I'm not worried about it. You have to look at these numbers and ask the right questions. How many of these students are looking to get a 4 year degree? How many of them really aren't cut out for college? How many of them even want to be there? I know a lot of people who went to junior college. A lot of them went because they didn't know what else to do. Now, I knew pretty early that I was going to law school. I loved the sound of my own voice and would argue with anybody.

But some people don't find their calling so easily. They go to college because "that's what you're supposed to do". Maybe they aren't mature enough for it yet, maybe they get pregnant, maybe after a year they decide to join the military. I knew a lot of honors students in high school who drifted aimlessly for a few years until something happened to give them direction in life. I had my ten year reunion a few years ago, and these guys had all figured out what they were doingin life, and had families and good jobs.
Now, that's not the traditional path you're supposed to take, but there's nothing particularly wrong with it either. A lot of people look at jr college as a continuation of high school, a year or two for them to figure out what they want to do with their lives. I don't see it as a failure of the system. Better to waste a year paying tuition at Rose State than to waste a year paying tuition at OU.