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Thread: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    This is something all of us, except maybe Soonergirl26. C'mon! How'd you
    ditch school, or at least try.

    I did the usual thermometer on the light bulb thing. It worked until one day I
    left it on too long. Mom suspected something was up when I had a 120
    degree temperature.

    How was I to know? I was only in the 6th grade.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    [QUOTE=Prunepicker;267214]This is something all of us, except maybe Soonergirl26. C'mon! How'd you
    ditch school, or at least try.

    This is a two part question.........

    1). maybe a little chocolate e-lax the night before.......that was when I was in grade school.

    Jr. high and high school were much easier.

    2). Jr high: go to the classes I wanted to and then out the front door.

    One year there was a friend of ours my age was killed in an auto accident. Mom gave me a note to leave school early, 2:30 to attend the funeral. Altered the note to read 12:30.

    3). CHHS I hardly ever missed school during those years, I just seldom went to class. Usually in the field-house, parking lot, or on Paseo. Went to a couple of classes that my girlfriend and I had together. Gym to play basketball and always drivers ed. Drivers ed was after lunch and at lunch some of us smoked "roll-yer-own". Those simulators were a blast.

    The thing is that by the time of my freshman year until I should have graduated, the schools did not care if you attended or not. Few classes called roll and no body in the office would call your folks. No "do not admit" lists.
    I have some regrets, but I seldom missed school activities and I got my GED in 1974. Would not recommend that path to anyone.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Left one school morning without telling anyone I was not headed to the bus stop.

    Slipped on some ice at a curb waiting for a light to change.

    Entered a single elimination wrasslin' tourney with a car tire. Lost.

    Went to hospital for a spell, then home for a few weeks in a body cast.

    Learned more creative, and less painful, ways to cut school during the balance of grade school, and beyond.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    I'd walk across the street trying to look innocent, get in my car and not come back.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Up until college (which is a completely different subject), I only ditched school once. And that was during the last week of my senior year. The day was nothing but awards assemblies, so some buddies and I went to the park instead. The next day, I found out that they had called my name to receive something and I was a "no show". LOL LOL It figures.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Speaking of Awards assemblies.
    It was 5th grade, I won perfect attendance, and a citizenship award.<<< i suspect it was a make award one.."to make me feel good about myself."
    Keep in mind I didnt know I was going to win one of those.
    I was so tired of school that morning, I told my parents I wanted to ditch it.
    My dad said" it shows your character if you dont go, and mom was "do what you want"
    I ended up going around our neighbors to see if they knew who needed to have their lawns mowed, especially the elderly ones ,asked them how they, had wanted it, and did it that way,RAN off without getting paid and I almost got away with it till one of those elderly folks wrote a note to my school.
    I got an award for it and a darn newspaper article ...eh
    Try to be a rebel....lol

  7. Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    I never ditched school, not even on "senior ditch day," when all the seniors went to the lake and the principal just went there and brought them all back.

    We had off-campus lunch and during yearbook junior and senior year a lot of the time we got to go off-campus for pictures or to sell ads for the book, so I was pretty happy with that. I also missed a lot (way more than the allotted number of days allowed) of school my junior and senior years for speech and debate tournaments, band contests, curriculum contests, and the like. I think I missed over 20 days my senior year and still had a 4.0. They just looked the other way.

    I missed one day of high school for illness. Just one. The only other time I missed for illness was when I had the chicken pox in the 1st grade. I was SO bored that week.

    Yes, I was, and still am, an uber-nerd.
    Still corrupting young minds

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    We had off-campus lunch and during yearbook junior and senior year a lot of the time we got to go off-campus for pictures or to sell ads for the book, so I was pretty happy with that. ...
    Oh, if only I had ever thought to charge folks for the times I poked my head into a class and politely asked the teacher if I might borrow this person or that person for a spell so we could make deadline on a photo for an ad or retake a photo where the film got trashed. One can always beat the rush when you get a good head start.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    I always used my sister to call in as my Mother (much older than I) and if the school called back to verify she would be there. True story: Had a friend (not real name) who called the school and said to the vice principal: "Yes, this is Bobby Jones DAD and I am sick and won't be able to attend school today!" The Vice principal recognized the voice and obviously the stupidity and said: "Bobby, get your *SS to school NOW and come straight to my office!" True story....Now tha's dumb...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    I never ditched school, not even on "senior ditch day," when all the seniors went to the lake and the principal just went there and brought them all back. Yes, I was, and still am, an uber-nerd.
    You're not alone. Ditto on all this for me.........plus, Dad was on the school board, it was a VERY small town, and I knew better than to even "try" to skip school.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    REAL GOOD at forging the teacher's name....Got caught once (Sr. high school). Last three Swats of School ....Everett Semrad....He gave me my first three in the seventh Grade and my last three my senior year....No stories no laughs ...just forged the teacher's and my mom's name very simple...Don't try this at home....

  12. #12

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    My swats were all in junior high. Homeroom teacher would give me swats if I was on the DNA list and then sent to the office. Secretary would send me to join the other guilty parties to see the vice-principal. Mr. Chapman used a surgical hose. You got a choice, swats or detention all based on how many hours you ditched. 2 hours detention for each hour missed or the same number of swats per hour. If only a few hours I would take all swats. A major AWOL, like 4hrs. meant taking them in half that morning. 4 swats and 4 hrs. detention. After lunch I would go back to the office and tell Chapman I had changed my mind, no detention give me the balance in swats. Worked every time.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    This is an appropriate thread for the kids from Grant that are probably trying to figure out what time school starts so they won't be locked out again....

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Only ditched a couple times in Jr. High. I simply left to go to the bus stop and diverted to the local convenience store for a soda and candy and hung out with a couple other friends who did the same. Got caught the 2nd time by a call from the school to my mom and I never did it again.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Ditched one day to go to All Sports Stadium to watch the Cubs and White Sox play an exhibition game. Two of us, sixth graders. We had enough money to take bus from Capitol Hill to the fairgrounds and bus fare back. Once there we decided to get a pop and hot dog and walk home. Before game started a cold front moved in. Cold and drizzle falling. Delayed start of game one hour. One hour later they called the game and it began to pour. Steve and I had to walk from the stadium to Capitol Hill in the pouring rain...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Ditched one day to go to All Sports Stadium to watch the Cubs and White Sox play an exhibition game. Two of us, sixth graders. We had enough money to take bus from Capitol Hill to the fairgrounds and bus fare back. Once there we decided to get a pop and hot dog and walk home. Before game started a cold front moved in. Cold and drizzle falling. Delayed start of game one hour. One hour later they called the game and it began to pour. Steve and I had to walk from the stadium to Capitol Hill in the pouring rain...
    Karma, baby!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    In six grade our teacher canceled a trip to the Arts Festival (a few bad apples causing problems in class), 5 of us ditched and walked to the Arts Festival, we never expected that Mrs. Walkingstick was bluffing, and guess who we ran into at the Festival.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    In six grade our teacher canceled a trip to the Arts Festival (a few bad apples causing problems in class), 5 of us ditched and walked to the Arts Festival, we never expected that Mrs. Walkingstick was bluffing, and guess who we ran into at the Festival.
    Hahah!! That's a great story.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    I used to ditch all the time. There was a video arcade on Britton which is now an equipment rental company. Sometimes we would just walk over there from JM and play video games all afternoon and make ourselves sick on the Freeto Chili Pies!

    When we started driving, it was easy....just stay gone at lunch.

    For some reason, I've always loved ditching. Something about breaking the rules and being somewhere instead of where I was supposed to be. I wasn't a bad kid so it was my way to rebel.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    I was not the best student and I hated school. Fortunately, I learned a few things and was a better student when I went college a few years ago.

    As an incentive to keep my grades passing or better my parents allowed me to take a day off here and there from school. If I passed everything with a C or better I could take two days off at seperate times each nine weeks. If I had D's or F's the deal was off. Then again that was back when you were allowed 9 absences a semester. These days I think they only allow 3-5 without a doctors note, funeral or some other circumstance that would keep you out of school.

    I intended to skip on Senior Skip Day but, ended up going anyway because I had to work that afternoon and really loved my job. My parents told me I could skip but, I also had to call in to work. It ended up being a slack day anyway. Each teacher gave bonus points for attending class that day. All we did was watch movies and goof off all day. Some of the teachers brought in donuts, pizza and soda.

    One of my teachers told everyone the day before a big test would be given on Skip Day that would count as large portion of the grade. Only half of us were there. She passed it out and gave the directions read review each page to make sure there are no duplicate pages. On the back page of the test it said,

    "Thank You Coming in Today. Do not complete this test. Put your name on the first page and pass it forward."

    She then told us to keep the test a secret because she was going to use it to tease the kids who did not show up on Monday. Monday came and she came in with a stern look on her face and gave everyone who skipped a lecture about attendance. She then passed out the tests to the people that skipped. She then said "I expect everyone to score at least 90% or better the lowest score on Friday was a 97%. She let those kids sweat it out for a good 15 minutes. She stopprf and explained that nobody took the test but, they did miss out on 20 points being added to their lowest grade since they were not in class on Friday.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Had a confrontation with one of my teachers. (Everhart), had to have a meeting with the vice principle, Everhart, and my dad. Neese (the vice principle) gave me my attendance card and told me to go to study hall the rest of the year on my 6th hour. Well needless to say the attendance card and sam never made it to 6th hour and this was the 1st semester of school. Two weeks before my graduation Neese pulled into our hang out at AAA drive-in and caught me. He asked me which class I should be in, I told him O study hall (like no big thing) well he wanted to escort me back to study hall, which posed a real problem, since nobody in study hall knew who I was. Long story short my sentence was, 3 swats morning, 3 swats evening and then 7th hour the rest of the school year (two weeks ) and then they would let me graduate,which at the time seemed like a pretty good deal. what a fool I was

  22. #22

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by sam greenroyd View Post
    Had a confrontation with one of my teachers. (Everhart), had to have a meeting with the vice principle, Everhart, and my dad. Neese (the vice principle) gave me my attendance card and told me to go to study hall the rest of the year on my 6th hour. Well needless to say the attendance card and sam never made it to 6th hour and this was the 1st semester of school. Two weeks before my graduation Neese pulled into our hang out at AAA drive-in and caught me. He asked me which class I should be in, I told him O study hall (like no big thing) well he wanted to escort me back to study hall, which posed a real problem, since nobody in study hall knew who I was. Long story short my sentence was, 3 swats morning, 3 swats evening and then 7th hour the rest of the school year (two weeks ) and then they would let me graduate,which at the time seemed like a pretty good deal. what a fool I was
    Strange how those swats looked better to take as the day wore on....

  23. #23

    Default Re: Tell the truth. How'd you ditch school?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Strange how those swats looked better to take as the day wore on....
    Yea, you had time to get the fire out before the next set. lol

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