Originally Posted by
Hmm, well I never said that WF & Trader Joes = homeland or buy-4-less.
I'm actually not really sure where you're trying to go with this.
A quick look in the yellow pages shows me LOTS of locally and OK owned alternatives.
short list:
Oklahoma Food Cooperative
Sooner Produce
First Fruits Berry Farm
Pinata Produce
Agnew Grocery
Anderson Food mart
Angels Produce
and, of course, Akins
I've only lived here for a few months so I, of course, don't know where ALL the locally owned grocery places are, but I'm sure this "Keep It Local" initiative can produce a bunch more alternatives.
Maybe if more of these stores were supported by the locals, they would thrive and become as "elite" as WF. Of course, maybe WF will see this initiative and decide it's not in their best interest to enter such a hostile market.
<shrug> who knows?