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Thread: Keep It Local OK movement

  1. #26

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    Hmm, well I never said that WF & Trader Joes = homeland or buy-4-less.

    I'm actually not really sure where you're trying to go with this.

    A quick look in the yellow pages shows me LOTS of locally and OK owned alternatives.

    short list:

    Oklahoma Food Cooperative
    Sooner Produce
    First Fruits Berry Farm
    Pinata Produce
    Agnew Grocery
    Anderson Food mart
    Angels Produce

    and, of course, Akins

    I've only lived here for a few months so I, of course, don't know where ALL the locally owned grocery places are, but I'm sure this "Keep It Local" initiative can produce a bunch more alternatives.

    Maybe if more of these stores were supported by the locals, they would thrive and become as "elite" as WF. Of course, maybe WF will see this initiative and decide it's not in their best interest to enter such a hostile market.

    <shrug> who knows?
    You aren't the crazy one. It is often a question of trendiness, on some of these chain stores. Very inconsistent but being trendy isn't about being consistent.

    You know, I always enjoyed going to Trader Joes but let's face it - it was just easy to go there and get stuff. Buying and supporting local takes effort and commitment. I think its great and support it. I'm almost embarassed to talk about Traders Joes because I feel like I am advertising that I'd rather spend money than take the time. Sorta goes against a protestant work ethic, don't cha know. But for a lot of people, they have more money than time and I get that.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I guess I wasn't making my point clear enough.

    Here's what I don't understand.

    You guys want the major chains the real cities have; WF, Anthropologie, etc..

    You guys also want to embrace the "Keep it Local" mentality.

    Why would the chains place a new store here, in a brand new market if they see that there is a strong "keep it local" movement? with the exception of chain-branded items, there's almost nothing in those stores you can't get locally. What incentive do those stores have to move to a location which has chosen to ignore the existing chains in favor of locally-owned business?

    Yes, they are mutually exclusive.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement


    Most large cities like Dallas or San Fran have a large "keep it local" movements and they seem to do just fine, and keep a balance of the highly desirable chains as well.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Most large cities like Dallas or San Fran have a large "keep it local" movements and they seem to do just fine, and keep a balance of the highly desirable chains as well.
    The same here in Austin with the Keep Austin Weird slogan by the Austin Independent Business Alliance. We have most of the national chains and high end stores here and most of them have opened up in recent years but there is still pretty thriving local business environment...of course one of the "big ones" in Whole Foods is "local" here.

  5. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I like the movement. Both this program and the Allied Arts card do have relationships with unique local retailers. I think a lot of people have gotten wrapped up in the mega store mentality and these discount cards offer a diversion from the ordinary.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    The same here in Austin with the Keep Austin Weird slogan by the Austin Independent Business Alliance. We have most of the national chains and high end stores here and most of them have opened up in recent years but there is still pretty thriving local business environment...of course one of the "big ones" in Whole Foods is "local" here.
    Austin has done as good a job as any large city in the country of perfecting this balancing act. Reminds me that I need to get down there NOW!!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post

    Thank you.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    The same here in Austin with the Keep Austin Weird slogan by the Austin Independent Business Alliance. We have most of the national chains and high end stores here and most of them have opened up in recent years but there is still pretty thriving local business environment...of course one of the "big ones" in Whole Foods is "local" here.
    LOL, you mean the slogan that Austin stole from Portland?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by gracefor24 View Post
    LOL, you mean the slogan that Austin stole from Portland?
    Portland is weird? Perhaps, but not compared to Eugene. They were downright, um, er, interesting peeps. Maybe they've mellowed. it has been a while.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I don't think buying local and wanting a few national chains are necessarily mutually exclusive. One of the reasons some of the national chains exist is because they offer either unique or interesting items that aren't available elsewhere. One can do some shopping in those types of stores while also attempting to support stores that are locally owned. Most of those chains started out as a single store somewhere. For example, Restoration Hardware sells drapes and curtain rods. It's virtually impossible to buy those from a strictly local store in that price range.

    Since I've lived here I've made an attempt to buy as many things from local stores as possible and I will continue to do so, while hoping we get a Whole Foods, a Restoration Hardware and an Anthropologie that I can shop at occasionally.
    Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't think they are mutually exclusive, and as metro said, represent a healthy market.

    As for the movement, I hope they can add more stores soon! The card is a great idea.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post

    Most large cities like Dallas or San Fran have a large "keep it local" movements and they seem to do just fine, and keep a balance of the highly desirable chains as well.
    Ah. So what you're saying is that Dallas & San Francisco both had strong "Keep it Local" movements going on prior to/ongoing when places like Whole Foods setting up shop?

    Interesting, I'd like to see some proof of this since I'm pretty sure the exact opposite was actually the case and invalidates your entire argument.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    Ah. So what you're saying is that Dallas & San Francisco both had strong "Keep it Local" movements going on prior to/ongoing when places like Whole Foods setting up shop?

    Interesting, I'd like to see some proof of this since I'm pretty sure the exact opposite was actually the case and invalidates your entire argument.
    Stephy, I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're asking other people to give proof for their statements when the only proof you're giving for your opinion is "I'm pretty sure".

  13. #38

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Just went through everyone of Stephy's 32 posts looking anything positive about Oklahoma City.

    Not a one, in fact they aren't even normal posts. Everyone of them is negative.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Just went through everyone of Stephy's 32 posts looking anything positive about Oklahoma City.

    Not a one, in fact they aren't even normal posts. Everyone of them is negative.

    What does your personal attack on me have to do with this thread?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    alright, peeps... let's keep things civil. -M

  16. #41

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Portland is weird? Perhaps, but not compared to Eugene. They were downright, um, er, interesting peeps. Maybe they've mellowed. it has been a while.
    LOL, yeah, Eugene is on it's own level.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    I was raised in OKC but, have been away since 1986. Anywhere I go and happen to see a product from OK., I buy it. I quess it just reminds me of home.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Just picked up my card, I'm going to go ahead and get behind the movement.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post

    What does your personal attack on me have to do with this thread?
    Do you even know what a personal attack is?

    Pointing out that you have had nothing but negative things to say is not personal attack...anymore than me pointing out someone wearing a blue shirt is wearing a blue shirt.

    Nice try though.

    You clearly have an agenda here, just letting every one know that hasn't already caught on.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    This is the first I've heard of this local movement. Thanks for the links. I'm a firm believer in Local support.

    To bad we can't institute this concept on a national level as well. I'm personally sick of buying chinese crap.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Do you even know what a personal attack is?

    Pointing out that you have had nothing but negative things to say is not personal attack...anymore than me pointing out someone wearing a blue shirt is wearing a blue shirt.

    Nice try though.

    You clearly have an agenda here, just letting every one know that hasn't already caught on.
    Agree! It seems Stephy is trying to be very antaganistic and "somewhat" hostile. This is my perception and opinion and not a personal attack on her as a person but perhaps her "attitude".

  22. #47

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    This is the first I've heard of this local movement. Thanks for the links. I'm a firm believer in Local support.

    To bad we can't institute this concept on a national level as well. I'm personally sick of buying chinese crap.
    We can! No one is making us buy cheap trinkets from China!

    That's why I don't shop at Wal-Mart any more.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Guys don't feed the troll.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Do you even know what a personal attack is?

    Pointing out that you have had nothing but negative things to say is not personal attack...anymore than me pointing out someone wearing a blue shirt is wearing a blue shirt.

    Nice try though.

    You clearly have an agenda here, just letting every one know that hasn't already caught on.
    What's your problem?

    None of your personal feeling towards me has anything to do with the topic of this thread.

    All I did was point out that a "Keep it Local" movement is in direct conflict with the threads on this forum clamoring for big name National chains to move here, namely Whole Foods.

    When posters started whining about how there's no local alternative here to places like Whole Foods(or any other national grocery chain) I posted a number of alternatives that I saw at first glance in the phone book.

    I'm trying to understand how any of you think a national chain, which is known to be very picky about locations, would choose to move to a place with a "Keep it Local" atmosphere creating a possibly hostile environment?

    Now tell me, How The F*ck is that "Negative"?

    Get back on topic.

    Actually RedDirt717, do whatever you want, I took the advice of some people here and put you on ignore. Attack me all you want.
    Last edited by stephy; 03-11-2010 at 08:00 AM. Reason: added comment

  25. Default Re: Keep It Local OK movement

    Quote Originally Posted by stephy View Post
    What's your problem?

    None of your personal feeling towards me has anything to do with the topic of this thread.

    All I did was point out that a "Keep it Local" movement is in direct conflict with the threads on this forum clamoring for big name National chains to move here, namely Whole Foods.

    When posters started whining about how there's no local alternative here to places like Whole Foods(or any other national grocery chain) I posted a number of alternatives that I saw at first glance in the phone book.

    I'm trying to understand how any of you think a national chain, which is known to be very picky about locations, would choose to move to a place with a "Keep it Local" atmosphere creating a possibly hostile environment?

    Now tell me, How The F*ck is that "Negative"?

    Get back on topic.

    Actually RedDirt717, do whatever you want, I took the advice of some people here and put you on ignore. Attack me all you want.

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