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Thread: Keep It Local OK movement

  1. #51

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    I'm trying to understand how any of you think a national chain, which is known to be very picky about locations, would choose to move to a place with a "Keep it Local" atmosphere creating a possibly hostile environment?
    I know this comment wasn't directed at me, but AGAIN, as others have mentioned; other cities, namely Austin,TX where Whole Foods is based, is the epitome of "Keep it Local" movements and Whole Foods, Sprouts and others moved in just fine. I doubt they are in the least bit worried about the even bigger than OKC's "Keep it Local" movement. The fact is there aren't any local grocery stores that can compare to a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, etc. Economies of scale kick in when you have chains, unfortunately. A local competitor just can't compete with the selection and price of a chain like Whole Foods. The places you mentioned like Akins are a joke and aren't even comparable, and Akins is the biggest alternative around. Life is full of contradictions, especially in good sized cities. The suburban movement is FARRRRRR bigger in OKC then this "Keep it Local" movement will ever be anyways.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post

    Now tell me, How The F*ck is that "Negative"?

    Get back on topic.

    Actually RedDirt717, do whatever you want, I took the advice of some people here and put you on ignore. Attack me all you want.
    Stephy, that kind of language has no place on this forum and I hope the moderator will monitor that. There are some minors who read this. It does nothing to either further this thread or your point of view. Please keep it civil. You certainly have a right to express your viewpoint on the topic, however.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Well, I've never called anyone a name on here.

    I've never personally attacked anyone. I voice my opinion unapologetically, and if someone is constantly dogging on OKC, or has nothing good to say about the city I've grown to love I dont mind them "blocking" me. If Stephy has ever said anything positive or even neutral about Oklahoma I'd be OK with him/her questioning this particular movement, but the fact of the matter is she's been in several posts I've glanced over dogging the people here, pardon me for questioning her motives.

    So block me, I'm cool with that...I'm pretty sure others like ronnie, and HVAC have done similar measure because they didn't really like my opinion. Some people just want to be petulant without objection, but whatever.

    So back to topic;

    There isn't anything wrong with wanting a Whole Food, et al. All this means is we want better quality here. If someone local could come in and provide that in a grocery, of that size, immediately I'm sure all of us would be behind it 100%. They're giant corporate chains, they thrive on taking out the little guy...I've never heard of walmart deciding not to go into a city because the local vendors created "to hostile" a environment, that's just ridiculous.

    The point of all this is, instead of going to Arby's, go to Sonic...instead of Panera, go to Prairie Thunder Baking Company. Keep the wealth here in the city, other large cities have similar measures. Austin, St. Louis, Chicago, DC, etc, etc...it doesn't keep WF and friends from starting business there.

    So yah, shop where ever you want, but if you have an option in pure quality between buying your seafood from Target, or Avalon...go to Avalon. Outback, or Red Prime...go Red Prime.... If whole foods comes and you want a certain product from them, buy from them, but if that same product is at Wheelers, buy from Wheelers. It's pretty simple.

    Some people are here just to be nay sayers.

    If you're one of those people, go ahead and block me.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    You certainly have a right to express your viewpoint on the topic, however.
    No, apparently I don't. At least not according to the almost full inbox of hateful PMs from people on this forum.

  5. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    No, apparently I don't. At least not according to the almost full inbox of hateful PMs from people on this forum.
    That's business as usual around here, I'm afraid...

    Welcome to OKCTalk :-(

    If you aren't 1000% positive about the newest fad or trend to hit the OKC "elite", or aren't a cheerleader for the city 99.9% of the time, you'll get attacked like that, been there many times unfortunately....

    Just keep your head down and ignore what you can, they'll bait you non-stop if they think they can get you to lose your temper and do something to get yourself banned.....

  6. #56

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    The moo moos are waiting in the wings, and VERY selective as to who to go after.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    No, apparently I don't. At least not according to the almost full inbox of hateful PMs from people on this forum.
    Stephy, as I told you in response to the PM you sent me, I hope you do continue to post. We don't have to agree with you but it helps sometimes to have opposing views so we don't get too satisfied that we have all of the answers. Please just respect the potential readers enough to use civil language when doing so.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I must say, after seeing several people post that they've gotten hateful PMs, that I'm surprised people here would do that sort of thing. We should be able to agree to disagree as adults and secret notes seem rather childish. I don't really enjoy posts from people who can't find something positive to say once in a while, but as long as they don't violate TOS they have a place here, IMO.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Whole Foods vs Walmart. I heard this story reported on NPR yesterday. The Great Grocery Smackdown - Magazine - The Atlantic . Whole Foods didn't do too well as it turns out. Weird, eh?

  10. #60

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    So how's the Keep It Local OK movement going?

    Went to Pops for lunch today, was gonna buy a KIL card (which are sold there according to the KIL website), and the woman knew nothing about Pops selling them. She said they accepted them, they just didn't sell them.

    Kind of disappointing. I know I could buy a card online, I just wanted to buy one there since I'm at Pops more than I'm at any other KIL-partner location.

  11. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I've seen their bumper stickers. I want one for my car that someone else drives most of the year. I would have gotten a card thingy at Irma's the other day but I just don't understand the concept behind it and why they want ten bucks for it. Seems like they should be trying to give them out to anyone that will take em.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Spartan, keep in mind you get a discount at sponsored places so you can "earn" your $10bucks back fairly quickly. They have to cover their marketing costs involved. Also remember nonprofit organizations such as schools, Boy Scouts, and Allied Arts (City Arts Card sells for $50), as well as people buy the "Entertainment Books" for like $30 bucks so it's not out of the ordinary.

  13. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Paying money for coupons is retarded.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Paying money for coupons is retarded.
    I agree Spartan. While there are some good values in those books, I've found many similar type coupons available through other means with no purchase required. Someone stops into my office on a regular basis passing out free flyers with many coupons available for businesses in my general area. You can also check out websites for discounted offers. I have received 2 for 1 coupons from numerous restaurants by doing that.

  15. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I concur.

    This post brought to you by Groupon.com

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