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Can't we just suggest walking on flat surfaces? This looks to me a huge boon for the artificial knee, and hip industry.
Once we get these blue hairs all wobbly and full of lactic acid and they dismount from these multi-colored orthopeidic calcium defficiency finders, we stand to mame and cripple a large population of them.
Besides, I see these sorts all over the gym, mouth agape, blankly staring at Judge Judy on the daytime gym T.V. while incessantly pumping their old sinewy bodies against a machine that is providing them no resistance and no benefit. All the while holding up the few verile souls lucky enough to frequent the gym during mid-day hours. I don't think that we should just cut these people loose on our parks, with their unsteady gaits and quadruple "k" turn parking vision and dexterity, at least not on a teflon jointed, elevated elliptical machine of doom and despair.
Lets leave it to water aerobics at the new aquatics center, low impact. If you are really healthy enough to use something like one of these contraptions, you're probably not inclined take to the park to do them, you'd be hiking, or biking something less pathetically stationary.