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Thread: Chase Tower

  1. #1

    Default Chase Tower

    Some wishful thinking here. Chase Tower has remained unchanged since it was erected in '71. I would love to see architectural fins added to the top like IFC1 and 2 in Hong Kong (Google it & see for yourself). Yeah it would cost some bucks, but with all the improvements going on DT, I think it would improve the looks of the big black box immensely.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    I like the way that you are thinking! You are right that it would cost the current owner some substantial money, however if done right, would give the building a renewed sense of place and relevancy amidst the renaisance that continues to evlove in OKC. With some effective lighting schemes it would further enhance its presence in the downtown skyline and may aid in retaining tennants as well as attracting new ones as the need arises. That would be a fun sketchup / photoshop study to see what the possibilities are for the building.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC@heart View Post
    With some effective lighting schemes it would further enhance its presence in the downtown skyline and may aid in retaining tennants as well as attracting new ones as the need arises.
    On the subject of lighting, I would squeal with glee if someone were to do something similar to the Empire State Building's ever-changing light scheme that celebrates current events, holidays, etc. If you're unfamiliar, you can check out the schedule here:
    Empire State Building : Official Internet Site

  4. #4

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Eep View Post
    On the subject of lighting, I would squeal with glee if someone were to do something similar to the Empire State Building's ever-changing light scheme that celebrates current events, holidays, etc. If you're unfamiliar, you can check out the schedule here:
    Empire State Building : Official Internet Site
    Have you seen what they are doing on the First National tower with the thunder blue lights? it is very cool and a great start! It is on the Thread labeled the next 10 games. toward the end of the thread. you can't miss it. It looks stunning! Squeal away!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    I can see the Chase owners doing this but not until the office market looks a lot better.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC@heart View Post
    Have you seen what they are doing on the First National tower with the thunder blue lights?
    Thanks for directing my attention to those great pics! It looks beautiful. :-)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    You mean First National, but yes they do a good job with Thunder Blue and White, Green for St. Patty's, Red & Green for Christmas, etc. etc.

    As far as Chase aka Cotter Ranch Tower, that cowboy does the opposite of progress on purpose. He's not creative enough to even think or hear a proposal about updating the looks of his tower. Comparing it to HFC1-2 is a stretch. Anyone have a comparable building or Photoshop design of some realistic ideas?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    I would love to see the chase tower updated on the outside, that would be a nice addition to the Devon tower.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    You mean First National, but yes they do a good job with Thunder Blue and White, Green for St. Patty's, Red & Green for Christmas, etc. etc.

    As far as Chase aka Cotter Ranch Tower, that cowboy does the opposite of progress on purpose. He's not creative enough to even think or hear a proposal about updating the looks of his tower. Comparing it to HFC1-2 is a stretch. Anyone have a comparable building or Photoshop design of some realistic ideas?
    Certainly it was not intended to be a literal cap matching the HFC1-2 but rather a conceptual thought meant to stir up possibilities for the building to become visually more than it currently is.

    Any proposed cap would have to be appropriate and marry well with the current exterior architectural fenestration that you see today. Unless a much more agressive and expensive approach was taken, which I can tell you would not be likely. Changing the entire exterior would be prohibitively expensive.

    But a treatment for the top of the building would be possible and more realistic in cost associated. Now whether the current owner would be willing to pony up for such a statement is another story entirely.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    What about changing the dark windows to something more clear like they did with Founders Tower (Founders Tower) or that building in Tulsa (Clear glass building in downtown tulsa image by alyssacannon on Photobucket)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Blangdon View Post
    What about changing the dark windows to something more clear like they did with Founders Tower (Founders Tower) or that building in Tulsa (Clear glass building in downtown tulsa image by alyssacannon on Photobucket)
    Certainly possible, but not probable. Way too expensive...you have to think about it in terms of return on investment. The existing building envelope was paid for once and still works. So to scrap it and then replace it with an entirely new building envelope is very costly, and is a good chunk of the new construction cost of the original building, so it would take an owner who has deep pockets who doesn't mind turning them out to make a statement, that may not pay him back for a very very long time, even with the enhanced thermal properties of improved glazings systems, which would be the only case that makes sense for replacing the glazing system.

  12. #13

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Here are the ones on 1180 Peachtree here in Atlanta. At night the glow blue.

  13. #14

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Here are the ones on 1180 Peachtree here in Atlanta. At night the glow blue.

    Interesting that you chose another building by Architect Pickard Chilton...the same that is responsible for the Devon Tower in OKC...But I am sure that you knew that already!

    There are tons of possibilities.

    I do like the ribs or fins used in the building in Hong Kong, because it would translate the verticality of the window system skyward and allow for a change in geometry at the top that could change with lighting. It also would not hamper wind flow which would be another major consideration. can the existing structure handle the added wind loading by adding surface area at the top? With fins it would be more permeable so would not be so significant.

  14. #15

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    I think these inward curving fins would make CT look sexy.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	International_Finance_Centre_Hong-Kong_China[1].jpg 
Views:	575 
Size:	247.0 KB 
ID:	418  

  15. #16

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    My favorite (ok, not favorite but definitely unique) buildings in Madrid: The leaning towers of Madrid < Travel < Wolfstad Blog "Leaning towers" over the street

  16. #17

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Wow! Those are super cool, would be sweet if we had those over the new boulevard!

  17. #18

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    I agree that Chase Tower could use a facelift. I would not want it re-clad in the opaque blue glass that has become ubiquitous in current skyscraper design. So much of those buildings have been put up in cities like New York and Chicago that they're beginning to look like a hall of mirrors, where all the glass buildings reflect all the other glass buildings around them.
    I like the dark glass of the Chase Tower, but the vertical striping and the arched windows at the top are very dated. Strip those away and you could have an elegant, simple, refined building that would still keep the essence of the building's 1970s Internationalist style.
    A recent building that captures this esthetic is the Trump World Tower at the United Nations in New York.

  18. #19

    Default Re: Chase Tower

  19. #20

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Taurus? I'm not seeing your pix!am I The only 1?

  20. #21

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    No, I can't ever seem to upload a photo. I'm a retard. Go to Emporis.com to see the image.

  21. #22

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by TaurusNYC View Post
    I agree that Chase Tower could use a facelift. I would not want it re-clad in the opaque blue glass that has become ubiquitous in current skyscraper design. So much of those buildings have been put up in cities like New York and Chicago that they're beginning to look like a hall of mirrors, where all the glass buildings reflect all the other glass buildings around them.
    I like the dark glass of the Chase Tower, but the vertical striping and the arched windows at the top are very dated. Strip those away and you could have an elegant, simple, refined building that would still keep the essence of the building's 1970s Internationalist style.
    A recent building that captures this esthetic is the Trump World Tower at the United Nations in New York.
    Great tower, but those condo's have awfully plain interiors, I know it's NYC and you have stunning view’s, but geez they are blah on the inside!

  22. Default Re: Chase Tower

    Who knows, maybe if something like this did happen, we would be as disgusted with in in 50 years as we are now with the concrete cladding over the India Temple.

  23. #24

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by shane453 View Post
    Who knows, maybe if something like this did happen, we would be as disgusted with in in 50 years as we are now with the concrete cladding over the India Temple.
    Shane that is a good point and reason to take what is there and enhance it with a cap treatment that is appropriate to the architecture of the building. Re-glazing the entire building would be too expensive unless it was shown that there was enough cost recovery from enhanced thermal performance to justify the additional expense. But that does not mean the articulation of the fenestration must be removed. Just the glazing replaced.

    I think there are certainly ways to make an improved and nice looking cap to the building that would be appropriate and not destroy the architecture. You are never going to please all parties with something like this, as there will no doubt be purists that will argue that a cap treatment like this does just that simply because it came later. Again this area is fairly subjective.

  24. #25

    Default Re: Chase Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by TaurusNYC View Post
    No, I can't ever seem to upload a photo. I'm a retard. Go to Emporis.com to see the image.
    Here you go.

    Trump Tower, NYC

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