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Thread: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

  1. #126

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Be that as it may, I'd be much less thrilled about some retail clerk/grad school dropout/rabble rouser running my city. Too much opportunity for very public, very grand embarrassment. Not the sort of thing we need at the moment.

    Aside from that, I've seen or heard that Hunt is a big fan of folks like Chomsky... he hasn't been so open about his philosophy, just all the stuff he's "against" for whatever reason. And what he's against? Stuff Chomsky would be against. And what does he want to do with that money? Stuff Chomsky would want to do with the money.

    So if someone credible would step up to the plate, they might be worth a gander. This fella, however, is a deeply disturbed individual who has sent very good friends of mine ranting, raving and personally threatening emails. Voting for Hunt for Mayor would be a mistake.

    You say we have a snake oil salesman in the job right now. Would you want to trade that for a certifiable loon?

    -- and I know we're all supposed to be tolerant of mental illness, but when sanity is a baseline qualification for a job, I think discrimination with respect to this issue is more than justified.

  2. #127

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    mid: I appreciate your thoughts and this is the quandry I am faced with this election. Also, I wouldn't go quite as far as to characterize Cornett as a snake oil salesman. Cornett came down in my book when shortly after his landslide reelection he decided to run for Congress. He decided not to do the right thing and resign as Mayor (as Humphreys did when he decided to run for the Senate). Either he wanted to be Mayor or he didn't. Personally think that any elected office holder has made the most basic of campaign promises when elected. That they will serve for the entire term. To decide you want some other job that catches your eye and decide to publicly go after it without an abject apology to their constituents (for violating that trust), resignation from office (upon their replacement so their constituents are represented) and payment for any special election required to replace them (at their personal expense, no campaign funds). I feel this way about every elected official and it has come up since Mr. Cornett. When Denise Bode resigned from the Corp. Comm. she set into motion a couple of more elected officials that should have kept the jobs they were elected to do or resign. Jim Roth accepted the appointment by the Gov before the end of his term at the County. This opened up the seat so Council woman Willa Johnson to desert her constituents (and without representation for at least a couple of months). Ms. Johnson even stated that she was on the City Council just until something better came along. As someone who has voted for some of these people (and their reelection as well) I feel betrayed and I absolutely will not vote for them ever again.

    Mr. Roth lost in his reelection bid and depending on the outcome of the County Jail situation, Ms. Johnson may be out the door as well. It seems highly improbable that Mr. Cornett could lose this election, but there is absolutely no way he will get my vote again.

  3. #128

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Then might I suggest you not vote if these are the only two folks on the ballot? That is always an option.

    As for Roth, it's no secret how that went down. Murphy ran a rural campaign, made sure the media kept reporting that Roth was gay, then won. The folks who voted for Murphy over Roth did so based upon homophobia, not who they thought should be overseeing the corporation commission. Everyone I know who has had dealings with Roth either at the County level or the Corp Corp has had nothing but good things to say about his professionalism and expertise -- except for the fact that towards the end of his career at the Corp Corp, he really seemed to be buying whatever it was that Chesepeake was selling at any given point in time.

    As far as the Jail situation goes, I think we have a good group of leaders at the County level who have inherited an impossible problem. I sure as heck wouldn't want to be in their shoes. Either a new sales tax or a big 'ol assessment against property owners. Do they want to spark the anger of just homeowners? Or everyone in general? Classic Catch-22 situation. No wonder they've chosen to do nothing so far.

  4. #129

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    As the recpient of several unsolicited private messages from Mr. Hunt that showed poor moral character and a decided lack of judgement, I could not agree with Midtowner more. We would definitely put ourselves in the public eye nationally by electing him, but the light would be far, far from flattering. Abstain Larry. Oklahoma City deserves better.

  5. Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    mid: I appreciate your thoughts and this is the quandry I am faced with this election. Also, I wouldn't go quite as far as to characterize Cornett as a snake oil salesman. Cornett came down in my book when shortly after his landslide reelection he decided to run for Congress. He decided not to do the right thing and resign as Mayor (as Humphreys did when he decided to run for the Senate). Either he wanted to be Mayor or he didn't. Personally think that any elected office holder has made the most basic of campaign promises when elected. That they will serve for the entire term. To decide you want some other job that catches your eye and decide to publicly go after it without an abject apology to their constituents (for violating that trust), resignation from office (upon their replacement so their constituents are represented) and payment for any special election required to replace them (at their personal expense, no campaign funds). I feel this way about every elected official and it has come up since Mr. Cornett.
    I really have no problem with a politicial who is one political seat running for another. It's no different than being in one job while interviewing for another. There are times someone who has just taken one job gets an opportunity for another job that doesn't always come available. In the real world, timing means everything. I see nothing in what he did that "violates" my trust in him. Politicians rarely resign their current political postions while running for another.

    Like Cornett or dislike him for other reasons but this is really a tiny issue.

  6. #131
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    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    As the recpient of several unsolicited private messages from Mr. Hunt that showed poor moral character and a decided lack of judgement, I could not agree with Midtowner more. We would definitely put ourselves in the public eye nationally by electing him, but the light would be far, far from flattering. Abstain Larry. Oklahoma City deserves better.

    Having been a Democrat all my life, I totally agee that Oklahoma City deserves better and I'll vote for Cornett an aggressive Rebublican whom I have the utmost respect. Oklahoma City will move forward with Mick Cornett.

    In reference to Mr. Hunt, he's been there and he's done that; however, he still has a way to go before tackling the job as Mayor of Oklahoma City.
    Last edited by Laramie; 02-19-2010 at 11:28 AM. Reason: spacing...

  7. #132

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Steve Hunt apparently thinks that spending years being a complete douchebag to every one he encountered and trashing OKC every chance he got would never come back to bite him. Doesn't sound like someone who is very intelligent to me. Is that the type of thinker you want running our city?

  8. #133

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Having been a Democrat all my life, I totally agee that Oklahoma City deserves better and I'll vote for Cornett an aggressive Rebublican whom I have the utmost respect. Oklahoma City will move forward with Mick Cornett.

    In reference to Mr. Hunt, he's been there and he's done that; however, he still has a way to go before tackling the job as Mayor of Oklahoma City.
    There have been many of you who have said before on this site that the mayor has no real power, its the city manager and his staff. The mayor is more of a figure head. Other posters words, not mine.

    So if that be the case, why are we in such an uproar if the Mayor has a challenger. If what you guys have been saying is true, then why couldnt Mr Hunt or someone else be the OKC figure head instead of Mr. Cornett, who is nothing more than a sportscaster and a puppet for big business interests.
    Yet, you guys think that he hung the moon. How in the world did he do that if he doesnt have any power.

    Its a simple question, its either one way or the other. No shades of grey.

    I am thinking that Mr. Hunt, may clean up just as good as the Mr. Cornett.
    Lets dress him in some nice suits, get him a hair cut and go get him some nice white dental veneers, that will give him that award winning trust me smile. Then lets see how different these two really are.

    Remember, the Mayor doesnt have any real power. Just one vote.

  9. #134

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Would you rather have a stark raving loon as a figurehead or someone like Cornett who has a background in marketing and advertising?

    It's an easy pick for me.

  10. #135

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Then might I suggest you not vote if these are the only two folks on the ballot? That is always an option.

    As for Roth, it's no secret how that went down. Murphy ran a rural campaign, made sure the media kept reporting that Roth was gay, then won....
    Sorry but I don't buy the anti-gay vote as why he isn't in office. I voted for him and thought he did a good job as Co. Comm., probably would have voted for his re-election. It was no secret that Roth was gay (he even proudly appeared in the Gay pride parade and had his picture and positions featured in the gay newspaper).

    Not voting is not an attractive option either but it may be what I am left with. I don't know at this point.

    The County Jail situation is not a pleasant one but those commissioners knew of the problems before they got elected. They need to solve the problem. Think they would have had a much better chance of getting a sales tax approved if they hadn't dragged their feet on the issue and got it to the voters before the MAPS 3 vote. There were reports that said the cost was extremely high and to cut costs, they cut the number of beds by about 500. Now how does that solve anything since one of the repeated prob the feds have with it is overcrowding? You are going to spend 100s of millions to make the situation worse? They are still dragging their feet on the issue and have delayed the election vote.

  11. #136

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I really have no problem with a politicial who is one political seat running for another. It's no different than being in one job while interviewing for another. There are times someone who has just taken one job gets an opportunity for another job that doesn't always come available. In the real world, timing means everything. I see nothing in what he did that "violates" my trust in him. Politicians rarely resign their current political postions while running for another.

    Like Cornett or dislike him for other reasons but this is really a tiny issue.
    There is a difference, rarely when someone is looking for another job do they announce to their employer they are doing so (unless if it is some sort of leverage to get a raise in order to stay). We see it differently and that is fine, but as I said it is one of the most fundamental promises that a candidate makes. That he is going to serve the entire term.

    And Cornett has given plenty of reasons to not trust him. Like I said, for me the distrust began with this very fundamental issue. Didn't always feel that way about him, his actions changed all that.

  12. Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    There is a difference, rarely when someone is looking for another job do they announce to their employer they are doing so (unless if it is some sort of leverage to get a raise in order to stay). We see it differently and that is fine, but as I said it is one of the most fundamental promises that a candidate makes. That he is going to serve the entire term.

    And Cornett has given plenty of reasons to not trust him. Like I said, for me the distrust began with this very fundamental issue. Didn't always feel that way about him, his actions changed all that.
    I disagree, that's the difference between a regular job and political office. You can't hide it. As I said, he didn't do anything differently than any other candidate running for political office. Did Obama resign as Senator when he ran for President? Did McCain? Did Bill Clinton? Did Hillary? Did Al Gore? Did Ronald Reagan? Holding office while running for another is a non issue.

    Again, if you don't like him for his decisions as mayor or things he says, thats a different thing.

  13. #138

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I disagree, that's the difference between a regular job and political office. You can't hide it. As I said, he didn't do anything differently than any other candidate running for political office. Did Obama resign as Senator when he ran for President? Did McCain? Did Bill Clinton? Did Hillary? Did Al Gore? Did Ronald Reagan? Holding office while running for another is a non issue.

    Again, if you don't like him for his decisions as mayor or things he says, thats a different thing.
    I agree completely. Everyone of the people you mentioned should have resigned their current office when they announced they wanted a different position (if it meant they were not going to be able to serve their complete term). Especially vexing are those who are running for multiple offices at the same time (reelection as Senator and Vice-President). As I have tried to stress, this is not an issue unique to Cornett (I voted for the man twice). Nor Roth (voted for him too). But it was the turning point for me and Mr. Cornett. I thought he did a great job as councilman (unfortunately he didn't represent my ward) and thought he did a good job as Mayor. It has been his record since then that have furthered my opposition.

    My question for you is: if they weren't telling you the truth when they were running for office and got your vote the 1st time, why would you trust any other promise they made? If they couldn't keep their word in their current office, what is going to keep them on the job for the new one they are running for?

    Being an elected office holder is essentially a contract position. There is a defined length of that contract and shouldn't be broken except for the most extreme of conditions. From the employer's side (voter) they are removed or retained in the next election cycle or if is something illegal going on that would force their removal from office). On the employee's side (office holder) they should only be allowed not to fulfill the terms of the contract if there is an extreme event like death or significant illness within the immediate family (such as personal health issues or being the caregiver of a spouse etc). Right now there is a State Senator that for personal health reasons was absent most of last session and is expected to be out most of this session. The man needs to resign his position (in the mean time, his constituents aren't being represented at the Capitol). Just because there is a better paying job (private or public sector) doesn't qualify as being sufficient reason to void the contract (not without severe financial penalties).

  14. #139

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    I have a theory. Based on the complete lack of promotion I've seen from the Hunt for Mayor camp, I think this might be another of Steve's many hoaxes. Sneaking into SuperBowls, bedeviling governor press conferences, looking like a total wack-job standing behind tv news folk doing live shots... isn't running for mayor the biggest hoax yet?

  15. #140

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    As if you needed more reason to vote next Tuesday:


  16. #141

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat


    Actually the election is quite crucial and could be a close race. Notice that you haven't seen Mick doing ANY campaigning. These type of elections already have a very small turnout. That coupled with electronic media, if Steve Hunt has some fanatical support base like a union or something, he can send out emails/texts/twitters/facebook and a few hundred people can decide an election such as this. Mick thinks it's an easy race, and it probably will be, but I know it has a lot of political insiders downtown worried because he's not campaigning. The last thing we'd need is some guy like Hunt representing our City for say the U.S. Conference of Mayors or the State of the Union address in DC.

  17. #142

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Right, well that's what I'm saying. The mayors' meeting would have to be relocated if Cornett didn't win, amongst many other awful things that would occur.

  18. #143

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

  19. #144

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Here is my favorite part:
    Who are your personal heroes?
    Hunt: Raphael Lemkin, Robert McChesney, Dean Baker, Amy Goodman, Greg LeRoy, Naomi Klein.

  20. #145

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Would you rather have a stark raving loon as a figurehead or someone like Cornett who has a background in marketing and advertising?

    It's an easy pick for me.
    As someone in the legal profession, what do you think of a Mayor who apparently denied the Constitutional right to free speech of anyone wanting to speak about the upcoming vote (for or against) during the Public Remarks portion of a Council meeting? I saw Mr. Cornett do this in one of the meetings leading up to the MAPS 3 vote.

  21. #146

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    As someone in the legal profession, what do you think of a Mayor who apparently denied the Constitutional right to free speech of anyone wanting to speak about the upcoming vote (for or against) during the Public Remarks portion of a Council meeting? I saw Mr. Cornett do this in one of the meetings leading up to the MAPS 3 vote.
    He had someone thrown into jail for speaking their mind? Really? Why haven't I heard of this?

  22. #147

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    He had someone thrown into jail for speaking their mind? Really? Why haven't I heard of this?
    Where did you hear that he had someone thrown into jail to begin with?

  23. #148

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    You might not like Mayor Cornett but I fail to see how Hunt is a viable alternative.

  24. #149

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Type in any of Hunt's "heroes" names into google ,then add one of the following words - marxist, socialist, revolutionary, anarchist, anti-capitalist, far left radical, participatory econimics, etc, etc.

    Interesting reading if your into far left anti-American radical politics.

    Better yet, google any of his fellow bloggers on this sight.

    Z Space Steve Hunt

  25. #150

    Default Re: Activist to seek Oklahoma City mayoral seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    As someone in the legal profession, what do you think of a Mayor who apparently denied the Constitutional right to free speech of anyone wanting to speak about the upcoming vote (for or against) during the Public Remarks portion of a Council meeting? I saw Mr. Cornett do this in one of the meetings leading up to the MAPS 3 vote.
    Nobody was thrown in jail, but there were people that were denied the opportunity to speak at that city council meeting. I was there and witnessed it, first hand.

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