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Thread: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

  1. #26

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Hoyasooner - in the case of Oregon - they are raising taxes to fill a budget gap. The problem is they are not curbing what created the budget gap in the first place so next year they will just have another one (See State of California budget problems). States do not have a income problem - no of them. Even the worst states are still collecting as much money as they did 3 years ago. The spending is just way out of control.

  2. #27

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Tell that to the unemployed. There's rural parts of this state where people are able to live on minimum wage. Be happy if jobs come here whether they pay well or not. Besides, phone center jobs pay more than minimum wage - they aren't executive pay, but they pay most of the bills and often offer flexible hours.

    Is this the type of jobs MAPS is suppose to bring?
    Is this the type of jobs tax credits is suppose to attract?
    I know times are difficult, but if all you are ready to settle for then thats all you get.
    Jobs that pay a living wage is not a job paying the current minimum wage.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    I think everyone's jumping the gun, no one has said that these are phone center or minimum wage jobs, chill out and let's see what this is about.

  4. #29

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I think everyone's jumping the gun, no one has said that these are phone center or minimum wage jobs, chill out and let's see what this is about.
    Amen!!! Let it unfold!

  5. #30

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I think everyone's jumping the gun, no one has said that these are phone center or minimum wage jobs, chill out and let's see what this is about.
    "Agree", however it would be nice if this is a Fortune 100 or even 500 company that will be moving all or part of their operations to OKC. This is the type of jobs that OKC needs in order to have higher personal income levels and better retail stores as this creates demand and people moving from other states are going to want services and shops that they are accustomed to already. OKC has to many call centers and low paying jobs. It is time to think like a big league city.

  6. #31

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    I did a little investigating and it appears that RadioShack is looking to move out of Ft. Worth. They will need about 300,000 of office space that they plan to build. Could this be the office building near MidFirst that someone linked to awhile back? The timing of the RadioShack rumor and the release of proposed building at I-44 and I-235 are about the same - November of last year.

    You can google 'RadioShack corporate relocation' and read several cryptic stories.

    Here is the link to thread about the proposed tower at I-44 and Broadway Extension.


  7. #32

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    ..It is time to think like a big league city.
    Yes! my point

  8. #33

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I did a little investigating and it appears that RadioShack is looking to move out of Ft. Worth. They will need about 300,000 of office space that they plan to build. Could this be the office building near MidFirst that someone linked to awhile back? The timing of the RadioShack rumor and the release of proposed building at I-44 and I-235 are about the same - November of last year.

    You can google 'RadioShack corporate relocation' and read several cryptic stories.

    Here is the link to thread about the proposed tower at I-44 and Broadway Extension.

    Rumour is that Tampa Florida has been courting Radio Shack and is on RS radar. This was in the Tampa Bay Business Journal. There were some others on the list, however OKC was not anywhere on that list. The other cities that are on the short list are Nashville, Tennessee, Charlotte, North Carolina and Albequerque, New Mexico.
    Last edited by progressiveboy; 02-16-2010 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Added content

  9. #34

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Yes, but the list is only available because representatives in those cities opened their mouths to local media. Radio Shack has never said they are relocating and didn't release a list of finalist. Maybe OKC has been a little more tight-lipped.

  10. Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    OKC needs to be proactive and try to lure EVERY company to the city. sometimes, all you need is just keep your ear to the ground and send an email with an invite for starters. If the reply is positive, then you could go for a visit and pitch to them what OKC has to offer. THEN, get them to visit OKC - and wow them off. Then, do what it takes to make the move/relocation/expansion happen.

    kerry, not to get too personal - but I am so sick of hearing those stupid conservative crap. You really have something against government programs - yet I bet you would be the first in line if or when circumstances warrant. It's hypocritical stuff like this that makes me so sick of right wingers - you all don't care about other people or government help until it helps you. Selfish.

    There's no reason why the rich of Oregon can't help fund programs in that state. Sure, Chicago and California can poach off some companies and Im sure with Chicago's huge business community they will at least get some office workers; but Chicago also pays hefty taxes and they have a pretty darn good city to boot. ...

    Let me ask you right wingers this - the true fix to the national debt and all of this bull crap is getting rid of Medicare. That is the biggest government program by far and is what causes the most grief because nobody wants to fix it.

    So, do you propose we get rid of Medicare? Or is it just the welfare/poor programs you are after? By the way, Medicare's budget is in the trillions; welfare/unemployment is in the billions (like 30/40 billion).

    You can't have it both ways, you can't say you're a fiscal conservative when it comes to the needy but then have your hand out under programs that REALLY COST THE MOST.

    Will you give up your deductions and tax breaks? Those are government subsidies. Do you want the end of the Federal budget? how would this country operate?

    Again, I agree that we need to update and revise most programs - true. We could save a LOT of money by moving most government into the electronic age/21st century alone. But you can't pick and chose and it makes the most sense to go after the big fish (like Medicare and health care) since those costs are over 60% of the federal budget - way bigger than even defense. .....

    I have not heard ONE conservative effectively respond to the REAL issue. Can government be run better and more cost effective? sure - you bet. But we need government because there will always be gains through scale and benefits to society - see South American countries for examples of little government societies. ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  11. #36

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Take it to the politics page HOTROD. I will debate every point you brought up over there. However, I will say this - if you think I would go to the federal government if I thought I needed to then you are out of your mind. Conservatism isn't a political ideology - it is a way of life. Maybe this is why the left has a hard time understanding it.

  12. #37

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Yes, but the list is only available because representatives in those cities opened their mouths to local media. Radio Shack has never said they are relocating and didn't release a list of finalist. Maybe OKC has been a little more tight-lipped.
    Nothing wrong with being tight-lipped. As the saying goes, "Loose lips sink a ship". lol.

  13. #38

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Yes! my point
    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    "Agree", however it would be nice if this is a Fortune 100 or even 500 company that will be moving all or part of their operations to OKC. This is the type of jobs that OKC needs in order to have higher personal income levels and better retail stores as this creates demand and people moving from other states are going to want services and shops that they are accustomed to already. OKC has to many call centers and low paying jobs. It is time to think like a big league city.
    You guys are fooling yourself if we're not "progressive". OKC wouldn't have come this far and be thinking and building for the future (Devon, MAPS 3, Project 180) if we weren't progressive. You do realize MAPS 3 and Project 180 combined (this isn't even counting the more than half a billion for new I-40, new boulevard, or the near $1 Billion in new road construction underway) is the largest or one of the largest public projects ever undertaken by a U.S. City? This is completely TRANSFORMATIONAL at the highest level. Could we be more progressive, sure as any city can.

    Even progressiveboy's beloved Dallas had to start somewhere, and when they were are size, I bet they were ooing and awwwing for the call centers and whatever they could take, but they didn't stop there, just like OKC isn't. I'm so sick of hearing this progressive Dallas crap blah blah blah. Most of us posters have traveled all over the world and know what every other major city is like. I'd even argue that OKC is more progressive than Dallas when Dallas was our size. When/If OKC ever gets to reach 6 million people, let's compare that OKC to the Dallas of now.

  14. #39

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    On that note Metro - Oklahoma City is barely 110 years old. Considering we are one of the newest cities in the world we are doing pretty darn well. We are the 29th most populated city despite the rest of the country have 100 to 200 years (or more) headstart. Dallas was a city for 50 years before the first White person set foot on what would become OKC. Compare current day OKC to Dallas of 50 years ago.

  15. Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Is this the type of jobs MAPS is suppose to bring?
    Is this the type of jobs tax credits is suppose to attract?
    I know times are difficult, but if all you are ready to settle for then thats all you get.
    Jobs that pay a living wage is not a job paying the current minimum wage.
    LOL - what in the **** does this have to do with MAPS? Geez, that's a reach. Yes, times are difficult so if there is a shread of reality to this you take what comes. If more follows, then all the better. It gives people choices they may not have now. Just because it is a job that you might not want to do doesn't mean the young couple across town might not be extraordinarily happy to have it.

  16. #41

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    I don't understand why people don't want call centers and customer service operations. It isn't like there is some regulatory agency out there that says you just got a call center last month - you can't have a corporate 500 company this month. There is no expansion/relocation quota. We can have the call centers AND the corporate headquarters. It is not an either/or situation.

    Now, if it comes down to recruiting efforts on the part of the Chamber or the City then I could see having to be more selective in which opportunities you pursue, but I don't think that is the case.

  17. #42

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    You guys are fooling yourself if we're not "progressive". OKC wouldn't have come this far and be thinking and building for the future (Devon, MAPS 3, Project 180) if we weren't progressive. You do realize MAPS 3 and Project 180 combined (this isn't even counting the more than half a billion for new I-40, new boulevard, or the near $1 Billion in new road construction underway) is the largest or one of the largest public projects ever undertaken by a U.S. City? This is completely TRANSFORMATIONAL at the highest level. Could we be more progressive, sure as any city can.

    Even progressiveboy's beloved Dallas had to start somewhere, and when they were are size, I bet they were ooing and awwwing for the call centers and whatever they could take, but they didn't stop there, just like OKC isn't. I'm so sick of hearing this progressive Dallas crap blah blah blah. Most of us posters have traveled all over the world and know what every other major city is like. I'd even argue that OKC is more progressive than Dallas when Dallas was our size. When/If OKC ever gets to reach 6 million people, let's compare that OKC to the Dallas of now.
    Let's not kid ourselves. Although OKC and Dallas are about 200 miles apart, they have no place being compared to each other. Try reaching the level of Austin before you go for Dallas. It's funny that people make Dallas out to be this undesirable cesspool, yet you want OKC to progress and be at the level of Dallas. It just comes off as bitter jealousy, not to mention hypocrisy. I'm sure every time you're in Dallas you're telling yourself you wish OKC had "this" or "that".

    You can argue OKC is more progressive than Dallas then they were our size but wasn't that in the mid 1950s? I doubt you or most of the people on here were even born then. And we'll be long gone before OKC reaches 6 million.

  18. #43

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by redrunner View Post
    Let's not kid ourselves. Although OKC and Dallas are about 200 miles apart, they have no place being compared to each other. Try reaching the level of Austin before you go for Dallas. It's funny that people make Dallas out to be this undesirable cesspool, yet you want OKC to progress and be at the level of Dallas. It just comes off as bitter jealousy, not to mention hypocrisy. I'm sure every time you're in Dallas you're telling yourself you wish OKC had "this" or "that".

    You can argue OKC is more progressive than Dallas then they were our size but wasn't that in the mid 1950s? I doubt you or most of the people on here were even born then. And we'll be long gone before OKC reaches 6 million.
    Agree. I have seen it to many times and heard it so many times. Friends and family coming to Dallas for a weekend and just marveling at the buildings, things to do, better selection of shopping and restaurants, more sports and cultural amenities. The first thing out of their mouths are I wish OKC had this shop or I wish OKC had this restaurant, or even better I wish would could have Central Market or WF in OKC. I realize that their are more appealing places than my "beloved" Dallas (lol), my personal favorites being Miami, San Diego, San Francisco and even Atlanta, however speaking from a regional perspective OKC covets for the most part what Dallas has done for themselves and to say we do not want to be like Dallas is a bit "hypocritical" as I have witnessed it time after time with out of town visitors and family.

  19. #44

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Call centers have a huge turn over, and like AOL shows they dont stick around.
    Dell cuts staff, as did At&t, Sprint, Williams-Sonoma, the Hartford, even Farmers did so.
    As for minimum wage jobs, its not even with 2 a living income.
    I dare anyone to live on a minimum wage x2.
    Cut back on expenses and go those 3 mos(90 days is what most employers place new hires on probationary) like that.
    I doubt you will agree afterwards its a living wage.

  20. #45

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    the hartford never cut jobs in okc

  21. #46

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    GMWise - we understand that you don't like call centers and I don't think you should work at one. I wouldn't want to work at one either, but for some reason, when I call customer service at a company I buy products from someone answers the phone. People are taking these jobs.

    Are you supposed to retire after working 30 years at a call center? No you are not. People aren't supposed to live on minimum wage, or even 2X minimum wage. These are entry level jobs where people learn to report to work on time, perform basic functions, develope communications skills, learn to work with other people, and in general - be responsible. Once they learn these things they go on to other jobs. Now some of us already knew these things and were able to skip the entry-level phase. It doesn't mean these jobs aren't valuable to someone.

    Pay is only a part of the compensation in entry level jobs. Knowledge is the other part. In entry level jobs you get paid to learn and grow. After you grow then you can get paid for what you know.

  22. #47

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Last edited by Pete; 02-17-2010 at 09:10 PM. Reason: Personal attack.

  23. #48

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    GEEZ,WTH happened here????

  24. #49

    Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    GEEZ,WTH happened here????
    No kidding.

  25. Default Re: 600 jobs may be coming to OKC

    Last edited by Pete; 02-17-2010 at 09:19 PM. Reason: Please let the moderators handle this. Thanks.

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