely cause them to consider OKC seriously. Too good an opportunity to capitalize on an "emerging market" to add to the publicity that it would bring them in the trial!

  9. Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    I have some friends going to speak at the City Council meeting Tomorrow, last minute effort to get the City to please step things up regarding the Google Fiber project. This would be HUGE for OKC. And we need the citizens to get involved to make Google understand why OKC would be such a great place for them, which I truly believe it is.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Knowing Google the price will probably be tapped phone and internet lines that they data-mine relentlessly and then keep results on a server for ad infinitum.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Just in case some of you do not know much about this you may as well call Google geniuses once again for putting this “contest” together. They are having cities submit an RFI (request for information) to see which cities would be a best fit. The city wide RFI questionnaire is WOW (totally comprehensive). Essentially Google is looking towards getting into the service providing business, so they are having all the communities do all the research for them. Brilliant! They have no indication of what type of city will win or even how many cities will win, but they still want to generate buzz within those cities. The exception is that they will essentially allow companies like COX and AT&T to piggyback their system infrastructure and sell their service too. At least that’s what they are saying to get local internet providers on board. They are encouraging cities to apply as a citizen and fill out the surveys too.

    I can’t say much else regarding the City’s stance, but you will hear something very soon.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunt4Mayor View Post
    I have some friends going to speak at the City Council meeting Tomorrow, last minute effort to get the City to please step things up regarding the Google Fiber project. This would be HUGE for OKC. And we need the citizens to get involved to make Google understand why OKC would be such a great place for them, which I truly believe it is.
    So, how went thinks on the 9th? Any word back from your friends?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

    put in a nomination for okc. I doubt we have any chance, however.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Nominate OKC for Google trial.

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