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Thread: Another major charity self-destructing?

  1. #1

    Default Another major charity self-destructing?

    In light of the Feed The Children debacle, here's another example of why you should research who you give your charity money to:

    FOXNews.com - GOP Senators Question $1M Salary for Boys and Girls Club CEO

  2. #2

    Default Re: Another major charity self-destructing?

    So a very good reason why it would be so wrong for the government to abolish all welfare programs that the conservatives so very, very much want to do.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Another major charity self-destructing?

    Connect A & B....what does one have to do with another and how do you make a political statement out of this? This is one of your sillier posts.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Another major charity self-destructing?

    Well, that is because there is no graft or corruption in government or government run programs and everyone working for them does it out of the goodness of their hearts

    Even poorly run private charities get a higher percentage of donation dollars to help people than the gov't does with the tax dollars they take from its citizens. If gov't programs were ranked by the same criteria private charities were they would occupy the bottom of almost every list in efficiency and percentage of dollars going to recipients.

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